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Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Органик кимё
Кимёвий анализда янги физик- кимёвий усуллар кенг куламда ишлатила бошлайди. Илмий тадкикот ишларида кимёвий ва физик кимёвий усуллардан комплекс фойдаланиш йуллари амалиётга кенг татбик этилади.
Modern Diplomacy Fourth Edition
The concern of this book is to analyse some of the main elements that make up contemporary diplomacy. Since the completion of the first edition, a number of important changes have occurred within the international system, which have affected players, procedures and the content of diplomacy.
Саноат корхоналари ва фуқоролик биноларининг электр жиҳозлари
Ушбу дарсликда саноат корхоналари ва фуқаролик биноларида кенг қўлланиладиган коммутацияловчи, бошқарув ва ҳимоя электр ва электрон аппаратлар, корхоналарни ёритишнинг асослари ва ёриткичлар, электр иссиқлик қурилмалари; металларга ишлов берувчи машина ва автоматик линиялар ҳамда қурилмаларнинг электр жиҳозлари; Шунингдек, электр жиҳозларини ишлатиш жараёнида электр энергиядан тежамкорлик билан фойдаланиш омиллари ва тадбирларини жорий қилиш усуллари хам ёритилган.
Museum International
The concept of endogenous development came into being during the past few decades. It was initially confined to the economic and social fields, but spread gradually to take in all the activities which promote human development, with increasing account being taken of local conditions and cultural aspirations
Microstrip Antenna Design Handbook
Based on the 1980 text, "Microstrip Antennas", this volume offers information on designing any type of microstrip antenna. In addition to addressing essential microchip antenna theory, the authors highlight current design and engineering practices, emphasizing pressing issues such as broadbanding, circular polarization and active microstrip antennas in particular. Special design challenges, ranging from dual polarization, high bandwidth, and surface wave mitigation, to choosing the proper substrate, and shaping an antenna to achieve desired results are all covered. The book includes more than 400 illustrations, and over 1600 equations and analytical techniques for all types of common microstrip antennas.
Архитиктура ашёшунослиги
Китоб укиш мутолаа килаётган мавзу кайси йуналишда булмасин рухингизни тулкинлантириш ёритилаётган малумотларни талкин килишга имкон беради.
The Leadership Challenge
The Leadership Challenge is about how leaders mobilize others to want to get extraordinary things done in organizations. It's about the practices leaders use to transform values into actions, visions into realities, obstacles into innovations, separateness into solidarity, and risks into rewards. It's about leadership that makes a positive difference in the workplace and creates the climate in which people turn challenging opportunities into remarkable successes.
Умумий физика курси 2 том
Ушбу китобнинг максади студентларни физиканинг асосий идеаллари ва методлари билан таништиришдан иборат. Асосий эътибор физикавий конунларнинг маъносини тушунтиришга асосланган.
The ARRL Antenna Book
All the information you need to design your own complete antenna system. Since the first edition in September 1939, radio amateurs and professional engineers have turned to The ARRL Antenna Book as THE source of current antenna theory and a wealth of practical how-to construction projects. Use this book to discover even the most basic antenna designs-- wire and loop antennas, verticals, and Yagis--and for advanced antenna theory and applications. Many of the antennas in this edition benefit directly from advances in sophisticated computer modeling. This 19st edition has been extensively revised to include information you can use to build highly optimized or specialized antennas. The book includes new content on Near Vertical Incidence Skywave (NVIS) techniques, phased arrays, S-parameters as used in modern vector network analyzers (VNA), Beverage receiving antennas, mobile screwdriver antennas, ionospheric area-coverage maps, and much more.
Педагогикаи умуми
Компютер видеопроэктор такдимоти мавзуъ китобхон дарсии ба мавзуъ дахлдор мачмуаи таълимий-методй дастурхои методй ва хонишй манбахон интернет.
Python for Kids
This must be what it’s like when you get up on stage to accept an award, only to realize you’ve left the list of people you have to thank in your other trousers: You’re guaranteed to forget someone, and that music will soon start rolling to quickly usher you off the stage.So that being said, here’s the (no doubt) incomplete list of people to whom I owe a huge debt of gratitude for helping make this book as good as I think it now is. Thanks to the No Starch team, particularly Bill Pollock, for applying a liberal dose of “what-would-a-kid-think” while editing it. When you’ve been programming for a long time, it’s all too easy to forget how difficult some of this stuff is for learners, and Bill was invaluable at pointing out those oft-overlooked, over-complicated parts. And thanks to Serena Yang, production manager extra-ordinaire; here’s hoping you haven’t torn out too much hair getting 300+ pages of code correctly colorized
Modern JavaScript for the Impatient
Experienced programmers familiar with languages such as Java, C#, C, and C++ often find themselves in a position where they need to work with JavaScript. User interfaces are increasingly web-based, and JavaScript is the lingua franca of the web browser. The Electron framework extends this capability to rich client applications, and there are multiple solutions for producing mobile JavaScript apps. Increasingly, JavaScript is used on the server side. Many years ago, JavaScript was conceived as a language for “programming in the small,” with a feature set that can be confusing and error-prone for larger programs. However, current standardization efforts and tool offerings go far beyond those humble beginnings. Unfortunately, it is difficult to learn modern JavaScript without getting bogged down with obsolete JavaScript. Most books, courses, and blog posts are focused on transitioning from older JavaScript versions, which is not helpful for migrants from other languages.
JavaScript FOR KIDS JavaScript FOR KIDS A Playful Introduction to Programming
So many thanks to my wonderful fiancйe, Philly, for her encour-agement and support during the past 18 months. I truly couldn’t have done it without her. And thanks to Pancake, our dog, for graciously allowing me to use him in my code examples. Thanks to Angus, without whom I wouldn’t be here, in San Francisco, writing this book. Angus referred me to Twitter back in 2011, and then in 2013 suggested to Bill Pollock that I might be interested in writing this book you’re holding. And to top it all, he agreed to be the technical reviewer, catching a great number of JavaScript faux pas. Thanks to Bill Pollock, Seph Kramer, Riley Hoffman, Tyler Ortman, and everyone else at No Starch Press, who patiently guided me through the process of writing this book. Special thanks to Bill and Seph for massaging my writing into its current form. Thanks to the young reviewers River Bradley, Damien Champ, and Alex Chu, who had some great feedback on the early PDFs. Finally, thanks to Miran Lipovaca. I’ve been a fan of Miran for years—his book Learn You a Haskell for Great Good is one of my favorite programming books, and his illustrations for it are amazing. Finding out he’d be illustrating my book was like a dream come true. His pictures for this book are better than I could have imagined, and I’m humbled to have had the chance to work with him.
JavaScript для чайников
Крис Минник — писатель, преподаватель и веб-разработчик, автор книги HTML5 и CSS3 для чайников. Прежде чем основать компанию WatzThis?, Крис восемнадцать лет проработал исполнительным директором компании Minnick Web Services, где под его руководством и с его участием были разработаны сотни проектов, выполненных как по заказу небольших компаний, так и компаний с мировым именем. Крис обучил H T M L , JavaScript, CSS и мобильной разработке не одну тысячу студентов. Ева Холланд — опытный писатель, преподаватель и соучредитель компании WhatzThis?. Она превосходно умеет излагать самые сложные концепции на языке, по нятном для новичков с любым уровнем подготовки. Ева занималась писательской, дизайнерской и преподавательской деятельностью в онлайновом режиме, персонально и посредством видеокурсов. Ею созданы учебные программы по веб-дизайну, мобильной разработке и поисковой оптимизации (SEO). До учреждения компании WatzThis? Ева занимала должность операционного директора компании M W S, где зарекомендовала себя как умелый руководитель, способный видеть перспективу и обеспечивать достижение стоящих перед компанией задач.
Introducing Python
The O’Reilly logo is a registered trademark of O’Reilly Media, Inc. Introducing Python, the cover image, and related trade dress are trademarks of O’Reilly Media, Inc. The views expressed in this work are those of the author, and do not represent the publisher’s views. While the publisher and the author have used good faith efforts to ensure that the information and instructions contained in this work are accurate, the publisher and the author disclaim all responsibility for errors or omissions, including without limitation responsibility for damages resulting from the use of or reliance on this work. Use of the information and instructions contained in this work is at your own risk. If any code samples or other technology this work contains or describes is subject to open source licenses or the intellectual property rights of others, it is your responsibility to ensure that your use thereof complies with such licenses and/or rights.
Now in its third edition, this leading introduction to ethnography has been thoroughly updated and substantially rewritten. It offers a systematic introduction to ethnographic principles and practice. New material covers the use of visual and virtual research methods, hypermedia software, and the issue of ethical regulation.