Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Elektronika. Radiotexnika
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Programming with C++20 Concepts, Coroutines, Ranges, and more
Programming with C++20 teaches programmers with C++ experience the new features of C++20 and how to apply them. It does so by assuming C++11 knowledge. Elements of the standards between C++11 and C++20 will be briefly introduced, if necessary. However, the focus is on teaching the features of C++20. You will start with learning about the so-called big four Concepts, Coroutines, std::ranges, and modules. The big four a followed by smaller yet not less important features. You will learn about std::format, the new way to format a string in C++. In chapter 6, you will learn about a new operator, the so-called spaceship operator, which makes you write less code. You then will look at various improvements of the language, ensuring more consistency and reducing surprises. You will learn how lambdas improved in C++20 and what new elements you can now pass as non-type template parameters. Your next stop is the improvements to the STL. Of course, you will not end this book without learning about what happened in the constexpr-world.
English for Writing Research Papers
This book is aimed at researchers in any discipline who wish to write a research paper in English. If your first language is not English, you should find this book particularly useful
Abitur wissen englisch,
Today English is the language of international communications: about 800 million people speak English, either as their mother tongue or as a foreign language. Landeskunde Grofibritannien,
Wine Tourism Destination Management and Marketing Theory and Cases
This book consolidates under one cover various research insights and case studies from different parts of the world (including Greece) contributed by wellknown academics, all experts in their field. The book is a highly beneficial tool for those seeking in-depth information on how to use wine tourism as a powerful marketing tool to enhance awareness and visitation to their regions and wineries. The book is a must read by students and industry professionals alike wishing to obtain a holistic understanding and up-to-date practical knowledge about wine and its role in developing tourism experiences and destinations.
Конструкцион материаллар технологияси
Мазкур дарслик Олий ва ўрта махсус ўқув юртларининг маши- насозлик ихтисослигида бакалаврлар тайёрлаш буйича таҳсил ола- стган талабалар учун «Конструкцион материаллар технологияси» курси буйича битилган.
The Routledge Handbook of Gastronomic Tourism explores the rapid transformations that have affected the interrelated areas of gastronomy, tourism and society, shaping new forms of destination branding, visitor satisfaction, and induced purchase decisions. This edited text critically examines current debates, critical reflections of contemporary ideas, controversies and queries relating to the fast-growing niche market of gastronomic tourism.
English for academic study Extended Writing end Research Skills
English for Academic Study: Extended Writing and Research Skills This fully updated 2012 edition of English for Academic Study: Extended Writing & Research Skills will help develop the practical skills you need to tackle extended essays and projects and encourage the development of an independent approach to studying.
Радиотехник тизимлар назарияси асослари
Дарслик олий техника $қув юртларининг "Телекоммуникаиия" ва "Ралиотехмика" ихтисоси бўйича таълим олувчи талабаларга мўлжал- ланган бўлиб, ундан алоқа, авиасозлик, транспорт институтларининг талабалари ва маэкур фан ўқитувчилари ҳам фойдаланишлари мумкин.
Ushbu qo‘llanma Oliy va o‘rta maxsus ta’lim vazirligi tomonidan tasdiqlangan dastur asosida yozilgan. Qo‘llanmani birinchi qismi kristallografiya va kristallokimyo fani, kristallar haqidagi umumiy tushunchalarni, cheklangan geometrik shakllar va ular simmetriyasini o‘rgatadi, ikkinchi qismida esa, ya’ni mineralogiya qismida, minerallarning kimyoviy klassifikatsiyasi boshqa klassifikatsiyalarga nisbatan ko‘proq qo‘llaniladi. Chunki bu klassifikatsiyaning negizi sifatida avvalo minerallarni kimyoviy birikma turiga, tarkibiga va struktura birliklari orasidagi bog‘lanish tipiga qarab har turli sinflarga ajratiladi.
Food and Beverage Management. 4th edition
This book is dedicated to all the students we have encouraged to learn about and from the food and beverage industry, all the managers in all the organizations that have employed, developed and encouraged them, and all the innovators and people of vision who have inspired us. In addition thanks should go to all those that have worked hard and put in long hours to raise the level of professionalism in food and beverage management and by doing so make the industry the exciting and vibrant one that it is
Ekologiya hozirgi kunga kelib asosiy xalqaro sintetik fanlardan biriga aylandi. Chunki ekologik qonuniyatlarni bilish genetika, evolyutsion ta'Iimot, o‘simlik va hayvonot olami sistematikasi singari fanlar oldiga qo‘yilgan muammolar hamda insoniyat va tabiiy muhitning munosabati masalalarini yechishda muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi. Inson va muhit o‘rtasidagi munosabat eng og‘ir va yechimi mushkui ekanligi, xususan, inson faoliyati ta ‘sirida qurg^qchilikning kuchaya borayotganligi, cho‘llanish maydonlarining kengayib, suv zahiraiari, tabiiy boyliWarning kamayib, tabiiy muhitning ifloslanishi kuchayib, ko‘pchiiik rivojlanayotgan mamlakatlarda suv, havo va ayniqsa, oziqovqatning tanqisligi, yer yuzi aholisining to‘rtdan bir bo‘lagida ocharchilik mavjudligi ko‘pchilikka ma‘lum.
Darslikda ana’naviy va noana’naviy, qaytalanuvchi va qaytalanmaydigan energiya manbalari haqida tushunchalar berilgan. Barcha energiyalarning manbasi bo‘lmish quyosh energiyasi, quyosh energiyasi yordamida energiya ishlab chiqarish, shamol energiyasi va energetikasi, to‘lqinlar energiyasi va elektrostansiyalari, suv ko'tarilishi energiyasi va elektrostansiyalari, geotermal energiya va elektrostansiyalari, dengiz va okeanlardagi ichki oqimlar energiyasi haqida ma’lumotlar bayon qilingan.
Учебное пособие предназначается изучающим английский язык и входит в систему предметов, обучающих теории и практике перевода. Материал пособия направлен на освоение и развитие практических навыков перевода с английского языка на русский и наоборот.
Programming Fundamentals Using Java. A Game Application Approach
Designed as a Java-based textbook for beginning programmers, this book uses game programming as a central pedagogical tool to improve student engagement, learning outcomes, and retention. The new edition includes updating the GUI interface chapters from Swing based to FX based programs. The game programming is incorporated into the text in a way that does not compromise the amount of material traditionally covered in a basic programming or advanced Java programming course, and permits instructors who are not familiar with game programming and computer graphic concepts to realize the pedagogical advantages of using game programming. The book assumes the reader has no prior programming experience.
Mazkur darslik jismoniy tarbiya va jismoniy madaniyat bakalavr va magistrlari uchun mo4ljallangandir. Ushbu «Odam fiziologiyasi» nomi bilan yaratilgan yangi darslik faqat yuqorida keltirilgan mutaxassislik uchungina yaroqli bo‘lmasdan, balki undan tashqari biologiya, pedagogika va tibbiyot yo‘nalishlarida ham bakalavr va magistrlar tayyorlanishida ham zaruriy o ‘quv adabiyoti sifatida ishlatilishi mumkin