Lesson planning and management Trainee's guidebook
S.Irgasheva, Y.Abduraimova, K.Alimova,Ta'lim, -
Lesson planning and management Trainee's guidebook
S.Irgasheva, Y.Abduraimova, K.Alimova,This book is aimed as a course book for "Lesson planing and Management" course in the Module "Integrated Course of Teaching Language" offered to the third year BA students majoring in English Language and Literature.
English in topics
Sh.Abdullayeva, Sh.Oripov,Mazkur o'quv qo'llanma O'zbekiston va tili o'rganilayotgan xorijiy mamalakatlarning davlat tizimi, mashhur odamlari, bayramlari, diqqatga sazovor joylari, shuningdek, o'quvchining faoliyatiga doir mavzular to'plamini qamrab olgan.
Constitution of the republic of Uzbekistan
Muallifsiz,The people of Uzbekistan, solemnly declaring their adherence to human rights and principles of state sovereignty, being aware of their ultimate responsibility to the present and the future generations, relying on historical experience in the development of the Uzbek statehood, adopt in the person of their plenipotentiary representatives the present Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Language aspect: vocabulary 2
Bakieva G, Rahmanova M., Turgunova Sh,This present manual is aimed for is the frist year students of the philological faculties.