Qurilish. Arxitektura
Madaniyat. Madaniyatshunoslik
Qurilish. Arxitektura
San’at. San’atshunoslik
Nanotechnology in Construction for Circular Economy
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Resilience in Ecology and Urban Design
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Resilience Thinking in Urban Planning
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Urban governance and smart city planning
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Оила мустаҳкамлигини таъминлашнинг ҳуқуқий-маънавий асослари
Мазкур тўплам материалларидан кенг жамоатчилик, жумладан, мактаб лицей, коллеж ва олий таълим тизимида, шунингдек, «Нуроний» ва «Махалла» жамгармаси, «Оила», «Камолот» ЁИХ,, «М ахалла» жамгармаси, «Оила», «Камолот» ЁИХ,, Маънавият таргибот марказлари фаолиятида, муассаса ва ташкилотларда оила мустаҳкамлигини таьминлаш билан боғлик таргибот ишларида кенг фойдаланиш мумкин.
Water Systems Analysis, Design, and Planning
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Water Chemistry
In deciding whether to write a new textbook in any field, authors must answer two questions: (1) is there a need for another text in the field, and (2) how will their text be different from what is already available? It is obvious from the fact that this book exists that we answered yes to the first question. Our reasons for doing so are based on our answers to the second question, and they are related to the broad goals we set for coverage of topics in this book. Although previous introductory water chemistry textbooks provide excellent coverage on inorganic equilibrium chemistry, they do not provide much coverage on other topics that have become important aspects of the field as it has developed over the past few decades. These include nonequilibrium aspects (chemical kinetics) and organic chemistry—the behavior of organic contaminants and the characteristics and behavior of natural organic matter.
Water chemistry. Second edition
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, by license, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reproduction rights organization. Inquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above.
Essentials of Geology. Fourth edition
Students learn best from textbooks when they can actively engage with a combination of narrative text and narrative art. Some students respond more to the words, which help them to organize information, provide answers to questions, fill in the essential steps that link ideas together, and develop a personal context for understanding information. Some students respond more to narrative art—art designed to tell a story— for visual images help students comprehend and remember processes. And some respond to question-and-answer-based xviiactive learning, an approach where students can in effect “practice” their knowledge in real time. Essentials of Geology, Fourth Edition provides all three of these learning tools. The text has been crafted to be engaging and to carry students forward in a narrative form, the art has been configured to tell a story, the chapters are laid out to help students internalize key principles, and the online activities have been designed to both engage students and provide active feedback.
China's diplomacy : theory and practice
2011 marks the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). The past 90 years were a period in which the CPC became mature and grew in strength, the Chinese people kept exploring a way out and seeking development, and the Chinese diplomacy moved toward the world arena. In the past 90 years, the CPC has always had a good understanding of the world trends and the historical development trends. It has formed its own well-developed and integrated concept system that has kept abreast of the times, a concept system composed of how values, the times, the system, the state, the sovereignty, the interests and developments are conceptualized.
Guidebook of applied fluvial geomorphology
This book is published on the understanding that the authors are solely responsible for the statements made and opinions expressed in it and that its publication does not necessarily imply that such statements and/or opinions are or reflect the views or opinions of the publishers. While every effort has been made to ensure that the statements made and the opinions expressed in this publication provide a safe and accurate guide, no liability or responsibility can be accepted in this respect by the authors or publishers.
Самые смешные рассказы / Les histoires drôles.
В издании представлены новеллы классика французской литературы Альфонса Доде (1840 – 1897) из его сборника «Письма с моей мельницы». Это «Козочка господина Сегена», «Папский мул», «Кюкюньянский кюре», «Легенда о человеке с золотыми мозгами» и «Эликсир его преподобия отца Гоше». В них – с добрым юмором, а подчас и с едкой иронией – рассказываются истории из жизни обитателей юга Франции, точнее, Прованса. В основе этих новелл народные предания, переработанные и во многом преображённые фантазией автора. Прекрасный французский язык, богатый и в то же время не слишком сложный, забавные сюжетные повороты, ненавязчивая мораль (наиболее отчётливая в «Легенде о человеке с золотыми мозгами», пожалуй, единственной новелле, где печаль «берёт верх» над юмором) – всё это делает настоящую книгу весьма полезной для тех, кто начинает изучать французский язык. Текст новелл незначительно сокращен, лексико-грамматические трудности пояснены. Лучше понять и усвоить содержание помогают упражнения, а также французско-русский словарь в конце книги.
Architecture and the Smart City
Technology and science in service of efficiency and convenience. While expressed in a multitude of iterations and approaches, this basic idea establishes the very foundation of most—if not all—smart systems that have come to colonize our buildings and cities. These systems are also often accompanied by an explicit promise that each time any iteration of this conceptual equation is solved, we will find ourselves closer to a societal bliss on the verge of utopia. Furthermore, with this promise of a better, more efficient and safer society, smart systems and devices justify any (potential) shortcomings as small sacrifices on the path towards a greater good. And this needs further disentangling.
European Law
The European Union enjoys the competence to make laws in a wealth of areas, from environmental protection to agricultural policy. This competence is the result of many years of building and promoting European-level co-operation and integration. European Law Essentials explores the legal development of the EU. It introduces the background history of the union, then moves on to look at membership, institutions, community law, supremacy, direct effect, state liability, preliminary rulings and judicial review, and finishes by looking to the future of law in the EU. End-of-chapter summaries flag up the essential facts and essential cases, and the book includes tables of cases, statues and European legislation.