Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Xilvat xiyobonlar
Rus yozuvchisi va shoiri, Nobel mukofotining sovrindori Ivan Bunin nomi jahon kitobxonlariga juda yaxshi tanish.
In response to high school and public library needs, Greenwood developed this distinguished series of full-length biographies specifically for student use. Prepared by field experts and professionals, these engaging biographies are tailored for high school students who need challenging yet accessible biographies. Ideal for secondary school assignments, the length, format, and subject areas are designed to meet educators’ requirements and students’ interests. Greenwood offers an extensive selection of biographies spanning all curriculum-related subject areas including social studies, the sciences, literature and the arts, history and politics, as well as popular culture, covering public figures and famous personalities from all time periods and backgrounds, both historical and contemporary, who have made an impact on American and/or world culture. Greenwood biographies are chosen based on comprehensive feedback from librarians and educators. Consideration is given to both curriculum relevance and inherent interest. The result is an intriguing mix of the well known and the unexpected, the saints and sinners from long-ago history and contemporary pop culture. Readers will find a wide array of subject choices from fascinating crime figures like Al Capone to inspiring pioneers like Margaret Mead, from the greatest minds of our time like Stephen Hawking to the most amazing success stories of our day like J. K. Rowling.
Although I did not have an opportunity to interview Jordan, his four memoirs provided numerous insights into the qualities that made him a truly exceptional athlete and successful businessman. For the Love of the Game (1998) and Driven from Within (2005) were especially helpful resources for information about his formative years. This work especially benefited from the insights of four people who have authored previous books about Jordan. Dean Smith’s A Coach ’ s Life (1999) helped illuminate Jordan’s years at North Carolina, and Phil Jackson’s Sacred Hoops was an invaluable source for Jordan’s years with the Chicago Bulls. David Halberstam’s Playing for Keeps (1999) gave me a fuller understanding of how Jordan shaped the world around him, and Walter LaFeber’s Michael Jordan and the New Global Capitalism (1999) provided perspective on Jordan’s enormous influence beyond the basketball court. I also thank the William Penn University faculty, administration, and students who listened to me share some of my ideas about Jordan at a Chautauqua lecture in March of 2006. My wife, Marilyn, patiently listened to me relate numerous stories about Jordan. Thanks to Kristi Ward, Esther Silverman, and Apex Publishing for their valuable editorial suggestions in the later stages of writing this book.
"Мужда"-бу шоирнинг ўз-ўзига етказган хушхабари. Ниҳоят узоқ йиллик иккиланишлардан сўнг пайдо бўлган журъат бу-"Мужда". Воҳид Луқмоннинг ушбу тўплами ана шу журъат маҳсули. Турли йилларда битилган шеърлар жамланган ушбу китоб одамга, эҳтимолки, сиз ҳар куни кўча-кўйда, автобусда учратадиган-ўзи нотаниш, аммо юзи иссиқ кишига ўхшайди.
Азалий насиба
Донишмандларнинг китобларида ризқига қаноат қилмай елиб-югурадиган одамни чўлдаги кийикни қувиб юрган нодонга ўхшатишади. Чиндан ҳам ризқни Аллоҳ беради ва у қувиб юрилмайди. Аксинча, баракали ризқ, келиши сабр билан кутилади. Мазкур китобда ана шу масалалар хусусида фикр юритилади.
Many people besides the author contribute to the production of a book, and it is my pleasant duty here to thank some of the key people who have contributed to making this book the best it can be. In the first place, Richard Stoneman, not only the former Classics Editor at Routledge but also a scholar in his own right, believed in this project at the start and signed me up to write this book. His successor Lalle Pursglove has been extraordinarily patient and always encouraging in the face of my frequent distraction by other matters; and Stacey Carter and the rest of the team at Taylor and Francis Publishing have also been very helpful. Rob Brown and his production team at Saxon Graphics have done a terrific job preparing the text and the front matter (maps and illustrations) for publication, showing enormous patience in dealing with a finicky and at times distracted author. My thanks too to the copy editor Susan Curran and the indexer Jackie Brind for both doing a first rate job. The ideas presented here have been long in gestation. My interest in late Republican Rome was first piqued, and my ideas about it began to develope, some 30 years ago now during Oxford tutorials with the late George Forrest, a remarkable teacher and scholar. I could wish he were still alive to read this book. Finally, my wife Clare and daughters Madeline and Colette deserve recognition for having had to live with this project for too many years. Thank you all
The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs
This book is a collaborative effort. The content took shape with the help of family, colleagues, and the amazing staff at McGraw-Hill. Big thanks to my editor, John Aherne, for his enthusiasm and counsel, and to Kenya Henderson, for making it all happen! McGraw-Hill design, marketing, and public relations staff are among the best in the book publishing industry. I’m honored they share my excitement about the subject. My wife, Vanessa, manages our business at Gallo Communications Group. She worked tirelessly to prepare the manuscript. How she found the time between juggling our business and caring for our two children is beyond the scope of “mere mortals.” Many thanks to my editor at BusinessWeek.com, Nick Leiber, who always seems to find a way to improve my columns. As always, thank you, Ed Knappman, my encouraging agent at New England Publishing Associates. Ed’s knowledge and insight are second to none. I owe thanks to my parents, Franco and Giuseppina, for their unwavering support. Thank you, Tino, Donna, Francesco, Nick, Patty, Ken, and many other close friends and family members who understood why I couldn’t be around or why I had to skip golf on weekends. Back to the course! My girls, Josephine and Lela. You are Daddy’s inspiration. All your patience during Daddy’s absence will be rewarded with an insanely great visit to Chuck E. Cheese.
Maqtanchoq quyon
Ushbu kitob yosh bolajonlar uchun ertak kitobdir. Unda quyonning sarguzashtlari aks etgan.Ushbu kitob yosh bolajonlar uchun ertak kitobdir. Unda quyonning sarguzashtlari aks etgan.
Albert Einstein
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Асоси қахрамонларим-ҳақиқат
Улуғ рус адиби Лев Толстой асарларининг мазкур тўпламига санъаткор яратган дилномалар - мактублар, хотиралар - кундаликлардир. "Хожимурод" қиссаси ва "Иқрорнома"си киритилди. Бу асарларни ўқиб, мутафаккир адибнинг қалби, маънавий дунёси, бетакрор ижодий қиёфаси билан янада яқиндан танишамиз.
Тоғли диёр кўшиқлари
Ушбу китобда она юрт ишқи, орзу - истак, ҳаёт учун жонбозлик, ўтганларга эҳтиром, севиш-севилишда вафодорлик, ҳаққу ҳалоллик, фарзандларни эъзозлаш, вафодорликга етиш ғоялари мужассамдир.
Ўғлим, қизим, сенга айтаман
Сизнинг хонадонингизга нашриётимизда тайёрланган Турсуной Содиқованинг «Бугунги эркаклар», «Сабаб ва натижа», «Бахт к;аерда?»г «Мен кимни севдим?» каби асарлари кириб борган. Бу асарларнинг тили, ижодкорнинг мантилий хулосалари китобхонларда к;изик;иш уйготиб келмокда. Биз китобхонларнинг таклиф-истакларини инобатга олган холда адибанинг оила, ота-она ва фарзанд уртасидаги муносабат, утил ва к,из тарбиясига багишланган «Углим, к;изим, сенга айтаман» асарини к;айта нашр этаяпмиз.
Санъат-менинг хаетим
Азиз китобхон кулингиздаги Назира Алиеванинг Санъат-менинг хаетим номли китоби илк бор 1975 йил узбек сахна нуткининг биринчи профессори Назира Алиева томанидан езилган.
IT is usual to preface a book on Shakespeare with an apology for adding to the number, and I had every intention of adhering to the custom. My hope was, as an historian, to be able to illuminate at least the history plays, the inspiration and treatment of England's past, by the most historically minded of dramatists. But this approach to Shakespeare's life and work, and their relation to the age, has produced discoveries that have astonished me, shed light upon problems hitherto intractable, produced results which might seem incredible, if it were not for the consideration that this is the first time that an historian of the Elizabethan period has tackled them. It stands to reason that someone who has spent a lifetime studying the period and the social life of Shakespeare's time should have something to contribute, and for a number of years I have had this book in mind in my researches. All the same, I am overwhelmed by what historical investigation, by proper historical method, has brought to light.