Qurilish. Arxitektura
Menejment, tashkilot va boshqaruv
Menejment, tashkilot va boshqaruv
Design Technology in Contemporary Architectural Practice
In parallel to his efforts in academia, Dominik established AEC Connect as an independent strategic BIM, Digital Engineering, and Design Technology consultancy, operating since 2009 in the Asia-Pacifc region. He frequently presents and publishes on Design Technology, (post) Digital Practice, and transdisciplinary collaboration. His BIM Manager’s Handbook (2016) has received wide praise from both industry and academia. The topics covered in his publications draw on the expertise he has established over the past two decades, and his approachable writing style makes them accessible for a wide audience.
A Romanesque church in a cemetery surrounded by countryside - such peaceful places give us a feeling of historical continuity. This, or something like it, one thinks, is what it looked like in the Middle Ages, when the church was built. Occasionally one is able to find a vantage point where there is nothing to remind one of the present. The attraction of these Romanesque country churches has something to do with their human proportions; they do not compel admiration by means of their imposing size, as city cathedrals do. And in addition, they are well away from the hurly-burly of everyday existence, and this sense of seclusion is reassuring. Many of these Romanesque churches used to be monastery churches, and some still are. The reason so many Romanesque monasteries are surrounded by beautiful countryside is that monasteries in the eleventh and twelfth centuries devoted themselves to their rural surroundings. This coincided with the interests of the feudal lords under whose protection monasteries were often placed. Preferred sites for new monasteries were quiet valleys - still in plentiful supply at that time, as European countries were only sparsely populated. Around 1200 (following a huge leap in the population after 1150), it is thought that 12 million people lived in France, 2.2 million in England, and 7 to 8 million people in the enormous (450,000 square miles) area that was the Holy Roman Empire.
Metrologiya, standartlashtirish va sertifikatlashtirish
Ushbu dasturda «Metrologiya, standartlashtirish va sertifikatlashtirish» fanining mazmuni, predmeti va metodi, uning mohiyati, maqsadi va vazifalari ketma-ketlikda o’z aksini topgan.
Gothic architecture
In editing this book I have been encouraged, helped and cor- rected by many colleagues and friends. Without the energy and quick understanding of Alexandra Gajewski-Kennedy, who cheerfully stepped in at the later stages of the work to help as my research assistant, this edition would probably have never seen the light of day. Over the years, Christopher Wilson has put his learning and judgement at my disposal and saved me from many a faux pas. Peter Kidson has let me ransack his library and profit from his wisdom, and Peter Lasko deserves my thanks because he asked me to write the new cdition, and then showed a super- human patience at its intermittent progress. The work of bring- ing Frankl up-to-date began in the History of Art Department of Manchester University and ended at the Courtauld Institute in London, so I can look back with gratitude on two great art his- torical institutions and on friends and colleagues who inspired and supported me there. In Manchester I would single out Reg Dodwell (much-missed), Sue and Andrew Causey, Suzy and Humfrey Butters, David O'Connor, Christa Grössinger and the constant inspiration of Jonathan Alexander. Diane Sanderson engendered, and endured, my enthusiasms.
La educación filosófica, antídoto contra la banalidad. El papel de la educación emancipadora en la teoría social de Antonio Negri y Michael Hardt.
Islamic Calligraphy
This book is both an introduction to and a survey of Islamic calligraphy. What does this title mean? The English calligraphy derives via European languages from the Greek kallos (beauty) and grafos (writing, writer). The Oxford English Dictionary gives two definitions for the English noun, both in use since the seventeenth century: (1) beautiful or fair writing as a product; also, elegant pen- manship as an art or profession; and (2) handwriting, penmanship generally; style of handwriting or written characters; a person's characteristic handwriting or 'hand." The former is attested slightly earlier, in the third edition of an alphabetic table published in 1613, followed soon by the latter, in Milton's Colasterion, published in 1645. Webster's Third International Dictionary repeats the same definitions in the same historical order: (1) fair or elegant writing or penmanship; the art or profes- sion of producing fair or elegant writing; and (2) handwriting, penmanship. The former definition is thus narrower, implying an aesthetic quality not inherent in the latter.
Водоснабжение, водоотведение скважины, колодцы, канализация
Вода является одним из тех компонентов, без которых жизнь практически невозможна. Без еды человек может прожить несколько недель, без воды погибает уже через несколько суток. Везде, где есть мы, должна быть вода - первостепенный элемент нашего жизне-обеспечения, здоровья и комфорта.
NOTA EDITORIAL: Las opiniones y contenidos publicados en esta obra son de responsabilidad exclusiva de sus autores y no reflejan necesariamente la opinión de Dykinson S.L ni de los editores o coordinadores de la publicación; asimismo, los autores se responsabilizarán de obtener el permiso correspondiente para incluir material publicado en otro lugar.
International Synergy Management: A Strategic Approach for Raising Efficiencies in the Cross-border Interaction Process
Global economic integration has changed business conditions significantly. Corporations operating internationally and establishing foreign subsidiaries are facing the obligation as well as the challenge to profit from cross-border interaction. However, potential synergetic benefits provided by the international environment are accompanied by even more demanding challenges. This study elaborates to which extend German small and medium-sized manufacturing businesses could benefit from the implementation of a strategic cross-border synergy management. The study is based on a single case study deriving the research hypotheses and a survey investigating cross-border interaction throughout a sample of small and medium-sized manufacturing businesses. Based on the research findings, this paper proposes a holistic framework, designed for strategists of small and medium-sized manufacturing business. It outlines the establishment of the cross-border synergy management concept as part of the corporate strategy and the efficient and effective management of international interaction. ‘Synergies are not realized by themselves - they have to be identified and actively developed within a professionally coordinate process. Management of synergy seeking organizations is asked for intensive efforts beyond daily operations'(Weber and Roventa, 2006).
NOTA EDITORIAL: Las opiniones y contenidos publicados en esta obra son de responsabilidad exclusiva de sus autores y no reflejan necesariamente la opinión de Dykinson S.L ni de los editores o coordinadores de la publicación; asimismo, los autores se responsabilizarán de obtener el permiso correspondiente para incluir material publicado en otro lugar
Ўсимликларни зарарли организмлардан (зараркунандалар, бегона ўтлар ва касалликлар) ҳимоя қилиш тизими ташқи мухит софлигини таъминлашда муҳим аҳамият касб этади, бунда аниқ ва мукаммал бериладиган прогноз асосий ўринни эгаллайди. Шунингдек, ташкилий хўжалик, агротехник, карантин, биологик кураш усулларига асосий ўрин берилади. Кимёвий усул эса нихоятда зарур бўлгандагина ҳар бир майдон дала ёки экинзорларни аниқ кузатиш натижалари асосида иқтисодий зарар келтириш сонини ҳисобга олган холда қўлланилади. Ўсимликларни зарарли организмлардан уйғунлашган ҳимоя қилиш лотинча сўзидан олинган бўлиб, тикламоқ, тўлдирмоқ маъноларни англатади. Бу ерда турлараро мувозанатни тиклаш назарда тутилади.
International Event Management: Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice
The event industry is a robust economic force worldwide. It spans into many other important sectors like travel, tourism, hospitality, technology, media and communication, inter alia. In America, it is estimated that 18 million events are organised yearly, generating approximately $280 billion in spending and $66.8 billion in labour income (Event Industry Outlook 2016). Events showcase talent and are perhaps those moments when societies and communities group together to revive certain traditions and cultures, which are otherwise dormant. In other contexts, like the case of tourism, events create economic value for the hosting destination, which boosts the economy. In contrast to permanent attractions, an event has the potential to promote authenticity and hence, is increasingly tapped by marketers for the purpose of differentiation. For instance, destinations celebrate their unique culture and heritage through events which represent important milestones in their tourism history. Given their capacity to attract visitors and generate profit, tourism destinations are increasingly capitalising on events as a diversification strategy. This trend has undoubtedly precipitated popularity in event studies and hence the writing of this book. The landscape of the book covers a broad spectrum of research.
Using English Expressions for Real Life Stepping Fluency for ESL Learners
ENGLISH EXPRESSIONS are everywhere in the English language. The correct use of English expressions in English communication can sometimes be difficult and comes with practice. This text was written as a quick reference guide, a primer, and a practice text to help students quickly learn new expressions, and find and correct problem areas. The book was written for high intermediate and advanced learners.
International Fisheries Management: Improvement Efforts As Reported to Congress
In 2006 Congress recognized the need for international cooperation to address some of the most significant issues affecting international fisheries today: illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing and fishing practices that may undermine the sustainability of living marine resources. In 2010, Congress focused on the need for enhanced international action to conserve and protect sharks in passing the Shark Conservation Act. By requirement, the Secretary of Commerce, in biennial reports, is to identify nations whose fishing vessels are engaged in certain IUU fishing, bycatch, and shark fishing practices; describe U.S. consultations with the identified countries to urge appropriate actions; and certify whether such actions subsequent to identification have adequately addressed the offending activities. The Secretary of Commerce has delegated authority to identify and certify countries under the Moratorium Protection Act to the NOAA Assistant Administrator for Fisheries. The Secretary of Commerce is also directed, in consultation with the Secretary of State and in cooperation with relevant regional fishery management councils and any relevant advisory committees, to take certain actions to improve the effectiveness of international fishery management organizations in conserving and managing stocks under their jurisdiction.
Русская народная поэзия.
Эпический фольклор богат и многообразен - это мифы и сказки, предания и легенды, различные песни событийного характера.