Qurilish. Arxitektura
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Geometries of Anamorphic Illusions
This work is subject to copyright. All rights are solely and exclusively licensed by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed.
Flow-induced vibrations An enginering guide
The work presented herein is based on a research project sponsored by the Volkswsgen Foundation of Hannover, Germany, and Lehigh University, USA.
Productive urban landscapes have two huge challenges to address: CO2 emissions are projected to increase by two-thirds in the next 20 years, and as the global food production increases so does the number of people going hungry, with the number of urban hungry soaring.
Architectural Intelligence
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means (including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval) without permission in writing from the publisher.
Занимательная биология
В книге описаны чудеса живой природы, формы и краски в мире животных, растения-хищники и другие темы.
Клетка и её происхождение
В книге описаны клетка и ее жизнь, происхождение клеток, развитие клеток из живого вещества и другие темы.
Оболочки животных клеток и их биологическое значение
В книге описаны о , изменение оболочек животных клеток, химическая природа оболочек животных клеток и другие темы.
Происхождение клеток из живого вещества и роль живого вещества а организме
В книге описаны о происхождение клеток из живого вещества и роль живого вещества а организме.
The Everything Accounting Book. Balance Your Budget, Manage Your Cash Flow, And Keep Your Books in the Black (Everything. Business and Personal Finance)
If youre a home-based or small business owner, you need to learn how to balance your books as you start and grow your business. The Everything Accounting Book is a great beginners guide for the basics of accounting. This easy-to-use reference is loaded with expert tips and advice on: The differences between accounting and bookkeeping Preparing financial statements Recording and recognizing revenues and expenses Tax planning strategies Real-world examples show accounting procedures for a retail business, a manufacturer, a home-based business, and a small high-tech company. So no matter what your business, you have the information you need to make a go of it with The Everything Accounting Book.
Буддизм и традиционные верования народов Центральной Азии.
В данной книге дается описание тибетских и монгольских источников по шаманским обрядам.
Physics Through the 1990s An Overview
Physics Through the 1990s is an eight-volume survey of physics that documents the extraordinary accomplishments of physicists over the decade since the last such survey was completed. The survey also assesses opportunities for the next decade and addresses some of the obstacles that must be overcome if those opportunities are to be realized. The breadth and diversity of physics as portrayed in these volumes is truly breathtaking. Physics examines phenomena across an enormous range, from the subatomic to the cosmic. It is concerned with fundamental questions about the origins of the universe and the structure of matter that have applications in virtually all human endeavors. Progress in physics has touched almost every science and every aspect of industry and technology with new ideas, new instruments and techniques, and new applications. Our whole picture of the nature of space and time and the elementary building blocks of matter is undergoing revolutionary change; the pace of revelations has accelerated with each passing year so that the productivity and accomplishments of physics have outstripped the most ambitious hopes of physicists of a decade ago.