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Texnika va amaliy fanlar
Texnika va amaliy fanlar
Театральность и музыка
Книга посвящена одному из специфических для современной музыки проявлений внемузыкального начала, определяемого как "театральность". Наряду с общетеоретическими задачами целью книги является анализ музыкальных произведений советских композиторов 60 - 70-х годов, в которых театральность нашла наиболее броское и последовательное проявление.
Techniques de Reboisement Edition du Chapitre 7 du guide technique du forestier méditerranéen français
Ce chapitre consacré aux techniques de reboi-sement applicables dans les départements du midi méditerranéen français n'est pas un catalogue de recettes.
All terms such as company and product names appearing in this work may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. No investigation has been made of trademark rights in any such terms by FranklinCovey. Marks which are understood to be owned by others are capitalized or marked.
Metrology: From Physics Fundamentals to Quality of Life
We are delighted to introduce the proceedings of the 6th of the Enrico Fermi Summer Schools that has addressed the topic of Metrology. The school was held in Varenna from June 26th to July 6th, 2016, and was organised by the Italian Physical Society (SIF), the Bureau Internationals des Poids et Mesures (BIPM), and the Italian Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRIM).
Nanotechnology. Synthesis techniques of silver nanoparticles, Hamburg
In modem-day, Nanotechnology is being widely used in various domains of science. It deals with the nanopart icles having the size of 1-100 urn in one dimension and is used significantly in medical chemistry, atomic physics among other scientific disciplines.
Insan eń áweli hár tárepleme bilimli bolmaǵı lazım. Bilimli bolıw bul óz kásibin puxta ielew el jurtın Watan mápleri jolında shın kewilden miynet qılıw oǵan sadıq bolıw, onı ázizlew, ekonomika siyasiy huqıqıy bilimlerde jeterli dárejede iyelep barıw ruwxıy jaqtan maǵanası, manaviy kamolot sari umtilish, xalqınıń ǵam táshushleri, quwnıshlarında birge bolıw, ǵamxor, járdemshisi bolıw ulıwmalastırılıp aytqanda jámiyettiń rawajlanıwında barlıq qaǵıw jańalarında birge bolıw, qatnasıw onıń jaynap jasawı ushın qayǵırıw, barlıq waqıtta isenimli pikirler, arzu úmitler niyetler menen joldas bolıp júriw demekdur. Bunıń ushın hár dayım insan óz mustaqıl pikirlew qábiletliligin rawajlandırıp barıwı kerek. Ańlaw-qanday da bir ideyanı tup mazmunına túsinip jetiw. Erkin pikir júritiw nátiyjesinde insanda pikir muloxaza ideya, qıyal, maqset tiykarında keledi. Erkin pikir júrgiziw til hám aqıl - parasat baylanıslı qáwishte payda boladı hámde olar úzliksiz tárizde bir-birine bayan etedi. Mine sol tiykardan insan óziniń erkin pikirlewi, sóylesiwi probleması, tili hámde anlı minez-qulqı siyaqlı barlıqdaǵı mavjudlardan túpten ajıralıp turadı.
Machine Learning with the Elastic Stack Expert techniques to integrate machine learning with distributed search and analytics
The science of anomaly detection is certainly nothing new, however. Many very smart people have researched and employed a variety of algorithms and techniques for many years.
Natural Language Processing with Java Second Edition Teachniques for building machine learning and neural network models for NLP
This is followed by a discussion of the basic NLP techniques illustrated in this book. The nature and use of these techniques is presented and illustrated using one of the NLP APIs. Many of these techniques will use models.
FAIA covers all aspects of theoretical and applied artificial intelligence research in the form of monographs, doctoral dissertations, textbooks, handbooks and proceedings volumes. The FAIA series contains several sub-series, including “Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases” and “Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems”.
Das erweiterte Museum Medien, Technologien und Internet
Mit der vorliegenden Publikation gibt die Landesstelle für die nichtstaatlichen Museen den Museumskolleginnen und -kollegen eine Arbeitshilfe an die Hand, die das umfangreiche Thema »Museum und Digitales« beleuchtet und für die prakti- sche Arbeit handhabbar macht. Der Band dokumentiert aktuelle Technologien bzw.
Deep Learning for Computer Vision Expert techniques to train advanced neural networks using TensorFlow and Keras
Rajalingappaa Shanmugamani is a great researcher whom I have worked with previously on several projects in computer vision. He was the lead engineer in designing and delivering a complex computer vision and deep learning system for fashion search that was deployed in the real world with great success.
Hands-On Ensemble Learning with R A beginner's guide to combining the power of machine learning algorithms using ensemble techniques
Moderately sized datasets are used throughout the book. All the concepts—well, most of them—have been illustrated using the software, and R packages have been liberally used to drive home the point.
Биз танлаган йўл демократик тараққиёт ва маърифий дунё билан хамкорлик йўли. 11-жилд
Ўзбекистон Республикаси Биринчи Президенти И.Каримов асарларининг 11-жилдидан давлатимиз раҳбарининг 2002 йил августидан 2003 йил июлигача бўлган давр мобайнида мамлакатимиз Олий Мажлиси сессияларида, Вазирлар Махкамаси ва маҳаллий кенгашлар йиғилишларида, халқаро учрашув, анжуман ҳамда тантанали маросимлардаги маъруза, нутқ ва чиқишлари ўрин олган.
A Course in Field Theory
This job was taken over by Francesca McGowan, and I also thank her. I am also grateful to Marcus Fontaine for coordinating the production and being so flexible. I doubted, but I managed to correct the proofs at the deadline, and before you proudly lies A Course in Field Theory.
Баркамол авлод орзуси
Буюк маърифатпарварнинг бу сўзлари асримиз бошида миллатимиз учун қанчалар муҳим ва долзарб бўлган бўлса, ҳозирги кунда биз учун ҳам шунчалик, балки ундан ҳам кўра муҳим ва долзарбдир. Чунки таълим-тарбия онг маҳсули, лекин айни вақтда онг даражаси ва унинг ривожини ҳам белгилайдиган омилдир. Бинобарин, таълим-тарбия тизимини ўзгартирмасдан туриб онгни ўзгартириб бўлмайди. Онгни, тафаккурни ўзгартирмасдан туриб биз кўзлаган олий мақсад озод ва обод жамиятни барпо этиб бўлмайди.
The Standard Model and Beyond
The existing experimental programs in high energy physics will continue for many years. These include high luminosity running at the LHC; active programs around the world in neutrino, flavor, and dark matter physics; and observational probes of the dark energy. There are also proposed next generation facilities such as new e + e− colliders that can serve as Higgs factories, and O (100 TeV) hadron colliders. We will most likely find evidence for any multi-TeV scale physics relevant to the hierarchy problem or that is “just there” as a remnant of a more basic underlying theory; hopefully identify the dark matter and energy and shed light on the origin of the baryon asymmetry; perhaps progress toward a fundamental grand unification, superstring, or other theory that no one has yet imagined; and even reconsider such paradigms as naturalness, uniqueness, and minimality. 1