Dinshunoslik. Ateizm
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
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Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Буддизм и традиционные верования народов Центральной Азии.
В данной книге дается описание тибетских и монгольских источников по шаманским обрядам.
Physics Through the 1990s An Overview
Physics Through the 1990s is an eight-volume survey of physics that documents the extraordinary accomplishments of physicists over the decade since the last such survey was completed. The survey also assesses opportunities for the next decade and addresses some of the obstacles that must be overcome if those opportunities are to be realized. The breadth and diversity of physics as portrayed in these volumes is truly breathtaking. Physics examines phenomena across an enormous range, from the subatomic to the cosmic. It is concerned with fundamental questions about the origins of the universe and the structure of matter that have applications in virtually all human endeavors. Progress in physics has touched almost every science and every aspect of industry and technology with new ideas, new instruments and techniques, and new applications. Our whole picture of the nature of space and time and the elementary building blocks of matter is undergoing revolutionary change; the pace of revelations has accelerated with each passing year so that the productivity and accomplishments of physics have outstripped the most ambitious hopes of physicists of a decade ago.
Буддизм и средневековая культура народов Средней Азии.
В книге представлены статьи о социально-политической обстановке в Монголии в 17-18 веке.
Философское неследие том 2
Критикуя слабости метафизического материализма, Лейбниц невольно стимулировал совершенствование материалистических учений, способствуя преодолению исторически ограниченной формы последних стадию
Accounting 101 from calculating revenues and profits to determining assets and liabilities, an essential guide to accounting basics
Complete and accurate monitoring of expenses. In today's business climate, these are must-have skills. But all too often, comprehensive business books turn the important details of best practices into tedious reading that would put even a CEO to sleep. This bestselling series is packed with hundreds of entertaining tidbits and concepts that can't be found anywhere else. From hiring and firing to strategizing and calculating revenues, these guides can help you learn core business and career concepts--no MBA required! So whether you're a new business owner, a manager, or entry-level employee, this series has the answers you need to conduct business more efficiently.
От латинской грамматики к латинским текстам
В книге изучаются в коммуникативные аспекты предложения разной степени сложности в латинском языке. Исследование сопровождается информацией о научной полемики.
Qizlar odobu ahloqli bo‘lish, uy tutish, ro‘zg‘or ishlarini reja bilan olib borish, bekalikni, onalikni o‘rniga qo‘yib ado etish, umuman ayollik vazifasini bajarish uchun nimalarni bilishlari kerak? XIX asr oxiri va XX asr boshlarida yashab ijod etgan taniqli turk olimi va mashhur ma’rifatparvari Aliy Nazimoning "Qizlar tarbiyasi" nomli ushbu kitobidan ana shu savollarga javob topishingiz mumkin.
Тангриси яхши нидо бўлса ризо Яхшиликлар барчасин қилди Муҳаммад Мустафо Эй ото, сизга муборак, қўшилур юз минг шараф Эл учун қолдирдингиз таърих Муҳаммад Мустафо Муяссар қилди ёзмоққа таърих Аҳмадни Шукрким ул тангрига бўлсин, яратгандур олий Муҳаммадни Шараф бўлсин Муҳаммадга, олиб келган бу қутлуғ йўл муборакни
Словарь по логике
Специфика словаря наложена определенные ограничения на полноту словника. В результате многие узкоспециальные понятие либо не вошли.
Алишер Навоийнинг мусиқий қарашлари
Алишер Навоийнинг мусикий меросини фақат далиллар асосига таянган ҳолда, адабиётлар ва илмий изланишлар, мусиқашунос олимларимизнинг тадқиқотлари натижаларига таянган ҳолда ўрганиш мумкин.
Bronze Age Metalwork Techniques and traditions in the Nordic Bronze Age 1500-1100 BC
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owners.
Prints as Agents of Global Exchange, 1500-1800
A forum for innovative research on the role of images and objects in the late medieval and early modern periods, Visual and Material Culture, 1300-1700 publishes monographs and essay collections that combine rigorous investigation with critical inquiry to present new narratives on a wide range of topics, from traditional arts to seemingly ordinary things.
Паҳлавоннинг насабида саёдат шарафи бор, аммо чун тағойиси Паҳлавон Абусаид ким, замоннинг паҳлавон ва мусаллам куштигири эркондур ва Пахлавон кичик ёшлиг эрконда ул фанда кундан-кунга андин гарибосор ва ажиб намудорлар зохир бўлур эркондир. Андоқки, оз фурсатда жамиъ абнойи жинс борини мағлуб қилиб, борига фоиқ ва ғолиб келибдур. Чун рўзгор ҳарунлиғидин ва лайлу наҳор буқаламунлиғидин Паҳлавон Бусаид ҳаёт вадйатин муқтазойи ожилға топшурубдур. Паҳлавон истиҳқоқ била пахлавонлиқ сартакиясига ўлтурубтур ва бу тойифа сарҳалкалигин тавъ ва рағбат била қабул қилибдурлар.