Thinking In C++
This book is a thorough rewrite of the first edition to reflect all the changes introduced in C++ by the finalization of the ANSI/ISO C++ Standard. The entire text present in the first edition has been examined and rewritten, sometimes removing old examples, often changing existing examples and adding new ones, and adding many new exercises. Significant rearrangement and re-ordering of the material took place to reflect the availability of better tools and my improved understanding of how people learn C++.
Kompyuter lingvistikasi
Kompyuter lingvistikasi - kompyuter uchun moMjallangan lingvistik ta’minot (kompyuter lingvistika imkoniyatlari subyekti sifatida maydonga chiqadi). Kompyuter lingvistikasi - kompyuterda bajariladigan lingvistika.
Условия накопления угленосных формаций
Для правильного направления поисковых и разведочных работ на уголь играет большую роль знание условий его накопления, а также заключающих его пород.
Darslik “Biotexnologiya” fani dasturiga muvofiq yozilgan bo‘lib, unda ushbu fanning maqsadi va vazifalari, tadqiqot usullari va uning asosiy yo‘nalishlari yoritilgan. Shuningdek, fanning boshqa turli sohalardagi muammolarni yechishda tutgan o‘rni, turli sohalarda ishlatiladigan fermentlarning o‘ziga xos xususiyatlari, o‘simlik va hayvon organlaridan fermentlar ajratib olish usullari, biospetsifik sorbentlar haqida tushuncha va ular asosida yaratilgan texnologik jarayonlar, organizm (in vivo) gen injenerligi, genlar tuzilishi va ekspressiyaning boshqarilishi, rekombinant DNK olish texnologiyasi, o‘simlik va hayvon gen muhandisligi haqidagi ma’lumotlardan iborat.
Think Bayes Bayesian Statistics in Python
This book is here to help you get your job done. In general, if example code is offered with this book, you may use it in your programs and documentation. You do not need to contact us for permission unless you’re reproducing a significant portion of the code. For example, writing a program that uses several chunks of code from this book does not require permission. Most books on Bayesian statistics use math notation and present ideas using mathematical concepts like calculus. This book uses Python code and discrete approximations instead of continuous mathematics. As a result, what would be an integral in a math book becomes a summation, and most operations on probability distributions are loops or array operations
Mazkur darslik umumiy psixologiya faniga bag`ishlangan bo`lib, psixologiyaga kirish, shaxsva uning individual-tipologik xususiyatlari to`g`risidagi materiallarni qamrab olgan. Kitobda shaxs ehtiyojlari, qiziqishi, hissiyoti, xarakteri, irodasi, temperamenti, bilish jarayonlariga oid masalalar qiziqarli aks ettirilgan.(
The TCP/IP Guide
This completely up-to-date, encyclopedic reference on the TCP/IP protocol suite will appeal to newcomers and the seasoned professional alike. Kozierok details the core protocols that make TCP/IP internetworks function and the most important classic TCP/IP applications, integrating IPv6 coverage throughout. Over 350 illustrations and hundreds of tables help to explain the finer points of this complex topic. The book’s personal, user-friendly writing style lets readers of all levels understand the dozens of protocols and technologies that run the Internet, with full coverage of PPP, ARP, IP, IPv6, IP NAT, IPSec, Mobile IP, ICMP, RIP, BGP, TCP, UDP, DNS, DHCP, SNMP, FTP, SMTP, NNTP, HTTP, Telnet, and much more.
Нетрадиционные и возобновляемые источники энергии
Рассматриваются основные виды нетрадиционных источников возобновляемой энергии — солнце, ветер, тепло Земли (геотермальная энергия), гидравлическая и биогазовая, а также проблемы их практического использования. Приводятся сведения об экологической особенности использования возобновляемых видов энергии. Учебник предназначен для студентов-гидроэнергетиков, а также может быть полезен студентам других специальностей, магистрантам и аспирантам.
Cloud Computing, revised and updated edition
An indispensable guide to cloud computing for the layperson, Cloud Computing cuts through the technical jargon and details that are irrelevant to nontechnologists, as well as the marketing hype, and explains clearly what cloud computing is, when to use it (and when not to), how to select a cloud service, how to integrate it with other technologies, and what the best practices are for its adoption.
Terraform for Developers. Essentials of Infrastructure Automation and Provisioning
The book finishes with sophisticated use cases like Kubernetes infrastructure automation and secrets management with HashiCorp Vault with elementary level demonstrations. The end result is a 360-degree education in Terraform - from installation to advanced usage across public clouds. Readers gain both theoretical foundations and hands-on skills transferred through practical examples. The book takes a holistic approach that equips practitioners to leverage Terraform in production environments.
Jahon adabiyoti
Ushbu jamoaviy darsiik jahon adabiyoti font uchun tuzilgan namunaviy dastur asosida yoziigan. Unda jahon adabiyotining millat hamda jamiyat ravnaqidagi o'mi, badiiy asarni chuqur anglash, tahlii va tadqiq etish, jahon adabiyoti durdonalarining jamiyat ijtimoiy hayotidagi ahamiyati kabilar to'g'risida ma'lumot berilgan hamda jahon adabiyotinmg eng sara namunalari bilan tanishtirishda xalqaro odabiy aloqalarning maqomi izohlangan. Mazkur darsiik oliy o'quv yurtiari bakalavriat va mogistratura bosqichi talabalariga mo'ljaiiangan.
Нижний палеозой Срединного и Южного Тянь-Шаня.
В работе приводятся новые данные по строению, составу и мощности кембро-ордовикских отложений. Предлагается корреляционная стратиграфи-ческая схема нижнего палеозоя. На основе выявленных характерных особенностей отложений, специфики их развития доказывается положение о том, что в нижнем палеозое Срединный и Южный Тянь-Шань представляли собой платформу.
Общая педагогика
Аннотация: Основная цель данного учебника «Общая педагогика» нзправлена на подготовку знающих, духовно и профессионально ответственных специалистов высшей школы в соответствии с требованиями современного общества, обучение студентов теоретическим и практическим основам педагогического процесса, применению педагогических идей на практику, и внедрение инновационных педагогических процессов., формирование профессиональной компетентности, организация педагогического процесса у будущих специалистов как целостной системы, способы использования учебно- воспитательных методов, педагогических и информационных технологий.
Statistical Modeling Theory. Variable Types & Design Matrices
This book briefly explains how statistical models are applied to data sets. The first part of the book lists 16 types of variables that appear in statistics, and these types can apply to predictor or response variables. The second part works through example data sets using the R programming language, covering different combinations of predictor and response types. In the final part of the book, various predictor types are used to illustrate how their information is encoded as a matrix. Seeing this design matrix is helpful for understanding how computers fit statistical models to data.