Davlat va huquq. Huquqiy fanlar
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Davlat va huquq. Huquqiy fanlar
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Veterinariya va chorvachilik
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Ambient Intelligence Perspectives II Selected Papers from the Second International Ambient Intelligence Forum 2009
This book aims to point to a multifaceted nature of Ambient Intelligence. The book represents a series of rather broadly oriented discussion opportunities for highlighting interdisciplinary, if not transdisciplinary aspects of rapidly evolving area of Ambient Intelligence. In particular the book draws on recent advances, promising research trends in Ambient Intelligence technology and intelligent environments, methods, as well as interesting applications in various areas of the real life.
Сезонные явления в природе
В книге описаны сезонные явления на Северном полюсе и в Арктической тундре и другие темы.
O'zbekiston Respublikasining Konstitutsiyasi
O'zbekiston xalqi inson huquqlariga va davlat suvereniteti g'oyalariga sodiqligini tantanali ravishda e'lon qilib,hozirgi va kelajak avlodlar oldidagi yuksak mas'uliyatini anglagan holda, o'zbek davlatchiligi rivojining tarixiy tajribasiga tayanib, demokratiya va ijtimoiy adolatga sadoqatini namoyon qilib, xalqaro huquqning umum e'tirof etilgan qoidalari ustunligini tan olgan holda e'tirof etmoqda.
Schreiben im Zwiegespräch / Writing as Dialogue
Praktiken des Mentorats und Lektorats in der zeitgenössischen Literatur / Practices of editors and mentors in contemporary literature
Экзамен по биологии (в помощь абитуриентам)
В основу брошюры положены материалы консультаций, собеседований и вступительных экзаменов по биологии у абитуриентов.
O'zbekiston Respublikasi Konstitutsiyasi
Biz,O'zbekistonning yagona xalqi, inson huquq va erkinliklariga milliy va umuminsoniy qadriyatlarga, davlat suvereniteti prinsiplariga sidiqligimizni tantanali ravishda e'lon qilib demokratiya, erkinlik va tenglik, ijtimoiy adolat va birdamlik g'oyalariga sadoqatimizni namoyon qilib inson, uning hayoti, erkinligi, sha'ni va qadr-qimmati oliy qadriyat hisoblanadigan insonparvar demokratik davlatni barpo etmoqdamiz.
Отдаленная гибридизация растений
Изучение мирового разнообразия форм пырея даст возможность вовлечь в селекцию исключительно ценный материал для гибридизации.
Managing the New Generation
My point in sharing these stories is not to disparage Gen Y but rather to heighten our awareness and honor the new realities in our workplaces. I'm hoping you will join me in suspending judgment about Gen Y so that we can begin what promises to be an illuminating trek toward discovering new possibilities to interact and engage deeply and meaningfully with the newest addition to our workplace complement.
Claiming and Making Muslim Worlds Religion and Society in the Context of the Global
This publication was supported by the Leibniz Open Access Monograph Publishing Fund. Books carry the names of their editors and authors. This book being the culmi- nation of Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient’s research programme from 2008 to 2019, the names in this book only reflect some of the outcomes.
Genealogy, Archive, Image: Interpreting Dynastic History in Western India, c.1090-2016
This book could not have been made possible without access to Jhallesvar Meghrajji III’s invaluable textual archive. His life long collection of genealogical and historical materials enabled this exploration into Jhala dynastic history. Without it, we could not have imagined either the paintings or the essays, which compose this volume.
Ищу предка
Это рассказ о загадках далеких тысячелетий, о "белых пятнах" древнейшей истории, о необыкновенных событиях, участниками которых были наши прапрапра..... бабушки и дедушки.....
Solutions to Intermdeiate Accounting
The future economic benefit embodied in an asset is the potential to contribute, directly or indirectly, to the flow of cash and cash equivalents to the entity. The potential may be a productive one that is part of the operating activities of the entity. It may also take the form of convertibility into cash or cash equivalents or a capability to reduce cash outflows, such as when an alternative manufacturing process lowers the costs of production. An entity usually employs its assets to produce goods or services capable of satisfying the wants or needs of customers; because these goods or services can satisfy these wants or needs, customers are prepared to pay for them and hence contribute to the cash flow of the entity. Cash itself renders a service to the entity because of its command over other resources.
Мазкур ўқув-услубий қўлланмада илк бор ёш ҳайвонлар ва паррандаларни клиник текшириш усуллари, уларда учрайдиган ички юқумсиз касалликларнинг келиб чиқиш сабаблари, ривожланиши, белгилари, ташхиси, қиёсий ташхиси, даволаш ва олдини олиш усуллари баён этилган.
Экологическая физиология и биогеоценология
Сборник содержит статья, посвященные изучению природы Подмосковья.
Эколого-токсикологическая оценка урбанизированных и сопредельных территорий
В книге описаны эколого-токсикологическая оценка урбанизированных и сопредельных территорий.
Principles of Accounting. 12th ed.
Needles/Powers/Crosson Principles of Accounting is continuously evolving to meet the needs of today's learner. This edition's new structure is based on research with students about the best way to deliver content in this course! The chapters in Needles/Powers/Crosson have been organized into the Three Section Approach, which helps you more easily digest the content. The first section is Concepts and focuses on the overarching accounting concepts that require consistent reiteration throughout the course. With a clear understanding of the concepts, you are then ready to experience the second section--Accounting Applications. Here you practice the application of accounting procedures with features like "Apply It" and a new transaction analysis model, which clearly illustrates how transactions are the result of business decisions and recorded in a way to show their effects on the financial statements. Finally, you utilize section three, Business Applications. This section illustrates how the concepts and procedures are used to make business decisions. Real company examples are used throughout the chapter to show students the relevance of the material.