Consumer Behavior
We are all confronted with a myriad of Consumer Behaviour issues everyday. Whether you are deciding about which laptop to buy for yourself, which television show to watch, listening to FM, or surfing the Internet, you are interfacing with topics of relevance to the study of Consumer Behaviour
The present book titled, Electromagnetics: General theory of the electromagnetic field. Classical and relativistic approaches, is an extended form of the previous two editions of the books titled Electromagnetics: General theory of the electromagnetic field. The new book, at the difference of the previous ones, contains four new appendices, devoted to several topics, as follows: a. A study on the divergence of tensors related to the curvature of the space-time continuum; b. The energy-momentum tensor of the electromagnetic field in the theory of relativity; c. The Sagnac effect in The General theory of relativity; d. A new approach to the calculation of the magnetic field strength of a solenoid and to the introduction of magnetic quantities. The purpose of this book has been to present in a legible manner some important subjects of the concerned topics. At the same time, the text has been so prepared that a reader not interested in the Special Theory of Relativity and General Theory of Relativity could read it, avoiding the text connected with the relativistic treatment. The book is devoted to all readers interested in these topics.
Chaqiriqqa qadar boshlang'ich tayyorgarlikni tashkil etish va uni o'qitish metodikasi (1-2 bosqich talabalari uchun darslik)
Mazkur darslikda chaqiriqqa qadar boshlang'ich tayyorgarlik bo‘yicha nizom va dasturlar talablarini hamda ularning mazmunini, mashg'ulotlarni to‘gri tashkil etish va o'tkazish uslubiyoti hamda fan modullari bo'yicha bilim va amaliy ko'nikmalar berilishi bilan bir qatorda, bo'lg'usi pedagog sifatida o'quvchi yoshlar bilan yetarli pedagogik mahoratda ega, dars mashg'ulotlarini tashkil qila oladigan va o'tkaza oladigan pedagoglarni tayyorlashdan iborat ma‘lumotlar keltirilgan.
Introduction to Metrology
Metrology word is derived from two Greek words such as metro which means measurement and logy which means science. Metrology is the science of precision measurement. The engineer can say it is the science of measurement of lengths and angles and all related quantities like width, depth, diameter and straightness with high accuracy. Metrology demands pure knowledge of certain basic mathematical and physical principles. The development of the industry largely depends on the engineering metrology. Metrology is concerned with the establishment, reproduction and conservation and transfer of units of measurements and their standards. Irrespective of the branch of engineering, all engineers should know about various instruments and techniques. The importance of the science of measurement as a tool for scientific research (by which accurate and reliable information can be obtained) was emphasized by Ga1ileo and Gvethe. This is essential for solving almost all technical problems in the field of engineering in general, and in production engineering and experimental design in particular.
O'zbekistonda millatlararo munosabatlar va tolerantlik
Darslikda "O'zbekiston tarixi" ta`lim mutaxassisligi o'quv rejasida asosiy fan sifatida o'qilayotga "O'zbekiston millatlararo munosabatlar va tolerantlik" fanining o'quv dasturida belgilangan mavzularning mazmun-mohiyati ochib berilgan.
Marketing an introduction
Marketing starts with understanding consumer needs and wants, deciding which target markets the organization can serve best, and developing a compelling value proposition by which the organization can attract, keep, and grow targeted consumers.
Electromagnetics and Applications
Electromagnetics involves the macroscopic behavior of electric charges in vacuum and matter. This behavior can be accurately characterized by the Lorentz force law and Maxwell’s equations, which were derived from experiments showing how forces on charges depend on the relative locations and motions of other charges nearby. Additional relevant laws of physics include Newton’s law, photon quantization, and the conservation relations for charge, energy, power, and momentum. Electromagnetic phenomena underlie most of the “electrical” in “electrical engineering” and are basic to a sound understanding of that discipline. The main objectives of the text are to: 1) convey those big ideas essential to understanding the electromagnetic aspects of modern electrical and computer systems, 2) expose students to enough examples to make the big ideas tangible and erase most naiveté about dominant applications, 3) provide computational experience with Maxwell’s equations sufficient to treat he basic examples, 4) provide the understanding and skills prerequisite to follow-on subjects, and 5) reinforce prior exposure to physics, mathematics, and electrical systems so as to help integrate student learning, including problem solving and design methods.
Проектирование оптимальных нежестких дорожных одежд
Проектирование дорожных одежд, оправданных технико-экономическим расчетом возможно лишь при условии эффективного регулирование.
O'zbekiston tarixi I kitob
Ushbu "O'zbekiston tarixi" darsligining I kitobi eng qadimgi davrlardan boshlab XIV asrning o'rtalariga qadar bo'lgan davrni o'z ichiga qamrab olgan.
Management information
This section introduces the quantitative techniques that are relevant to economics, business and accounting. Throughout students should meet the material within a business context using real- life business data, where possible, so that they understand how the techniques can be used by accountants. An important aim of this section is to enhance the students' reasoning and analytical skills and to develop their problem-solving skills. With the advent of off-the-shelf packages employing quantitative techniques it is important that students understand the scope and limitations of a specific technique rather than the intricacies of the mathematics underlying the technique.
Экология ҳуқуқи
Дарсликда Экология ҳуқуқининг предмети ва тизими, манбалари, табиий ресурсларга нисбатан мулк ҳуқуқи, экология соҳасида бошқа- рув, экологик ҳуқуқий жавобгарлик, табиий ресурсларнинг ҳуқуқий ҳолати, ҳайвонот оламидан фойдаланиш ва уни муҳофаза қилишнинг ҳуқуқий ҳолати, атмосфера ҳавосини ҳуқуқий муҳофаза қилиш, таби- ий қўриқхоналарнинг ҳуқуқий ҳолати, қишлоқ хўжалиги, саноат, транспорт, энергетика тармоқларида атроф табиий муҳитни муҳофаза қилиш қаби масалалар, ёритилган
Ўзбекистон тарихи II китоб (XIV аср ўрталаридан - XIX аср иккинчи ярмигача)
Ушбу "Ўзбекистон тарихи" дарслигини II китоби мамлакат тарихининг XIV аср иккинчи ярмидан XIX асрнинг ўрталарига қадар бўлган даврини ўз ичига олади.
Объединение балок мостов напрягаемым и стрежнями
В мостостроение как, и в других областях строительства происходит постоянное совершенствование конструкций упрощение процессов их и монтажа.
Экология ҳуқуқи
Дарсликда Экология ҳуқуқининг предмети ва тизими, манбалари, табиий ресурсларга нисбатан мулк ҳуқуқи, экология соҳасида бошқа рув, экологик ҳуқуқий жавобгарлик, табиий ресурсларнинг ҳуқуқий ҳолати, ҳайвонот оламидан фойдаланиш ва уни муҳофаза қилишнинг ҳуқуқий ҳолати, атмосфера ҳавосини ҳуқуқий муҳофаза қилиш, таби ий қўриқхоналарнинг ҳуқуқий ҳолати, қишлоқ хўжалиги, саноат, транспорт, энергетика тармоқларида атроф табиий муҳитни муҳофаза қилиш каби масалалар ёритилган. Хуқуқшунослик мутахассислиги бўйича таълим олаётган талаба дар, аспирантлар, ўқитувчилар, ҳуқуқни муҳофаза қилиш ва табиатни муҳофаза қилиш органлари ходимлари учун мўлжалланган
Darslikda o‘lchashning fizikaviy asoslari muhokama qilinadi, ya’ni fizik miqdorlarni o‘lchash usullarining umumiy tamoyillari, o‘lchovlar paytida yuzaga keladigan xatoliklarning sabablari va erishish mumkin bo‘lgan o‘lchov aniqligining asosiy chegaralari o‘rganiladi. Darslikda o‘lchash ob’ektlarining barqarorligini o‘lchash moslamalariga o‘tkazish muammosiga muhandislik yechimlarining fizik va texnik ta’minoti hamda metrologiya asoslaridan foydalangan holda zamonaviy ma’lumot bazasini yaratishning fizik tamoyillari keltirilgan. Darslikda muhokama qilingan masalalarni tushunish uchun texnik yo‘nalishidagi universitetlarda o‘qitiladigan umumiy fizika, informatika, metrologiya asoslari kursini bilish kerak. Darslik 60711300 “Metrologiya, standartlashtirish va mahsulot sifati menejmenti” (soha bo'yicha) ta’lim yo‘nalishida bakalavr ta’lim yo‘nalishi bo‘yicha tahsil olayotgan talabalar uchun mo‘ljallangan bo‘lib, shu sohadagi magistrlar, doktorantlar hamda qishloq va suv xo‘jaligi sohasidagi mutachassislar ham foydalanishi mumkin
Пролетные строения мостов из пустотных плит
В последнее время в нашей стране и за рубежом при сооружении малых мостов начали широко применять балочные железобетонные пустотные плиты.