Menejment, tashkilot va boshqaruv
Siyosat. Siyosiy fanlar
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Tarix. Tarix fanlari
Space Science in the Twenty-First Century: Imperatives for the Decades 1995 to 2015 Planetary and Lunar Exploration
This report has been reviewed by a group other than the authors according to procedures approved by a Report Review Committee consisting of members of the National Academy of Sci- ences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine
Maschinen für die Gewinnung und das Verspinnen der Baumwolle. 4 band, 2 tell
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.
High-Energy Astrophysics American and Soviet Perspectives
This report has been reviewed by a group other than the authors according to procedures approved by a Report Review Committee consisting of members of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine.
Marketing management. Knowledge and skills. 4 th ed.
Our goal in the first edition of this text was to develop a complete student resource for marketing management education. This goal has not changed in this, the fourth edition. We continue to focus our efforts on enhancing student knowledge of marketing management and on developing their skills in using this knowledge to develop and maintain successful marketing strategies.
Strategic entrepreneurship. Creating a new mindset
The Strategic Management Society Book Series is a cooperative effort between the Strategic Management Society and Blackwell Publishers. The purpose of the series is to present information on cutting-edge concepts and topics in strategic management theory and practice. The books emphasize building and maintaining bridges between strategic management theory and practice. The work published in these books generates and tests new theories of strategic management. Additionally, work published in this series demonstrates how to learn, understand, and apply these theories in practice. The content of the series represents the newest critical thinking in the field of strategic management. As a result, these books provide valuable knowledge for strategic management scholars, consultants, and executives.
Contemporary money, banking, and financial markets. Theory and practice
Why write а textbook on money, banking, and financial markets? As we set out on this project, we envisioned a book that would be different and, we believed, better than those available in the market: a book that (1) would deal with the real-life financial system and the real-life conduct of monetary policy, (2) would be based on a coherent, recognizable, economic framework, and (3) would be accessible to anybody who has completed an introductory course on the principles of economics. Accessibility is crucial. Why write a book if it cannot be read by those it addresses? But sacrificing substance for accessibility would be a hollow success. A substantive approach to money, banking, and financial markets requires an analytical framework that permits one to tackle important issues rather than to skirt them, especially during a period of great change and even upheaval in financial markets, as the past 15 years have been.
Геометрическое нивелирование
На строительной площадке для определения превышений между точками обычно применяется техническое нивелирование, т.е. геометрическое нивелирование (нивелирование горизонтальным лучом) техническими нивелирами. В нашей стране наибольшее применение получили нивелиры НЗ
Modern magazine design
This book is a history, together with on analysis of contemporary magazine design: two parts which have as a single theme the development of magazine design from the latter part of the industrial revolution to the present day. That the design of this ubiquitous print medium has been given no systematic history or critique is something of an anomaly, to say the least. The poster has one concise design history, the newspaper at least two, and the book too many to count. Therefore this work can at least atone for a sin of omission. The magazine constitutes a lively and fascinating part of our intellectual existence, and has played a crucial role in moulding the social and cultural forms of the twentieth century. Yet despite the important part that magazines have played as laboratories of experiment, especially in the development of modern design principles and visual expression, the technical, journalistic and artistic evolution of magazine design has received only the marginal treatment that general graphic design histories can provide. The aim of this book is to re-address the balance if it can, for the purposes that are outlined below.
Работа посвящена уникальным настенным росписям, обнаруженным во время раскопок на территории древнего Самарканда — Афрасиаб. Росписи открывают новую страницу в истории культуры народов Средней Азии, дают яркое представление о творчестве художников периода раннего средневековья и являются ценным историческим источником сведений о жизни раннефеодального общества. В книге впервые в цветном исполнении публикуются все открытые до 1971 г. росписи, получившие уже мировую известность, дается их реконструкция. Книга рассчитана на археологов, историков, искусствоведов, этнографов, художников, а также на широкий круг читателей, интересующихся историей и культурой народов Средней Азии.
Халқаро терроризм: илдизи, омиллари ва манбалари
Муаллиф — сиёсий фанлар доктори, профессор, истеъфодаги полковник Ш. Ройибназаровнинг уш бу китоби иккинчи тўлдирилган нашр бўлиб, унда халкқаро терроризмнинг инсониятга нисбатан қилаётган янги таҳдид ва тажовузлари, террорчилик ташкилотларининг янги усул ва туслари атрофлича таҳлил этилган.
“Sharq-u G‘arb adabiyotida gumanizm: Navoiy va Pushkin” mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-nazariy konferensiya materiallari
“Sharq-u G‘arb adabiyotida gumanizm: Navoiy va Pushkin” mavzusida o‘tkazilayotgan xalqaro ilmiy-nazariy konferensiya materiallari komparativistikaning sof nazariy va amaliy muammolariga doir tadqiqotlardan tarkib topgan. Shunga ko‘ra to‘plam “Navoiy va Pushkin ijodida gumanizm konsepsiyasi”, “Navoiy va Pushkin ijodining global mohiyati”, “Yosh tadqiqotchilar Navoiy va Pushkin haqida” nomli uch qismga ajratilgan. Navoiy va Pushkin asarlariga xos spetsifika, semantika, struktura, lingvopoetik, lingvopsixologik xossalar qiyosiy tahlil etilgan. Ayni paytda, ikki ulug‘ mutafakkirning jahon xalqlari badiiy tafakkuriga ta’siri, global ahamiyatiga oid nazariy tadqiqotlar o‘rin olgan.
“Sharq-u Gʻarb Renessans adabiyoti: Navoiy va Shekspir” mavzuidagi xalqaro ilmiy-nazariy konferensiya materiallari
Mazkur “Sharq-u G‘arb Renessans adabiyoti: Navoiy va Shekspir” mavzuidagi tadqiqotlar to‘plamida jahon xalqlari Renessans adabiyotiga oid komparativistik muammolar haqida so‘z yuritilgan. To‘plamning “Sharq-u G‘arb adabiyoti genezisi va umumnazariy muammolari”, “Navoiy va Shekspir: poetik o‘ziga xoslik, ijodiy universallik”, “G‘arb adabiyotida Sharq mavzusi talqinlari”, “Sharq va G‘arb adabiyoti qiyosiy adabiyotshunoslik kontekstida” singari bo‘limlaridan jahon adabiyotshunosligi, adabiy tanqidi tarixi, qiyosiy adabiyotshunoslik masalalaridan bahs yurituvchi maqolalar o‘rin olgan. Eng muhimi, chop etilgan tadqiqotlarning barchasida jahon Renessanslari tarixi va Uchinchi Renessansni bunyod etish muammolari xususida fikr yuritiladi.
Данная книга посвящена Всероссийским олимпиадам школьников по математике. Книга рекомендуется как школьникам, интересующимся олимпиадами, так и учителям, руководителям кружков и факультативов. История математических олимпиад школьников в нашей стране берет свое начало в 30-х годах прошлого века, когда в Ленинграде и Москве были организованы первые олимпиады
«Sharq-u Gʻarb: Navoiy va Gyote» mavzuidagi xalqaro ilmiy-nazariy konferensiya materiallari
«Sharq-u G‘arb: Navoiy va Gyote» mavzuidagi ilmiy tadqiqotlar to‘plamida ming yillik ijtimoiy-madaniy, adabiy-estetik munosabatlarda davom etib kelgan Sharq va G‘arbiy Yevropa badiiy tafakkuri tadrijiylik, adabiy tur va janrlar, obraz, uslub muammosiga ko‘ra o‘rganiladi. Xususan, Navoiy va Gyote ijodining tipologik xossalari har ikki mutafakkir dunyo adabiyotiga qanday ta’sir o‘tkazgani, tarjimashunoslik, adabiy aloqalar, tarixiy tipologiya kontekstida talqin etiladi.
Туркистон жадидларининг «Кўмак» ташкилоти
Туркистонлик жадидларнинг янги тафаккур ва маънавиятга қўшган ҳиссаси (1900–1930 йй.)” мавзусидаги амалий илмий-техник тадқиқот доирасида тайёрланган.
Эски Термиз тарихий манбаларда (XIX - XX аср бошлари)
Рисолада Эски Термизда олиб борилган археологик тадқиқотларнинг XIX - XX аср бошлари рус ва европа тарихий манбаларида ёритилиши масаласи ўрганилган.