Qurilish. Arxitektura
Veterinariya va chorvachilik
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
San’at. San’atshunoslik
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Благоустройство территориальных связей колхозов и совхозов
Книга содержит сведения по проектированию в сельскохозяйственных поселках и на территориях колхозов и совхозов инженерных сооружений: дорог и обустройств на них тротуаров различных производственных площадок.
Chorva, parranda va baliq mahsulotlarini yetishtirish, qayta ishlash texnologiyasi
Chorvachilik mahsulotlarini qayta ishlash, ulardan turli xiI oziq-ovqat ishlab chiqarish kishilar uchun muhim hayotiy ahamiyat kasb etadi. Chorva mahsulotlaridan ayni mahalda tibbiyotda ba'zi davolash ishlarida nihoyatda zarur bo'lgan dori-darmonlar, sanoat uchun turli texnik mahsulotlar hamda chiqit-laridan har xil bezak va galanteriya mahsulotlari ham tayyorlanadi.
Сопративление материалов
Настоящий курс предназначен для студентов высших технических учебных заведений. В каждой его главе приведены решенные примеры, задачи для самостоятельного решения и даны вопросы для самопроверки пройденного материала. В вопросах для самопроверки указано, вывод каких формул студент должен уметь делать самостоятельно. Ответы на вопросы, относящиеся к изученному параграфу, рекомендуется кратко записать, а затем просмотреть этот параграф, чтобы убедиться в правильности ответов.
Darslikda texnik termodinamika asoslari va issiqlik uzatish nazariyasi, issiqlik o`tkazuvchanlik, konvektiv issiqlik almashinuvi va issiqlik nurlanishi haqida ma`lumotlar berilgan.
Statistik fizika va termodinamika
Ushbu darslikda klassik ststistik fizikaning asosiy vazifasini talqin etish konfiguratsiyasi - ko`p o`lchamli muhit tushunchasi, extimoliyat nazariyasidan asosiy ma`lumotlar berildi.
Financial statement analysis workbook tep-by-step exercises and tests to help you master financial statement analysis
The companion Workbook to Financial Statement Analysis, Fourth Edition Whether you're evaluating a company's stock price, assessing its credit quality, or determining valuations for a merger or acquisition, deciphering the messages embedded within a company's financial statements is critical, especially after the recent financial crisis. This workbook will help you do this and much more, by allowing you to hone your skills and test the knowledge you've gained from reading Financial Statement Analysis, Fourth Edition.Contains question-and-answer sections that correspon.
Principles of Accounting, 11th Edition
Needles, Powers, Crosson delivers interactive pedagogy by illustrating accounting principles and real-world examples to encourage critical thinking. This revision is based on an understanding of the nature, culture, and motivations of today's students and on extensive feedback from instructors. These substantial changes meet the needs of students, who not only face a business world increasingly complicated by ethical issues, globalization, and technology, but who also have more demands on their time. To help them meet these challenges, this textbook shows students how business transactions, which are the result of business decisions, are recorded in a way to show their effects on the financial statements. Built on historically strong pedagogy, this edition demonstrates strengthened transaction analysis and its link to the accounting cycle. *Proven Presentation: Students learn from a trusted approach built on proper accounting principles and technical detail to ensure mastery of core accounting concepts. *Relevant Coverage: Chapter-opening Decision Points have been enhanced to expose students to the changing financial reporting environment and IFRS. *Critical Thinking Tools: New Stop & Think features help students develop the judgment skills they need in the modern business world. Needles, Powers, Crosson demonstrates accounting in motion!
Financial Accounting. IFRS, 3rd Edition
Financial Accounting, IFRS Third Edition, has benefited greatly from the input of focus group participants, manuscript reviewers, those who have sent comments by letter or e-mail, ancillary authors, and proofers. We greatly appreciate the constructive suggestions and innovative ideas of reviewers and the creativity and accuracy of the ancillary authors and checkers. Success in any business comes back to the numbers. You will rely on them to make decisions, and managers will use them to evaluate your performance. That is true whether your job involves marketing, production, management, or information systems. In business, accounting is the means for communicating the numbers. If you don’t know how to read financial statements, you cannot really know your business.
Технология-юнонча суз булиб, технос-санъат ва касб деган маънони билдиради, логия кушимча эса-билим, фан демакдир. Шундай килиб, технология-бу касбнинг сирларини ургатувчи фанлардан биридир.
Accounting for Non-Accountants. The Fast and Easy Way to Learn the Basics
Accounting for Non-Accountants is the perfect accounting guide for anyone who has never taken an accounting class, and has no idea what a balance sheet, income statement, or statement of cash flow is. Dr. Wayne Label covers it all, in a style that's easy to understand and apply. This guide will help you get your accounting system up and running and your business needs satisfied. Topics covered include Income Statements Statements of Cash Flow Balance Sheets Assets & Liabilities Double-Entry Bookkeeping Debits & Credits Audits & Auditors And everything else beginners need to know For entrepreneurs or anyone who needs to brush up on accounting fast, this book is an essential resource for the businessperson's shelf.
Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation
Conceptual Framework: This book continues to work from a conceptual framework that helps the student understand how businesses work, how they generate value, and how the value they generate is captured in financial statements. Comprehensive end-of-chapter material: Exercises apply methods covered in the chapter and are divided into Concept Questions , Drill Exercises and Applications . Concept Questions reinforce the thinking in the chapter. Drill Exercises are simple and straightforward, and serve to ease the student into the material, while Applications help students to apply a concept they're learning to real business practice. Mini-cases are designed for classroom discussion. These exercises use real-world companies to make different points in different parts of the book. Module sections of the text: Each text part is a distinct module, allowing the parts to be taught out of order without inconveniencing the instructor. Pedagogical features: Pedagogical features include chapter-opening flow charts, the Analyst's Checklist, and the Analyst's Toolkit. The Web Connection box at the end of each chapter directs students to features on the web page for that chapter, including accounting material. Select end-of-chapter exercises incorporate the Building Your Own Analysis valuation tool on the website.
Музыкальная фактура и мелодическая фигурация.Практический курс
Данная книга практического курса содержит только образцы решений заданий,приведенных в 1-й книге настоящего пособия.Использование обеих книге в отрыве друг от друга нецелесообразно.В целом пособие представляет собой практический аспект "учения о музыкальной фактуре и мелодической фигурации" Ю.Н.Тюлина (М., 1976 и 1977). Предназначается для специальных курсов гармонии в музыкальных вузах.
Internal control audit and compliance documentation and testing under the new COSO framework
Ease the transition to the new COSO framework with practical strategyInternal Control Audit and Compliance provides complete guidance toward the latest framework established by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO). With clear explanations and expert advice on implementation, this helpful guide shows auditors and accounting managers how to document and test internal controls over financial reporting with detailed sections covering each element of the framework. Each section highlights the latest changes and new points of emphasis, with explicit definitions of internal controls and how they should be assessed and tested. Coverage includes easing the transition from older guidelines, with step-by-step instructions for implementing the new changes. The new framework identifies seventeen new principles, each of which are explained in detail to help readers understand the new and emerging best practices for efficiency and effectiveness.
Оборудование диффузионной сварки
Природа образования соединения при этом способе сварки изучена далеко не полностью и по -видному, потребуется достаточно большое количество времени. Диффузионная сварка по сравнению с известными способами сварки и пайки имеет ряд важных преимуществ.
Эксплуатация и испытания дорожных машин
В книге изложены : теоретические основы эксплуатации дорожно- строительных машин рациональные режимы их работы, технология и организация технического обслуживания.