Dinshunoslik. Ateizm
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Жасорат унутилмайди
Иккинчи жаҳон уруши йилларида-минг йиллаб ҳукм суришни даъво қилгаи „учинчи рейх” ижодкорларига қарши курашган, жаҳон халқлари демократии кучларининг фашизм ва милитаризм устидан қозонган ғалабасига муносиб ҳисса қўшган қаршиликларнинг жасорати ҳеч качон унутилмайди. Ғалаба деб унииг барча жабру-жафоларини, азоб-у уқубатларини ўз бошидан кечирган уруш иштирокчиларининг қаҳрамонликлари ёшларимиз учун фахр ва ибрат мактаби бўлиб хизмат қилажак. Тарих-буюк мураббий. Унинг шон-шарафга тўла саҳифаларида инсоният кечмиши яшайди. Тарихчи олим Саттор Турдиевнииг ушбу ,,Жасорат унутилмайди” рисоласида ана шу кечмиш тарихий фактлар асосида ёритдган.
Табобат хазинаси дурдоналаридан
Мазкур китобда инсон саломатлиги, касалликларни бартараф этиш борасидаги, ўтган замон илм равнақи ҳақидаги фикрлар насм ва назмда баён этилганким, буларни ҳам адабиёт, ҳам табобат мухлислари қизиқиб ўқишлари керак.
Ўэбек тили лексикологиясидан материаллар
Ўзбек тили мутахассисслик фани сифатидда ўқитилмайдиган олий мактабларда мазкур фан асосларини атрофлича ўқитишнинг имконияти йўқ,ўзбек тилининг барча сохалари қўшимча адабиётлар эса етарли эмас.
Баҳоуддин бологардон
Асарда нақшбандия сулукининг асослари ва унинг ривожланишига ҳисса қўшган кишиларнинг фаолияти ҳикоя орқали баён қилиб берилган.
Маркетинг 5.0. Технологии следующего поколения
Филипп Котлер, всемирно известный гуру маркетинга, совместно с экспертами ведущего консалтинга по degital-трансформации MarkPlus, Inc. в своей новой книге предлагает ноу-хау по использованию продвинутых маркетинговых технологий, а также всеобъемлющее исследование того, какие вызовы стоят перед маркетологами сегодня.
Сарафан маркетинг
Бу китоб ушбу мавзу бўйича (11 йил аввал "вирус ҳоя? Эпедемия!" китобини ёзган бўлсада, бу соҳада биринчи эмас эдим) биринчиси эмас. Бироқ у сизга иккита нарсани тақдим қилади. Биринчидан, маълум соҳада кўп йиллар давомида мукаммалликка етказилган Эндининг ёндашуви. Иккинчидан бошлиғимиз доим гапирадиган мавзуга бўлган ёндашувнинг ажабланарли тарзда содда эканлиги. Аслида сарафан маркетинг таъсирини кучайтиришнинг янги йўлларини ўйлаб топиш учун ассоциация деган нарса керакмикан? шахсан мен ўзим шубҳаланяпман. Чиндан ғам керак бўлган ва Энди интилаётган нарса-янги ва янги марраларни забт этиб, чиндан ҳам бир-бирларини тортадиган одамлар гуруҳидир. Ўқиб завқланинг.
Илон Маск
Технологик мавзуларда қалам тебратувчи машҳур журналист Эшли Венс "Илон Маск: Tesla, SpaceX ва келажак сари йўл" китобида Силикон водийсининг энг ёрқин, тап тортмас тадбиркорлари Илон Маскнинг ҳаёти ва муваффақиятларини илк маротаба холис ҳамда кенг ёритади. Ушбу китобни ёзиш учун Венс Маск билан 50 соатдан ортиқ вақт суҳбатлашди ва унинг оила аъзолари, дўстлари, яқинлари, у билан ишлаган ходимларидан қарийб 300 кишига мурожат қилди. Китоб ҳозирги замон саноатининг шакл-шамоилини ўзгартириб юборган Макснинг Жанубий Африкада кечирган болалик йилларидан тортиб ҳозирги давргача босиб ўтган йўли, PayPal, Tesla Motors, SpaceX ва SolarCity каби йирик компанияларга асос солиб, сайёравий бизнес гегантига айланиши ҳақида мароқли тарзда ҳикоя қилади.
Мазкур китобда 50-60 йиллардаги футбол ҳаётининг энг муҳим воқеалари баён қилинган.
Советские боксеры не случайно успешно выдержали труднейшие испытания на двух последних Олимпиадах. Выдающиеся представители отечественного ринга в течение многих лет признаны во всех странах мира искуснейшими мастерами кожаной перчатки, воплотившими в себя лучшие черты одной из самых передовых школ бокса. Они подвижны и хорошо маневрируют по рингу, мгновенно ориентируются и действуют в сложных ситуациях, собранны, экономны в движениях, обладают четко поставленными ударами, избегают грубого ведения боя и обмена ударами, придерживаясь принципа достигнуть победы (досрочно или по очкам) лишь «ценою минимальных потерь», т. е. получить как можно меньше ударов от соперника. Эти особенности стиля боя в сочетании с хорошей физической подготовленностью и развитыми волевыми качествами позволяют ведущим советским боксерам систематически одерживать победы в международных состязаниях.
Introductory Econometrics : Intuition, Proof, and Practice
Introductory Econometrics: Intuition, Proof, and Practice attempts to distill econometrics into a form that preserves its essence, but that is acceptable—and even appealing—to the student's intellectual palate. This book insists on rigor when it is essential, but it emphasizes intuition and seizes upon entertainment wherever possible. Introductory Econometrics is motivated by three beliefs. First, students are, perhaps despite themselves, interested in questions that only econometrics can answer. Second, through these answers, they can come to understand, appreciate, and even enjoy the enterprise of econometrics. Third, this text, which presents select innovations in presentation and practice, can provoke readers'interest and encourage the responsible and insightful application of econometric techniques. In particular, author Jeffrey S. Zax gives readers many opportunities to practice proofs—which are challenging, but which he has found to improve student comprehension. Learning from proofs gives readers an organic understanding of the message behind the numbers, a message that will benefit them as they come across statistics in their daily lives. An ideal core text for foundational econometrics courses, this book is appropriate for any student with a solid understanding of basic algebra—and a willingness to use that tool to investigate complicated issues.
Financial Econometrics: an Example-based Handbook
Financial modelling – and for that matter, quantitative finance – is a very crucial area of study for the decision makers to make informed and robust choices in matters of interest to the growth and survival of their organisations. Thus, the skills and knowledge (at least, in this book) must be possessed by every finance professional; risk analysts, quantitative analysts, asset and portfolio managers, compliance officers, Forex and Contract for Difference (CFD) traders, etc. Econometric and statistical models employed in financial modelling are too many to be captured under this course. The econometric models captured in this book are for the purposes of fostering understanding, appreciation, and the reality of the mathematics beneath the topics in econometrics. Broadly speaking, this book covers the various facets of regression models in this important field. Diagnostics on the linear regression model, Logit and Probit (Categorical Dependent Variable Models), Stationary and Non-Stationary Time Series, Cointegration and Error Correction Models (ECM), Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Models, forecasting with ARIMA and Vector Autoregression (VAR) models, Panel Data Regression Models, and finally Asset Price/Return Volatility: ARCH and GARCH Models are illustrated for easy comprehension.
Spatial Econometrics : Calitative and Limited Dependent Variables
Advances in Econometrics is a research annual whose editorial policy is to publish original research articles that contain enough details so that economists and econometricians who are not experts in the topics will find them accessible and useful in their research. Volume 37 exemplifies this focus by highlighting key research from new developments in econometrics.
Health Econometrics
Recent years have witnessed a dramatic surge in applied econometric work in health economics, enhanced by the availability of large micro and macro data sets as well as the rapid development of new techniques and tools in econometrics. Health economics is an important and challenging area of research for applied econometricians, due to complexity embedded in the data, arising from issues such as nonlinearity of models, the presence of individual-level unobserved heterogeneity as well as time and cross sectional dependencies. This book covers a wide range of existing and emerging topics in applied health economics. These include: behavioural economics, medical care risk, social insurance, discrete choice models, cost-effectiveness analysis, health and immigration, vignette approach, response of parental investments to child's health at birth, determinants of innovation in the pharmaceutical industry, hospital competition, use of administrative data, spatial health econometrics, health expenditure, and networks.
Econometrics in Practice
This book covers the econometric methods necessary for a practicing applied economist or data analyst. This requires both an understanding of statistical theory and how it is used in actual applications. Chapters 1 to 9 present the material concerned with basic statistical theory. Chapters 10 to 13 introduce a number of topics which form the basis of more advanced option modules, such as time series methods in applied econometrics. To get the most out of these topics, companion files include Excel datasets and 4-color figures. It includes pull down menus to graph the data, calculate sample statistics and estimate regression equations. FEATURES:Integration of econometrics methods with statistical foundationsWorked examples of all models considered in the textIncludes Excel datasheets to facilitate estimation and application of modelsFeatures instructor ancillaries for use as a
Econometrics : Econometric Modeling of Producer Behavior
New methodology for econometricians, based on the dual formulation of the theory of production in terms of prices.The objectives of econometric modeling of producer behavior are to determine the nature of substitution among inputs and outputs and of differences in technology, as well as the role of economies of scale in production. Recent advances in methodology, based on the dual formulation of the theory of production in terms of prices, have enabled econometricians to achieve these objectives more effectively. This volume summarizes the economic theory, the econometric methodology, and the empirical findings resulting from the new approach.
Econometrics : Economic Growth in the Information Age
Studies of the relation between information technology and economic growth trends.The relentless decline in the prices of information technology (IT) has steadily enhanced the role of IT investment as a source of economic growth in the United States. Productivity growth in IT-producing industries has gradually risen in importance, and a productivity revival has taken place in the rest of the economy. In this book Dale Jorgenson shows that IT provides the foundation for the resurgence of American economic growth.Information technology rests in turn on the development and deployment of semiconductors–transistors, storage devices, and microprocessors. The semiconductor and IT industries are global in scope, with an elaborate international division of labor. This poses important questions about the American growth resurgence. For example, where is the evidence of the'new economy'in other leading industrialized nations? To address this question, Jorgenson compares the recent growth performance in the G7 countries–Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Several important participants in the IT industries, such as South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, and Taiwan, are newly industrializing economies. What does this portend for the future economic growth of developing countries? Jorgenson analyzes past and future growth trends in China and Taiwan to arrive at a fuller understanding of economic growth in the information age.