Qurilish. Arxitektura
Qurilish. Arxitektura
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Qurilish. Arxitektura
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Madaniyat. Madaniyatshunoslik
Qurilish. Arxitektura
O'zbekistonning noorganik moddalar kimyosi sohasidagi kimyogar olimlar
Mazkur ilmiy ommabop qo‘llanma respublikamizning oliy ta’lim dargohlarida, ilmiy tekshirish istitutlarida, ishlab chiqarishda, kimyo, kimyo-texnologiya sohasida ko‘p yillar davomida fidoiylik bilan mehnat qilgan va mehnat qilib kelayotgan, shogirdlar yetishtirgan olim-pedagoglarga bag‘ishlangan. Bular orasida nafaqat mamlakatimizda, balki butun dunyoda ham nomlari ma'lum bo'lgan mashhur olimlar borligi ma'lum.
Architectural Conservation in Asia
Asia’s rich historic built environment reflects the region’s position as the origin of some of the world’s most ancient civilizations, cultures and religions.1 For more than two millennia Asian cultures overlapped and interconnected as they expanded and developed through long-distance trade and communication, activities that eventually introduced followers of Hinduism, Buddhism and the philosophy of Confucianism to Islam, Shintoism and other beliefs. Built heritage developed accordingly, often melding novel concepts with traditional design. Today the region’s works of architecture are among its most distinct examples of cultural heritage, varying in scale from villages to several of the world’s most populous megacities. Whether viewing the conservation of Asia’s architectural heritage in terms of the distant or recent past, as individual buildings or within arrangements, or as urban or rural cultural landscapes, the range of Asia’s built heritage considered “worth preserving” is both vast and ever growing.
Matematika va informatika, fizika, ona tili va adabiyot fanlaridan savol-javoblar to'plami: abituriyentlar uchun savollar
Savollarni tuzishda 5 - 9-sinf va akademik litsey, kasb-hunar kollejlari o'quvchilariga mo'ljallangan so'nggi yillarda nashr qilingan matematika, geometriya, informatika, fizika, ona tili va adabiyot darsliklari hamda tavsiya etilgan zarur manbalarga tayanildi.
Асаб ва руҳият
Ушбу китоб авваломбор асаб ва руҳият касалликларини бошидан кечирган беморлар учун мўлжалланган. Сиз уни варақлар экансиз,инсонга табиат томонидан инъом этилган руҳий куч орқали ҳар қандай асаб ва руҳият бузилишларини енгиб ўтиш мумкинлигининг гувоҳи бўласиз.
Architectural Tiles Conservation and restoration. Second edition
I wish to express my most grateful thanks to all those who have helped me in the preparation of this book by allowing me to make positive use of their time, knowledge, experience and expertise. They are many and some remain unacknowledged by name but those who are at the forefront of my mind are: Michael Durbin; Chris Cox; Michelle Cox; Diana Hall; Pieter Jan Tichelaar; the production and office staff at Craven Dunnill, Jackfield Ltd; Joseph Taylor, President and Co-Founder of the Tile Heritage Foundation; Jill Taylor of Taylor Hazell Architects, Toronto; Chris Blanchett, Dr Sara Lunt, Danny Callaghan, Riley Doty, Tony Herbert, Parker H. Jackson; Lisa Dorothy; library staff at Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust; the St Stephens Preservation and Restoration Trust; Mr D. Longman, BAL Technical Advice Service, and Jon Old, Head of Conservation, Tyne and Wear Museums, Newcastle on Tyne.
Bordering intimacy Postcolonial governance and the policing of family
Recent years have seen borders and bordering practices gain ever-greater visibility and political purchase in a variety of locations across the globe. In Bordering intimacy: Postcolonial governance and the policing of family, Joe Turner powerfully examines how borders work to manage intimacy in the present.
Виждон ҳукми
Ушбу китобда вафо-садоқатнинг улуғлиги, хиёнат оилаларни пароканда қилиб, яна бошқа гуноҳларнинг туғилишига сабаб бўлиши ҳақида ҳикоя қилинади.
Architectural Tiles: Conservation and Restoration
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright holder except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London, England W1T 4LP. Applications for the copyright holder’s written permission to reproduce any part of this publication should be addressed to the publisher.
Thinking big data in geography new regimes, new research
Work in these and related areas has obviously continued. 7 But this book is a collection of pieces that stemmed from that original charge. On one hand a book is always a difficult format for the discussions and analyses of a rapidly evolving technological landscape.
Зинога яқинлашманг
Зино барча дин, халқ ва фалсафаларда ифлос ва разолат амал ҳисобланади. Жумладан, динимизда ҳам ушбу ишни қилиш у ёқда турсин, ҳатто унга яқинлашиш ҳам тақиқланган Ушбу китобда Аллоҳ ҳаром қилган зино ва унга боғлиқ мавзулар ҳақида бахс юритилади.
PATCHWORK NATION Sectionalism and Political Change in American Politics
American politics is not just national politics. State and local governments offer us the opportunity to study political variations that cannot be understood by focusing on national political institutions.
This book asks what it takes to create the multiple ‘green transformations’ required if humanity is to live sustainably on planet earth. It focuses on the politics of transformations and the diverse directions of pathways that can be taken.
Theatre in Towns
Theatre in Towns arose from a wider research project, Civic Theatres: A Place for Towns, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council [grant number AH/T012609/1]. We are grateful to the AHRC and to all our partners in this research project, the Royal Exchange
The Changing Economic Geography of Globalization Reinventing space
This book is an edited collection of papers gathered from an international conference held at the University of Bergamo, Italy, 1 which brought together regional economists, economic geographers, and international political scientists.
An Introduction to Architectural Conservation
There are approximately half a million Listed Buildings in Britain, over a million buildings in Conservation Areas and, within the national building stock, more than five million houses predating 1919. In addition, some 45% of the entire national building industry turnover is spent on existing buildings, giving cash value of some £6 billion. There are therefore many reasons for architects to seek appropriate information and training in materials and techniques that are usually very different from those used in more modern constructions. This guide’s aim is to help the practitioner towards a fuller understanding, and to make necessary and appropriate design and technical judgements, by providing an overview of current conservation principles and how they are applied to older buildings.