Siyosat. Siyosiy fanlar
Qurilish. Arxitektura
Davlat va huquq. Huquqiy fanlar
Davlat va huquq. Huquqiy fanlar
Siyosat. Siyosiy fanlar
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
T he Bonds of Humanity Cicero’s Legacies in European Social and Political Thought, ca. 1100–ca. 1550
While completing the first draft of this book, I found myself driving along the back roads of the Sierra Nevada foothills in the company of a retired employee of the California Department of Transportation named Randy. Randy had spent more than thirty years plowing snow from highways in the winter and then patching up those same roads the following summer.
Шахсий ҳуқуқ ва эркинликлар
Ўзбекистон Республикасининг янги таҳрирдаги Конститутциясининг асосий бош ғояси инсон қадрини улуғлаш, унинг барча ҳуқуқ а манфаатлфрини ҳимоя қилишга қратилганлигисабабли инсонларнинг яшаш ҳуқуқи Конститутция асосида доимий равишда муҳофаза қилиниши яна бир бор ўз исботини топди.
OIL SPACES Exploring the Global Petroleumscape
Lecturing on the impact of petroleum flows on the built environment, I often tell my audi ence “Drop your oil!” a command that I also used as the title of a short piece.i Once people start investigating the composition of their clothes and accessories, they also start looking more carefully at their surroundings, from furniture to building materials.
Reading Architecture. A Visual Lexicon. 2nd edition
‘Architecture aims at eternity’, remarked Christopher Wren, the great architect of seventeenth- and early-eighteenth-century London. Fittingly, this observance is vividly acted out by his very own St Paul’s Cathedral, which stands as an enduring emblem of the city and nation. Few buildings are constructed with the same grand aspirations and ostentation as St Paul’s. Yet from the grandest monument to the lowliest shack, all buildings have the potential to offer powerful insights into both the societies that created them and those that see and use the building today. Thus, the ability to read a building and to decode its meanings offers not simply a greater understanding of that particular building but of how society and the world around us is constituted – and is one which this book hopes to make easier.
Zivilgesellschaft in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Aufbrüche, Umbrüche, Ausblicke
Der vorliegende Band ist das Ergebnis einer gelungenen Kooperation zwischen Wissenschaft und Zivilgesellschaft, dem Zentrum für Zivilge sellschaftsforschung am Wissenschaftszentrum für Sozialforschung Berlin (WZB) und der Evangelischen Akademie Tutzing und ihrem Freundeskreis. Das Zentrum für Zivilgesellschaftsforschung ist eine junge Einrichtung.
The Decline of Private Law : A Philosophical History of Liberal Legalism
This book is a large-scale historical reconstruction of liberal legalism, from its inception in the mid-nineteenth century, the moment in which the jurists forged the alliance between political liberalism and legal expertise embodied in classical private law doctrine, to the contemporary anxiety about the possibility of both a liberal solution to the problem of political justification and of law as a respectable form of expert knowledge. Each stage in the history is a moment of synthesis between a substantive and a methodological idea. The former is the liberal political theory of the period, purporting to provide a solution to the problem of political justification. The latter is a conception of legal method or science, supposedly vindicating the access of the expert to the political choices embodied in the law. Thus, each moment in the history of liberal legalism integrates a political theory with a jurisprudential conception. Although it reaches the unsettling conclusion that liberal legalism has largely failed by its own standards, the book urges us to avoid quietism, scepticism or cynicism, in the hope that a deeper understanding of the fragility of our values and institutions inspires a more thoughtful, broadminded and nurtured citizenship.
Warping Time How Contending Political Forces Manipulate the Past, Present, and Future
As social theorists have observed, control of time through dates, deadlines, and schedules is an important instrument of power.1 Governments and other bureaucracies exercise power by compelling subjects and employees to adhere to official calendars and clocks while, for their part, dissidents endeavor to “rupture” such temporal hegemonies in order to undermine the power of the institutions that control them.
The Concept of Constitution in the History of Political Thought
The aim of the present volume is to discuss the notion of constitution from the perspectives of history of political thought. Its scholarly intention is to go beyond the approach concentrating on the formal understanding of constitution and bring forward more complex historical and philosophic-political interpretations. Our point of departure was the need to revive the somehow neglected distinction between the idea of constitution as an act of conscious law-giving activity and the notion of constitution conceived as the set of fundamental political rules derived from the very nature of political regime and its historical development.
Private Law : Key Encounters with Public Law
The relationship between private and public law has long been the focus of critical attention, but recent years have seen the growing influence upon private law of statutory intervention, public regulation, corporate globalisation and constitutional and international human rights norms. Such developments increasingly call into question the capacity of private law reasoning to operate in isolation from public institutions and goals. Commencing with three contrasting visions of the nature and importance of distinctions between public and private in the modern day, this book traces a number of encounters between private law and'public'values in key areas of private law doctrine, such as charity law, commercial law, tort law and class actions, across several jurisdictions. It examines the influence within these fields of public concepts and goals, such as behavioural modification, accountability and anti-discrimination norms, as well as the (reverse) influence that private law has upon ('public') human rights jurisprudence.
Die Energiewende im Bundestag: ein politisches Transformationsprojekt? Eine Diskursanalyse aus feministischer und sozial-ökologischer Perspektive
Diese Arbeit hat einen langen Weg hinter sich, an dem viele Menschen einen Anteil hatten. Zunächst möchte ich meinen beiden Doktormüttern Prof.in Dr. Sabine Hofmeister und Prof.in Dr. Adelheid Biesecker für die Unterstützung während meiner gesamten Promotionszeit danken.
Олам тўғрисида бошланғич билимлар
Астрономия практик ҳаёт учун катта аҳамиятга эга вақтни соат билан ҳамда календарь билан ҳисоблаш астрономлар томонидан ишлаб чиқилган, аниқ вақтни текшириш, сақлаш ва уни бунга зарурати бўлган кишиларга айтиб туриш астрономлар томонидан осмон ёритгичларини кузатиш асосида амалга оширилади.
Data Science. Практика .
В этой книге мы рассмотрим практические примеры обработки данных. Мы будем работать с различными типами данных, включая текст, изображения и звуки. Книга адресована как начинающим Data Science, так и опытным специалистам, которые хотят отдохнуть от постоянного подключения к сети и научиться работать с данными в офлайн-режиме.
Учебник MS Word.
Word — самый популярный и удобный редактор текстов во всём мире, сейчас ни один офис не обходится без этой программы. Создать документ, вставить фото и таблицы, написать книгу и сделать активное содержание со ссылками, применить красивые стили оформления, создать гиперссылку, распечатать документ — всё это программа Word, самый простой и удобный текстовой редактор. В этом учебнике очень просто и доступно подан материал, обучение идёт по шагам, от простого к сложному. Очень легко, научится даже ваша бабушка! Учебник снабжен заданиями, иллюстрациями и ссылками на бесплатные видеоуроки. Гарантия, что вы научитесь этой программе и создадите красивый и грамотный документ в Word.
PROCEEDING Virtual Conference on Social Science in Law, Political Issue, and Economic Development
We are delighted to introduce the Virtual Conference on Social Science in Law, Political Issue and Economic Development 2020 with theme "Realizing Society 5.0 for a Better Life". The technical program has brought researchers and practitioners around the world to a good forum for discussing, leveraging and developing all scientific and technological aspects that are relevant to economic business, education and humanities.
Geo-Politics in Northeast Asia
They collectively emphasize the different scales at which the region holds significance, and particularly note how the region is often granted significance by local political forces as well as national interests.
Биоценозда ўсимлик зараркунандалари паразит энтомофагларининг ривожланиши
Ушбу китоб биология, табиатшунослик, зоология, экология, усимликларни химоя килиш каби фанларнинг назарий асосларини пухта эгал- лашни максад килган мутахассислар, тадкикотчилар, талабалар фойдаланиши учун тавсия килинади.