To‘liq matnni ko‘chirib olish uchun kutubxonaga a'zo bo‘lish shart | |
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Fayl format turi: | application/pdf |
Fayl hajmi: | 30.05 MB |
Turi: | O‘quv qo‘llanma |
Tili: | Inglizcha |
Kitob yozuvi: | Inglizcha |
Matn turi: | Bosma shaklda |
Kirish huquq turi: | OCHIQ KIRISH |
Evolve student's book 4
Kitob mualliflari
The authors and publishers acknowledge the following sources of copyright material and are grateful for the permissions granted.
Fan yoʻnalishi: | | Ta'lim | |
UDK | 811.111(076.1) |
Kitob nashriyoti nomi: | Textbook |
Kitob nashr qilingan shahar: | Ташкент |
ISBN: | 978-9943-7850-9-0 |
Kitob nashr qilingan yili: | 2021 Yil |
Betlar Soni: | 176 |