Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Kimyoviy texnologiya. Kimyo sanoati
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Kimyoviy texnologiya. Kimyo sanoati
Veterinariya va chorvachilik
Kimyoviy texnologiya. Kimyo sanoati
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Kimyoviy texnologiya. Kimyo sanoati
Data Science
This textbook aims to be an approachable introduction to the world of data science. In this book, we define data science as the process of generating insight from data through reproducible and auditable processes. If you analyze some data and give your analysis to a friend or colleague, they should be able to re-run the analysis from start to finish and get the same result you did (reproducibility).
Darslik 5620600 Zootexniya (tarmoqlar bo'yicha) baholov riyt YO'nalishlari bo'yicha ta'lim olayotgan talabalar lIchun O'zbekiston Oliy va o 'ita maxsus ta'lim vazirligi tomonidan tasdiqlangan Davlat la'lim standarti talablari asosida tuzilgan namunaviy o'quv rejasi va fan dasturi asosida tayyorlangan.
Exploring Data Science with R and the Tidyverse
This is the first edition of “Exploring Data Science with R and the Tidyverse: A Concise Introduction”, published by CRC Press. This textbook was used to teach the courses Data Science for the World (CSC100) and Introduction to Data Science in R (CSC200) at the University of Miami in Fall 2021 and
Handbook of Smart Manufacturing
The term “smart manufacturing,” or SM, was used to describe a new approach to production that is in step with the trends of “industry 4.0”. The potential of I4.0 in data networking and information technology have considerable effect on manufacturing operations [1]. With big data processing, artificial intelligence, and intelligent robots, “smart manufacturing” improves factory output while cutting costs in energy and labour.
Ушбу маърузалар курси ва амалий лаборатория машғулотлари ишланмалари чорва моллари, ёввойи ҳайвонлар, паррандаларда учрайдиган юқумсиз, юқумли ва инвазион касалликларнинг сабабларини, ривожланиш қонуниятларини, оқибатларини, диагнозини, даволаш ва олдини олиш чораларини ҳамда юқумли касалликлар пайдо булганда чорвачилик фермер хўжаликларини ҳимоя қилиш усулларини ўрганишга қаратилган.
The National Academy of Sciences is a private, nonprofit, self-perpetuating society of distinguished scholars engaged in scientific and engineering research, dedicated to the furtherance of science and technology and to their use for the general welfare. Upon the authority of the charter granted to it by the Congress in 1863, the Academy has a mandate that requires it to advise the federal government on scientific and technical matters.
Software Engineering Manager
As someone who has always been drawn to software engineering, I have long harbored a keen interest in eventually transitioning from a software engineer role into management, specifically engineering management (EM). This aspiration stemmed from my admiration for my father, who worked in the same field.
Web Development Career Master Plan
The field of web development is an exciting one, where rapid technological changes are the order of the day. This can make it a challenging field when it comes to knowing where to start. When I broke into this field, all we really needed was a basic text editor such as Notepad, and some time to look at the code behind websites to glean the basics of what was involved in building them. Being self-taug.
Real-Time C++: Efficient Object-Oriented and Template Microcontroller Programming
C++20, the newest evolution of C++, adds various major new language features that can significantly simplify and clarify program expression. At the same time,using C++ in microcontroller programming is steadily gaining popularity and the methods of its use are maturing in the embedded systems community. These steps are matched by the widespread support of modern post-C++11,14,17 adherence delivered by many high-quality microcontroller compiler vendors.
Linking the Construction Industry Electronic Operation and Maintenance Manuals WORKSHOP SUMMARY
Public agencies, private corporations, nonprofit institutions, and other organizations regularly invest millions of dollars in acquiring buildings and other constructed facilities to support their lines of business. For this investment, the owner receives a complex structure composed of hundreds of separate but interrelated components, including roofs, walls, foundations, electrical, plumbing, heating, air conditioning, ventilation, fire, communication, safety, and architectural systems.
Mustaqil O'zbekistonning buyukligi uning iqtisodiy qudratiga qarab aniqlanadi. Shunday xulosaga asoslanib mustaqillikning dastlabki yillaridayoq mamlakatimizda tub iqtisodiy islohotlarni amalga oshirishning o'ziga xos va o'ziga mos yo'li tanlandi. Bu yo‘l 0 ‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti I. A. Karimov tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan beshta tamoyilda o‘z aksini topgan. Ularga amal qilingan holda 0 ‘zbekiston xalq xo‘jaligining barcha tarmoqlari singari chorvachilikning ham hamma sohalarini rivojlantirishga, chorva mahsulotlarini ko'proq yetishtirish, ularning sifatini yaxshilash va tannarxini arzonlashtirishga katta e’tibor qaratilgan.
U.S. INDUSTRY IN 2000 Studies in Competitive Performance
Board on Science, Technology, and Economic Policy National Research Council The National Academy of Sciences is a private, nonprofit, self-perpetuating society of distinguished scholars engaged in scientific and engineering research, dedicated to the furtherance of science and technology and to their use for the general welfare.
C# Game Programming Cookbook for Unity 3D
The overall goal of this book is to provide a library of C# code with which to jumpstart your projects and to help you with the overall structure of your games.Many development cookbooks focus on only providing snippets of code, but, here, we take a different approach. What you are holding in your hands right now (or on your screen) is a cookbook for game development that has a highly flexible core framework designed to speed up development of just about any type of Unity project.
Learning C# by Developing Gamesth Unity
In this book introduction, we have reviewed what appears from the Unity 3D interface at first glance, with a simple introduction to the game industry, we will embark on the next lessons in a practical project through which we learn how to create a real complete game
The Council is administered jointly by both Academies and the Institute of Medicine. Dr. Bruce Alberts and Dr. William A. Wulf are chairman and vice chairman, respectively, of the National Research Council.
Refactoring in Java
In a time when it seems there is no other topic but artificial intelligence, it may seem strange to write a book that gathers the key practices for writing good, maintainable, and, in a word, clean code. As I write this, tools are becoming well-known – perhaps they are already well-known – that assist the developer and help write code, suggesting how to complete the line of code they are writing or even writing some short methods. Opinions at the moment are very polarized, between those who fear becoming obsolete in a few weeks and those who believe their natural intelligence is superior to any artificial intelligence.