Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Beginning PHP and MySQL
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner and the publisher.
Самоучитель Blender 2.7
Книга предназначена для самостоятельного освоения трехмерного моделирования и анимации в свободно распространяемой программе Blender 2.7 Описано простое моделирование с помощью примитивов Mesh, использование кривых, поверхностей NURBS, материалов и текстур, создание анимации.
Blender 3D Incredible Machines
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.
Ўз устингда ишла
Ушбу китоб тиббиёт дарслиги эмас. Ундаги барча тавсиялардан даволовчи шифокор билан бамаслаҳат фойдаланиш керак.
Python asoslari
Python – bu o'rganishga oson va shu bilan birga imkoniyatlari yuqori bo'lgan oz sonlik zamonaviy dasturlash tillari qatoriga kiradi.
Тренинг креативности
Содержит описание обширного спектра техник, которые просты, эффективны и успешно применимы в тренингах творческого мышления с широким возрастным, профессиональным и социальным контингентом участников.
Uncovering the Logic of English: A Common-Sense Approach to Reading, Spelling, and Literacy
By revealing answers to our questions about the way words are spelled, Uncovering the Logic of English transforms the readers understanding of English as a language riddled with exceptions to a complex code which is possible to master. This title is invaluable to parents, teachers, and anyone who desire to improve their reading and spelling abilities.
Corporate finance: theory and practice
We are very pleased with the success of the first three editions of the book. It has encouraged us to retain the approach in order to explain corporate finance to students and professionals. This book starts with an introductory chapter reiterating the idea that corporate financiers are the bridge between the economy and the realm of finance. Increasingly, they must play the role of marketing managers and negotiators. Their products are financial securities that represent rights to the firm’s cash flows. Their customers are bankers and investors. A good financial manager listens to customers and sells them good products at high prices.
Principles of Finance
Finance is essential to the management of a business or organization. Without good financial protocol, safeguards, and tools, running a successful business is more difficult. In 1978, Bacon Signs was a familyowned, regional Midwestern sign company engaged in the manufacture, sale, installation, and maintenance of commercial signage. The company was about to transition from the second to third generation of family ownership. Bacon Signs, established in 1901, had weathered the Great Depression, World War II, the Vietnam War, and the oil embargo and was working its way through historically high rates of inflation and interest rates. The family business had successfully struggled through the ebb and flow of the regional and national economy by providing quality products and service to its regional clients.
Начни выбирать себя. Как исцелиться от психологических травм и обрести истинное «я»
Всем, кто хочет избавиться от тревоги, депрессии и деструктивных моделей поведения, разобравшись в их истинных причинах, автор книги, психотерапевт и тренер по личностному развитию, предлагает комплексную программу по исцелению от психологической травмы и восстановлению психологического здоровья. Книга будет полезна для интересующихся практическими методами поддержания психологического здоровья.
Mashq daftari III qism. Ta`limni rivojlantirish markazi huzuridagi ilmiy-metodik kengash tomonidan tavsiya etilgan
Марказий Осиёдаги геосиёсат
XXI аср бўсағасида Марказий Осиёнинг халқаро ҳаётнинг мустақил субъекти сифатида қайта тикланиши, шубҳасиз, оламшумул, ўзида муҳим жараёнларни ҳам ифодалувчи, ҳам эттирувчи ҳодиса бўлди.