Analitik kiymo
O'quv qo’llanma amaldagi analitik kimyo fani bo'yicha dastur asosida tuzilgan b'olib , kimyo fakulteti 2-kurs bakalavrlari uchun barcha laboratoriya mavzularini bajarishda asosiy qo'llanma sifatida tavsiva etiladi.
Mobilites internationales programme erasmus + Europe
Les cours que l’étudiant suit dans l’université d’accueil seront reconnus et validés à l’issue du séjour (en accord avec l’enseignant référent) au titre du diplôme pour lequel l’étudiant est inscrit à l’Inalco. La durée de la mobilité peut varier entre 3 mois et une année universitaire. L’étudiant a la possibilité d’effectuer 12 mois de mobilité par cycle d’études.
Informatika va axborot texnologiyalarí
0‘quv qoilanmada «Informatika va axborot texnologiyalarí» fanining nazariy asoslari, axborot texnologiyalarining texnik va dasturiy ta’minoti keltirilgan. 0 ‘quv qo'llanma «Qishloq va suv xo'jaligi» bilim sohasining barcha ta’lim yo‘nalishlari talabalari uchun mo‘ljallangan.
C# 8.0and NET Core 3 0Modern Cross Platform Development Fourth
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews
C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4
Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed with initial capital letters or in all capitals. The authors and publisher have taken care in the preparation of this book, but make no expressed or implied warranty of any kind and assume no responsibility for errorsor omissions. No liability is assumed for incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the use of the information or programs contained herein.
Introduction to Software Testing
This extensively classroom-tested text takes an innovative approach to explaining software testing that defines it as the process of applying a few precise, general-purpose criteria to a structure or model of the software. The text incorporates cutting-edge developments, including techniques to test modern types of software such as OO, web applications, and embedded software. This revised second edition significantly expands coverage of the basics, thoroughly discussing test automaton frameworks, and adds new, improved examples and numerous exercises
Learning Swift
Welcome to Learning Swift! This book will help you put the Swift programming language into practice by walking you through the development of a complete application for iOS that features a wide array of features, including camera access, working with the filesystem, face detection, and the iOS graphics system. Along the way, we’ll also introduce you to new and advanced topics in the Swift programming language. Swift is a pretty amazing modern language, taking the best from other newer languages without reinventing the wheel. Swift is easy to write, easy to read, and hard to make big mistakes in. Our philosophy is that the best way to learn Swift is to build apps using it! To build apps, though, you need a great framework, and Apple has one of the best ones for building high-quality, featureful software: Cocoa Touch. This book could quite easily be titled Learning Cocoa Touch with Swift, or something similar, because the frameworks are just as important as the language itself. At the time of writing, Swift is currently at version 4, and has a bright future ahead of it.
Darslikda hozirgi zamon talablari asosida informatika fanining axborotlashtirish asoslari, informatikaning texnik asoslari, operatsion tizimlar, amaliy dasturlar, axborot texnologiyasi elementlari haqida batafsil ma’Iumot berilgan. Mazkur darslik tegishli oliy o‘quv yurtlarining talabalariga moijallangan. Shuningdek undan shu sohada faoliyat ko'rsatayotgan mutaxassislar ham foydalanishlari mumkin.
Horstmann Java SE 8 for the Really Impatient
Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed with initial capital letters or in all capitals.
Introduction to Software Testing
This extensively classroom-tested text takes an innovative approach to explaining software testing that defines it as the process of applying a few precise, general-purpose criteria to a structure or model of the software. The text incorporates cutting-edge developments, including techniques to test modern types of software such as OO, web applications, and embedded software. This revised second edition significantly expands coverage of the basics, thoroughly discussing test automaton frameworks, and adds new, improved examples and numerous exercises
ntroduction to Software Testing
The most obvious, and largest change, is that the introductory chapter 1 from the first edition has been expanded into five separate chapters. This is a significant expansion that we believe makes the book much better. The new part 1 grew out of our lectures. After the first edition came out, we started adding more foundational material to our testing courses. These new ideas were eventually reorganized into five new chapters. The new chapter 011 has much of the material from the first edition
Classic Computer Science Problems in
Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in the book, and Manning Publications was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps or all caps
Computer graphics programming in
By purchasing or using this book and its companion files (the “Work”), you agree that this license grants permission to use the contents contained herein, including the companion files, but does not give you the right of ownership to any of the textual content in the book
В современном обществе практически ни в одной сфере дея- тельности человека невозможно обойтись без использования ин- формационных технологий (ИТ), которые позволяют упростить производственно-хозяйственную деятельность организаций в части совершенствования информационного обмена, обработки структу рированных и неструктурированных данных, решения сложных задач экономики, математики, управления и т.п. На рынке труда все больше востребованы.
Специальная информатика
Кнйга состоит из двенадцати разделов. Каждый раздел (кроме первого) посвящш кощфетному программному средству или классу прикладных программ. Первый раздел граляется чисто методическим и содержит описание практичесж гфиемов и методов, которыми удобно пользоваться для быстрого освоения любо го незнахгшото программного обеспечеггиЯ.
Core Java~ Volume I - Fundamentals
Все названия программных продуктов являются зарегистрированными торговыми марками соответствующих фирм. Никакая часть настоящего издания ни в каких целях не может быть воспроизведена в какой бы то ни было форме и какими бы то ни было средствами, будь то электронные или механические, включая фотокопирование и запись на магнитный носитель, если на это нет письменного разрешения издательства Prentice Hall, Inc.