Axborot kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari,
123 Robotics experiments for the evil genius
Myke Predko,A true robot is a machine that can be taught programmed like a computer.
Comparative methodology in tables
Sh.S.Alimov, Sh.I.Moydinova,Mazkur darslik ingiliz tili fakulteti magistratura bosqichi talabalarining "Qiyosiy metodika" fani yuzasidan kasbiy kompetensiyasini o'stirishga mo'ljallangan.
Headway Academic Skills, Listening, and Study Skills Level 1
Emma, Gary Pathare,Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries
English Vocabulary in Use Advanced
MICHAEL MCCARTHY, FELICITY O'DELL,This book has been written to help you expand your vocabulary at the advanced level. You already know thousands of English words, but to express yourself fully and in a sophisticated way at the advanced level, you will ideally need between 6,000 and 8,000 words, so increasing your vocabulary is very important for your general progress in English, as well as for any academic, professional or vocational needs you may have where English plays an important role.
Developing Grammar in Context
Mark Nettle, Diana Hopkins,Developing Grammar in Context (intermediate) is a grammar reference and practice book which can be used by learners for self-study, or can be used in class. A basic premise of the book is that learners need to meet examples of a grammatical structure in an authentic context, and think about its use, before they try to use it for themselves. You do not have to start Developing Grammar in Context at the beginning and work through to the end. You can use the Contents pages to help you find the particular areas that you want to understand and practise.