Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Madaniyat. Madaniyatshunoslik
Mastering Flask Web and API Development. Build and deploy production-ready Flask apps seamlessly across web, APIs, and mobile platforms
Book Description: Flask is a popular Python framework known for its lightweight and modular design. Mastering Flask Web and API Development will take you on an exhaustive tour of the Flask environment and teach you how to build a production-ready application. Next, you’ll master structuring applications for scalability through Flask blueprints. As you progress, you’ll explore both SQL and NoSQL databases while creating REST APIs and implementing JWT authentication, and improve your skills in role-based access security, utilizing LDAP, OAuth, OpenID, and databases. The new project structure, managed by context managers, as well as ASGI support, has revolutionized Flask, and you’ll get to grips with these crucial upgrades. You'll also explore out-of-the-box integrations with technologies, such as RabbitMQ, Celery, NoSQL databases, PostgreSQL, and various external modules. The concluding chapters discuss enterprise-related challenges where Flask proves its mettle as a core solution. By the end of this book, you’ll be well-versed with Flask, seeing it not only as a lightweight web and API framework, but also as a potent problem-solving tool in your daily work, addressing integration and enterprise issues alongside Django and FastAPI.
Mastering Angular Test-Driven Development. Build high-quality Angular apps with step-by-step instructions and practical examples
Book Description: Do you want to learn how to build robust, reliable, and impressive Angular applications? If yes, then Angular test-driven development is for you. Mastering Angular Test-Driven Development is a comprehensive guide that provides you with essential resources to enhance your skills and deliver high-quality Angular applications. With a practical approach and real-world examples, the book extensively covers TDD concepts, techniques, and tools, going beyond unit testing to explore testing Angular pipes, forms, and reactive programming. In this book, you’ll learn how to validate and manipulate data using pipes, test Angular forms for input validation and user interactions, and handle asynchronous operations with reactive programming. Additionally, you’ll discover end-to-end testing using Protractor, Cypress, and Playwright frameworks, gaining valuable insights into writing robust tests for web applications, navigation, element interaction, and behavior validation. You’ll also understand how to integrate TDD with CI/CD, learning best practices for automating tests, deploying Angular applications, and achieving faster feedback loops.
Задачи по полифонии исполнение на фортепиано
Общеизвестно что курс полифонии подытоживает один из серьезных этапов воспитания молодого композитора.
Defferensial geometriya va topologiya
Bu darslik bakalavriatning 5130100- matematika yo'nalishi uchun mo'ljallangan bo'lib, amaldagi yangi bakalavrlar dasturi asosida yozilgan. Darslik to'rtta qismdan iborat bo'lib, unda umumiy topologiya elementlari, chiziqlar va sirtlar nazariyasi, tenzor analiz elementlari yoritilgan. Darslikdan magistr, ilmiy-tadqiqotchilar va oliy o'quv yurtlari o'qituvchilari ham foydalanishlari nazarda tutilgan.
Ўсимлик маххсулотлари етиштириш технологияси
Ушбу ўсимлик махсулотлари етиштириш технологияси дарслиги муаллифининг кўп йиллик илмий- тадқиқот ишлари илғор иш тажрибаларини ўрганиши, олий ва ўрта махсус ўқув юртларида олиб борган назария хамда аамалий машғулотллари асосида яратилди.
Genetika va seleksiya asoslari
Mazkur darslik 60510100-Biologiya (turlari bo'yicha), 60110000- Biologiya, 60510100-Biologiya ta'lim yo'nalishi bo'yicha o'quv dasturi asosida yozilgan bo'lib universitetlarning biologiya, tabiiy fanlar fakultetlari talabalari uchun mo'ljallangan. Unda genetika fanining predmeti, vazifalari va tadqiqot metodlari, rivojlanishining qisqacha tarixi, irsiylanish va irsiyat qonuniyatlari, irsiyatning xromosoma nazariyasi, irsiyatning molekulyar genetik asoslari, o'zgaruvchanlik va uning tiplari, populyatsion va evolyusion genetika asoslari; odam genetikasi, tibbiyot genetikasi masalalari hamda seleksiyaning genetik asoslari yoritilgan. Mavzularning bayon yetilishida genetika fanining so'nggi yutuqlaridan foydalanib, mahalliy materiallar bilan boyitilgan. Darslikdan o'rta maktab o'qituvchilari, biologiya yo'nalishida ixtisoslashayotgan magistrantlar harn foydalanishi mumkin.
Genetika va seleksiya asoslari
Mazkur darslik 60510100-Biologiya (turlari bo'yicha), 60110000- Biologiya, 60510100-Biologiya ta'lim yo'nalishi bo'yicha o'quv dasturi asosida yozilgan bo'lib universitetlarning biologiya, tabiiy fanlar fakultetlari talabalari uchun mo'ljallangan. Unda genetika fanining predmeti, vazifalari va tadqiqot metodlari, rivojlanishining qisqacha tarixi, irsiylanish va irsiyat qonuniyatlari, irsiyatning xromosoma nazariyasi, irsiyatning molekulyar genetik asoslari, o'zgaruvchanlik va uning tiplari, populyatsion va evolyusion genetika asoslari; odam genetikasi, tibbiyot genetikasi masalalari hamda seleksiyaning genetik asoslari yoritilgan. Mavzularning bayon yetilishida genetika fanining so'nggi yutuqlaridan foydalanib, mahalliy materiallar bilan boyitilgan. Darslikdan o'rta maktab o'qituvchilari, biologiya yo'nalishida ixtisoslashayotgan magistrantlar harn foydalanishi mumkin.
Chizmachilik 9-sinf
Hozirgi vaqtda chizmalarni kompyuterda chizish mumkin, biroq chizmalarni chizish va o'qishni bilganlargina chizmani kompyuterda oson chiza oladi. Shu boisdan, chizmalarni chizish va ularni o'qishni mukammal o'zlashtirib olgandan keyingina kompyuterda to'g'ri chizishni o'rganish imkoni tug'iladi.
Musiqa o'qitish texnologiyalar va loyihalash
Ushbu Musiqa o'qitish texnologiyalar va loyihalash nomli darslik Oliy ta'lim muassasalaming pedagogika sohasi bakalavriat bosqichi “Musiqa ta'hnu” ta'limi yo'nalishi “Musiqa o’qitish texnologiyalar va loyihalash" fani dasturi asosida yaratilgan.
Kubernetes — An Enterprise Guide
Book Description: Stay at the forefront of cloud-native technologies with the eagerly awaited Kubernetes – An Enterprise Guide, Third Edition. Delve deep into Kubernetes and emerge with the latest insights to conquer today's dynamic enterprise challenges. This meticulously crafted edition equips you with the latest insights to skillfully navigate the twists and turns of ever-evolving cloud technology. Experience a more profound exploration of advanced Kubernetes deployments, revolutionary techniques, and expert strategies that redefine your cloud-native skill set. Discover cutting-edge topics reshaping the technological frontier like virtual clusters, container security, and secrets management. Gain an edge by mastering these critical aspects of Kubernetes and propelling your enterprise to new heights. Expertly harness Kubernetes' power for business-critical applications with insider techniques. Smoothly transition to microservices with Istio, excel at modern deployments with GitOps/CI/CD, and bolster security with OPA/Gatekeeper and KubeArmor. Integrate Kubernetes with leading tools for maximum impact in a competitive landscape. Stay ahead of the technology curve with cutting-edge strategies for innovation and growth.
Kibana 8.x - A Quick Start Guide to Data Analysis. Learn about data exploration, visualization, and dashboard building with Kibana
Book Description: Unleash the full potential of Kibana-an indispensable tool for data analysts to seamlessly explore vast datasets, uncover key insights, identify trends and anomalies, and share results. This book guides you through its user-friendly interface, interactive visualizations, and robust features, including real-time data monitoring and advanced analytics, showing you how Kibana revolutionizes your approach to navigating and analyzing complex datasets. Starting with the foundational steps of installing, configuring, and running Kibana, this book progresses systematically to explain the search and data visualization capabilities for data stored in the Elasticsearch cluster. You'll then delve into the practical details of creating data views and optimizing spaces to better organize the analysis environment. As you advance, you'll get to grips with using the discover interface and learn how to build different types of extensive visualizations using Lens. By the end of this book, you'll have a complete understanding of how Kibana works, helping you leverage its capabilities to build an analytics and visualization solution from scratch for your data-driven use case.
Jakarta EE Application Development. Build enterprise applications with Jakarta CDI, RESTful web services, JSON Binding, persistence, and security
Book Description: Jakarta EE stands as a robust standard with multiple implementations, presenting developers with a versatile toolkit for building enterprise applications. However, despite the advantages of enterprise application development, vendor lock-in remains a concern for many developers, limiting flexibility and interoperability across diverse environments. This Jakarta EE application development guide addresses the challenge of vendor lock-in by offering comprehensive coverage of the major Jakarta EE APIs and goes beyond the basics to help you develop applications deployable on any Jakarta EE compliant runtime. This book introduces you to JSON Processing and JSON Binding and shows you how the Model API and the Streaming API are used to process JSON data. You'll then explore additional Jakarta EE APIs, such as WebSocket and Messaging, for loosely coupled, asynchronous communication and discover ways to secure applications with the Jakarta EE Security API. Finally, you'll learn about Jakarta RESTful web service development and techniques to develop cloud-ready microservices in Jakarta EE.