Qurilish. Arxitektura
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Xalq ta’limi. Pedagogika
Qurilish. Arxitektura
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Автомобиль- Самосвал ЗИЛ-ММЗ-555
Специализация грузовых автомобилей отразилась в первую очередь на конструкции на кузова
Создание машин для районов с холодным климатом
Сборник предназначен для научных и инженерно- технических работников связанных с созданием и эксплуатацией строительных и дорожных машин.
Применение нефтегрунта в строительстве автомобильных дорог
Опыт устройства и эксплуатации дорожных одежд из грунтов укрепленных высокосмолистыми нефтями
Colloquial Russian 2 is intended for students who, working on their own or with a teacher, have already completed a first-level course in Russian and want to continue their study (aiming at B1/B2 level of proficiency in Russian). The book starts with a revision unit which covers all the basic structures, including cases and aspects, so it is not a problem if you are a bit rusty.
Management Accounting for Decision Makers. 6th edition
Management accounting is concerned with ensuring that managers have the information they need to plan and control the direction of their organisation. This book is directed primarily at those following an introductory course in management accounting.
Отвод поверхностных вод с городской территории
В системе инженерной подготовки территории важная роль принадлежит водоотводным сооружениям.
AWS IoT: Developer Guide
This is official Amazon Web Services (AWS) documentation for AWS IoT. AWS IoT provides secure, bi-directional communication between Internet-connected devices such as sensors, actuators, embedded micro-controllers, or smart appliances and the AWS Cloud. This enables you to collect telemetry data from multiple devices, and store and analyze the data. You can also create applications that enable your users to control these devices from their phones or tablets.
Ekologiya huquqi
Darslikda «Ekologiya huquqi» fanining tushunchasi, predmeti, metodlari, tizimi, prinsiplari va manbalari, tabiat resurslariga nisbatan mulkchilik, ekologiya sohasida davlat boshqaruvi va nazoratining ekologik-huquqiy holati, ekologik huquqbuzarlik sodir etganlik uchun javobgarlik, yer, suv, yer osti boyliklari, o'simlik va hayvonot dunyosi, o'rmon, atmosfera havosini muhofaza qilish va alohida muhofaza etiladigan tabiiy hududlarning ekologik-huquqiy tartibi, ekologik-huquqiy ta'lim-tarbiya hamda atrof tabiiy muhitni xalqaro ekologik-huquqiy muhofaza qilish masalalari atroflicha yoritilgan
Third Edition: Teaching and researching Speaking
Teaching and Researching Speaking provides an overview of the main approaches to researching spoken language and their practical application to teaching, classroom materials, and assessment. The history and current practices of teaching and researching speaking are presented through the lens of bigger theoretical issues about the object of study in linguistics, social attitudes to the spoken form, and the relationships between spoken and written language. A unique feature of the book is the way it clearly explains the nature of speaking and how it is researched and puts it into the context of a readable and holistic overview of language theory. This new edition is fully updated and revised to reflect the latest developments on classroom materials and oral assessment, as well as innovations in conversation analysis. The resources section is brought up-to-date with new media and currently available networks, online corpora, and mobile applications. This is a key resource for applied linguistics students, English language teachers, teacher trainers, and novice researchers.
Повышение устойчивости земляного полотна на оползневых участках
оползни возникают из склонах массивов содержащих глинистые породы. отличающиеся изменчивостью.
Моцарт Жизнь и творчество
Вольфганг Моцарт родился в зальцбурге австрийском городе расположенном в предгорье восточных.
Высокоэффективная теплоизоляция в основаниях аэродромов и дорог
Развитие материально- технической базы страны связано с основанием удаленных труднодоступных районов крупномасштабным строительством
Research methods for business students. 6th edition
This book is written with a progressive logic, which means that terms and concepts are defined when they are first introduced. One implication of this is that it is sensible for you to start at the beginning and to work your way through the text, various boxes, self-check questions, review and discussion questions, case studies and case study questions.
Radio Antennas and Propagation
This is the most modern, comprehensive and system-oriented text on radio engineering in print, by a pioneer in the field. Engineers and students need to use this book, which covers the physics of radio systems from a quantum mechanical point of view and offers a unique insight into radio engineering by showing not only how but why radio systems work. Professor Gosling has spent a lifetime in industry and education, including time as Technical Director of Plessey, President of EUREL (European Convention of Engineering Societies), Past President of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, and Chair of Electronic Engineering at the University of Bath. He is currently Visiting Professor at the University of Bath. He has published eleven books and over fifty scientific papers. Eminent author Accessible treatment of a challenging subject Together with 'Radio Spectrum Conservation' (1999) makes up Radio Engineering Fundamentals.
Франсис Пуленк
Франсис Пуленк-одна из наиболее значительных фигур среди французских музыкантов минувшего десятилетия.