Siyosat. Siyosiy fanlar
Siyosat. Siyosiy fanlar
Siyosat. Siyosiy fanlar
100 Великих картин
"Великих великих картин"-Очередная книга популярной серии "100 великих" составленная из очерков о самых выдающихся картинах в истории человечества. Читатели смогут не только узнать много нового и интересного об истории создания этих картин, но и совершат своеобразное путешествие по мастерским самых великих художников мира - от Боттичелли, Леонардо да Винчи и Андрея Рублева до Ильи Репина, Клода Моне и Сальвадора Дали.
100 Великих Отечественных кинофильмов
Киноведы мира неоднократно называли среди лучших кинокартин советские фильмы- "Чапаев" братьев Васильевых, " Александр Невский" и "Иван Грозный" С.Эйзенштейна... Художественно- игровые фильмы,о которых рассказывает эта книга, представляют все многообразие отечественного киноискусства. Среди них каждый может найти знакомые и полюбившиеся картины.
100 Великих замков
Великие крепости и замки всегда будут привлекать всех, кто хочет своими глазами увидеть лучшие творения человечества. Новая книга из серии "100 великих"" рассказывает о наиболее выдающихся замках мира и связанных с ними ярких и драматичных событиях, о людях что строили их и разрушали, любили и ненавидели, творили и мечтали.
100 Великих актеров
В книгу включены жизнеописания самых выдающихся актеров мирового театраи кино с древних времен до сегодняшнего дня. Среди героев книги такие мастера сцены и кинематографа, как Федор Волков,Михаил Щепкин, Сара Бернар, Чарли Чаплин, Вера Холодная,Жан Габен,Андрей Миронов,Михаил Ульянов,Софи Лорен, Роберт де Ниро,Жерар Депардье- целая галерея ярких дарований.
Периферическая нервная система
В сборнике представлены результаты научных исследований по уточнению вопросов патогенеза, клинических и диагностических критериев заболеваний пояснично-крестцового отдела периферической нервной системы. Помещена статья по классификации заболеваний периферической нервной системы, которая детально обсуждена на расширенном заседании пленума Всесоюзной проблемной комиссии «Заболевания периферической нервной системы». Значительное место составляют работы по профилактике, внедрению новых методов консервативного и хирургического лечения этих заболеваний.
Узбекистон давлатчилиги тарихи
Узбекистон Республикаси хакли равишда жахон цивилизациялари тарихида мухим урин эгаллаган ва унинг ажралмас тракибий кисми хисобланади.
Germany In Transition : A Unified Nation's Search For Identity
This book focuses on themes ranging from foreign and European affairs, economic and business issues, and eastern Germany to minority rights issues. It contains remarks given before conferences of the Robert Bosch Foundation Alumni Association which focuses on Germany's international role.
Sociology in Germany : A History
This open access book traces the development of sociology in Germany from the late 19th century to the present day, providing a concise overview of the main actors, institutional processes, theories, methods, topics and controversies. Throughout the book, the author relates the discipline's history to its historical, economic, political and cultural contexts. The book begins with sociology in the German Reich, the Weimar Republic, National Socialism and exile, before exploring sociology after 1945 as a ‘key discipline'of the young Federal Republic of Germany, and reconstructing the periods from 1945 to 1968 and from 1968 to 1990. The final chapters are devoted to sociology in the German Democratic Republic and the period from 1990 to the present day. This work will appeal to students and scholars of sociology, and to a general readership interested in the history of Germany.
China’s New Role in African Politics : From Non-Intervention Towards Stabilization?
China's rise to global power status in recent decades has been accompanied by deepening economic relationships with Africa, with the New Silk Road's extension to Sub-Saharan Africa as the latest step, leading to much academic debate about the influence of Chinese business in the continent. However, China's engagement with African states at the political and diplomatic level has received less attention in the literature. This book investigates the impact of Chinese policies on African politics, asking how China deals with political instability in Africa and in turn how Africans perceive China to be helping or hindering political stability.While China officially operates with a foreign policy strategy which conceives of Africa as one integrated monolithic area (with the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) the flagship of inter-continental cooperation), this book highlights the plurality of context-specific interaction patterns between China and African elites, demonstrating how China's role and relevance has differently evolved according to whether African countries are resource-rich and geostrategically important from the Chinese perspective or not.
Central Documents and Politburo Politics in China
Virtually every analysis of Chinese politics views the Politburo as the nerve center of the system, but questions abound as to how this center governs itself and how it interacts with the system around it. Specifically, how much consultation occurs during the drafting of major Politburo documents, and who is brought into this process? How is information channeled up to this body, and what are the rules that govern the access of the Politburo members themselves to data generated by the bureaucracies? How are the political strategies of individual leaders and political factions attuned to this system of information channeling? What types of decisions are reached by the Politburo? To whom are they communicated? How rigidly must they be followed? How institutionalized is this entire decision making system, and has it become more—or less—institutionalized over the years? How has the factional legacy of the Cultural Revolution affected its mode of operations? Indeed, in the wake of the Cultural Revolution, how much in control of the system has the Politburo itself been? Central Documents in Politburo Politics in China seeks to better understand these questions by analyzing a particular stream of largely bureaucratic communications in the Chinese system: the so-called “Central Documents” (CDs). This is a series of documents through which the top Party leadership directly communicates with the rest of the political system. [1]
China's Elite Politics: Political Transition And Power Balancing
China's Elite Politics provides a new theoretical perspective on elite politics in China and uses this theoretical perspective to explain power transfer from Jiang Zemin to Hu Jintao and political dynamics between different factional groups since the Sixteenth Party Congress of November 2002. It explains the transition in structural terms, presents characteristics of China's political elites, and analyzes the balance of power among formal institutions as well as among factional groups. It also examines political interactions between Jiang Zemin and his cronies on the one side and Hu Jintao and his allies on the other over a number of issues: the epidemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS); ideological institutionalization; the politics over economic overheating; Jiang Zemin's complete retirement; and Hu Jintao's power consolidation in both ideological and personnel terms.
China's Elite Politics: Governance And Democratization
A sequel to the author's trailblazer (China's Elite Politics: Political Transition and Power Balancing, published by World Scientific in 2007), this book tackles the issue of governance in China. It provides up-to-date information on China's political elites and evaluates their ability to deal with crises through four case studies: Snowstorm in the South, the Tibet issue, the Sichuan Earthquake, and the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.Along with China's Elite Politics: Political Transition and Power Balancing, this book provides rich empirical information on and insightful theoretical understanding of national-level politics in China and serves as a good reference source for students of Chinese politics.
Politics and Government in China
This concise, thought-provoking analysis explores the political changes and economic development emblematic of a rapidly rising China.Politics and Government in China is an introduction to Chinese government and politics. The book provides analysis of China's political history; its key leaders and leadership transitions; and its political party, state institutions, and party policies. Moving beyond a strict definition of politics, the book also explores the nation's economic development, social policy, law and order, and foreign relations.Throughout these analyses, the book's primary focus is on modern China, a nation poised to become an economic superpower. It thus explores themes such as China's transition from a traditional society to a modern society, from a less developed to a rapidly growing economy, from a revolutionary regime to a modernizing state, and from the rule of man to the rule of law. Although the transitions are incomplete and the future still uncertain, this book will help readers understand China as it is—and as it may become.