San’at. San’atshunoslik
Qurilish. Arxitektura
Qurilish. Arxitektura
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Davlat va huquq. Huquqiy fanlar
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Building character
Additional support during various stages of the project came from the Canadian Centre for Architecture; the Fontaine Society at the University of Pennsylvania; the Carolina Postdoctoral Program for Faculty Diversity at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; the School of Architecture at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte; the UB Humanities Institute at the University at Buffalo; and the School of Architecture and Planning at the University at Buffalo.
Housing as intervention
Across the world, the housing crisis is escalating. Mass migration to cities has led to rapid urbanisation on an unprecedented scale, while the withdrawal of public funding from social housing provision in Western countries, and widening income inequality, have further compounded the situation. In prosperous US and European cities, middle- and low-income residents are being pushed out of housing markets increasingly dominated by luxury investors. The average London tenant, for example, now pays an unaffordable 49 per cent of his or her pre-tax income in rent. Parts of the developing world and areas of forced migration are experiencing insufficient affordable housing stock coupled with rapidly shifting ways of life.
Digital Photography Complete Course
Grab your camera and learn everything you need to know to improve your photography in just 20 weeks. Introducing Digital Photography Compete Course - the perfect beginner’s learning program for any aspiring photographer, this photography book aims to teach you everything you need to know about photography in just 20 weeks, through easy-to-understand tutorials. It’s time to start using your camera to its full potential, and this photography book for beginners can help you do just that. Combining tutorials, step-by-step photo shoots, practical assignments, and fun Q&As, this brilliant book on photography can help you untangle photographic jargon such as aperture, exposure, shutter speed, and depth-of-field; teach you top tips and tricks surrounding the range of modes on bridge and system cameras, and help you to master composition for that perfect photo! Become a photography expert in no time, as you explore: - Review, practice and experiment sections to put photography knowledge to the test - Technical concepts are broken down and explained in simple, accessible language - Easy-to-read diagrams and illustrations to highlight key theories.
The Architecture of Change
This fight was also for an identity for architecture beyond celebrity, so far beyond this banal view that one read issue after issue of the magazine and thought with increasing joy that our architecture really could be something altogether different than what the conventional apparatus of dissemination and publicity presented. Look at the mix of subjects that kept turning up: public housing, racism, health care, community organizing, adaptive re-use, global warming, squatting, property rights, corporate control, gentrification, a critique of green-wash, homelessness, the real character of “natural” disasters, pedestrianism, Pyongyang, the settlements in the West Bank, big boxes and shopping malls, and, always, the stories of people and organizations at the forefront of the struggles for environmental justice at every scale and every kind of place.
Ушбу китоб қишлоқ хўжалик КҲК лари ўқитувчиларининг замонавий таълим техтологияларини, шунингдек, лойиҳа доирасида Япониядан келтириладиган янги машина ва жиҳозларни ишлатиш ҳамда уларга техник хизмат кўрсатиш усулларини ўзлаштиришида муҳим манба булиб хизмат қилади.
Structure and Architecture. Second edition
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright holder except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London, England W1P 0LP. Applications for the copyright holder’s written permission to reproduce any part of this publication should be addressed to the publishers
The Psychology Book
Learn about human nature, behavior and how the mind works with The Psychology Book. Part of the fascinating Big Ideas series, this book tackles tricky topics and themes in a simple and easy to follow format. Learn about Psychology in this overview guide to the subject, great for beginners looking to learn and experts wishing to refresh their knowledge alike! The Psychology Book brings a fresh and vibrant take on the topic through eye-catching graphics and diagrams to immerse yourself in. This captivating book will broaden your understanding of Psychology, with: - More than 100 ground-breaking ideas in this field of science - Packed with facts, charts, timelines and graphs to help explain core concepts - A visual approach to big subjects with striking illustrations and graphics throughout - Easy to follow text makes topics accessible for people at any level of understanding The Psychology Book is the perfect introduction to the science, aimed at adults with an interest in the subject and students wanting to gain more of an overview.
The structural basis of architecture. Third edition
This is a book about structures, more specifically about structures and architecture; it is certainly not the first such book, nor will it be the last. It does represent, however, our view of how to engage a subject that is both about understanding the mechanical aspects of structure as well as being able to relate this to the space, form, and conceptual design ideas that are inherent to the art of building – in other words, how to “see” structures as being fully integral to architecture. It is at once a book that deals with the subject matter in a qualitative and discursive manner, that illustrates this discussion by means of many photographs of architectural projects and structural behavior diagrams, and yet that also doesn’t shy away from the relatively accessible mathematical equations and calculations that can be used to reinforce and extend a nascent understanding of the fundamentals of the topic – indeed, there are many ways to learn about and from structures.
Английские упражнения. Лесенки – упражнение-игра для знатоков английского языка .
Английские лесенки - это принципиально новое упражнение для изучения английского, основанное на сравнительном языкознании. Задается лесенка: "галстук - ... - семейные узы". Следует отгадать, как по-английски будет выражение "семейные узы", учитывая, что слово "галстук" дает подсказку. Оказывается, "галстук" по-английски это tie, а "семейные узы" - family ties. Семейные узы это отношения, тесные связи между членами семьи. А что мы делаем с галстуком? Правильно, завязываем, связываем. Еще пример: "спектакль - ... - ожидать". Как по-английски будет "ожидать"? У вас есть подсказка - слово "спектакль", которое связано с лат. specere "смотреть", откуда и англ. expect "ожидать". Сравните в этой связи англ. look "смотреть", но look forward to "ждать с нетерпением". "Английские лесенки" - это не просто упражнение, а упражнение-игра, которое может превратить изучение языка в увлекательное развлечение. Играйте с членами семьи, коллегами, одноклассниками и даже с друзьями по переписке.
Фуқаролик: муҳим маълумотлар
Фуқаро- шахснинг муайян давлат билан доимий сиёсий ҳуқуқий алоқаси бу алоқа шахс ва давлатнинг ўзаро хуқуқ ва мажбуриятларида ифодаланади.
Ўз устингда ишла: қайта ишланган иккинчи нашр
Минг бир табиб минг бир йўлни тавсия этади, лекин уларнинг ҳаммаси ёшлик ва саломатлик маскани томон етаклайди. Бу гапни қадимги донишманддар айтишган. Улар бизнинг тушунчамиздаги илмий иш билан шуғулланишмагандир, аммо ўзликни англаш йўлида жуда кўплаб кашфиётлар қилишган. Ана шундай қилиб, улар деярли ташқи таъсирларсиз хасталикни бартараф эта олишган.
Atmosphere in Urban Design
This book offers an ethnographic exploration of the role that atmosphere plays in work processes undertaken within an urban design studio. It provides understandings of how architectural practices are fuelled with atmosphere in various configurations throughout different design phases of selected projects for construction. From the outside architectural practices commonly appear well-ordered and carefully considered, established by proof and rationally justified. This book though poaches on architects’ preserves in order to draw attention to features of unpredictability and uncertainty within the design phases. By opening up into the ‘machinery room’ of urban designers, the goal is not to spoil the plaster saint cover of a ‘starchitect’ business, but to remind about the crucial value that pockets of doubt issuing questions rather than answers, open-mindedness instead of single-mindedness, play to the processes of design production and creativity. The book identifies these pockets as atmospheres enveloping the architectural practice.
Private Law and Power
The aim of this edited collection of essays is to examine the relationship between private law and power – both the public power of the state and the'private'power of institutions and individuals. It describes and critically assesses the way that private law doctrines, institutions, processes and rules express, moderate, facilitate and control relationships of power. The various chapters of this work examine the dynamics of the relationship between private law and power from a number of different perspectives – historical, theoretical, doctrinal and comparative. They have been commissioned from leading experts in the field of private law, from several different Commonwealth Jurisdictions (Australia, the UK, Canada and New Zealand), each with expertise in the particular sphere of their contribution. They aim to illuminate the past and assist in resolving some contemporary, difficult legal issues relating to the shape, scope and content of private law and its difficult relationship with power.
A Dictionary of Symbols
At every stage of civilization, people have relied on symbolic expression, and advances in science and technology have only increased our dependence on symbols. An essential part of the ancient arts of the Orient and Western medieval traditions, symbolism underwent a twentieth-century revival with the study of the unconscious. Indeed, symbolic language is considered a science, and this informative volume offers an indispensable tool in the study of symbology. Its alphabetical entries--drawn from a diverse range of sources, including all of the major world religions, astrology, alchemy, numerology, heraldry, and prehistoric art--clarify the essential and unvarying meanings of each symbol. Whether used as a reference or browsed for pleasure, this informative volume offers a valuable key to elucidating the symbolic worlds encountered in both the arts and the history of ideas.
Writing Architectures
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc does not have any control over, or responsibility for, any third-party websites referred to or in this book. All internet addresses given in this book were correct at the time of going to press. The author and publisher regret any inconvenience caused if addresses have changed or sites have ceased to exist, but can accept no responsibility for any such changes.
Мевали дарахтларни томчилатиб суғориш режими бўйича тавсиялар.
Қўлланмада Ўзбекистон шароитида кўп тарқалган олма, ўрик ва шафтоли каби дарахтларни етиштириш, уларни парваришлашнинг ўзига хос жиҳатлари, мевали дарахтларни томчилатиб суғориш тартиби, хусусан суғориш меъёрлари ва суғоришлар муддатлари бўйича тавсиялар ёритилган.