Ichki savdo. Turistik va ekskursiya xizmati
Madaniyat. Madaniyatshunoslik
Tarix. Tarix fanlari
Kimyoviy texnologiya. Kimyo sanoati
Tarix. Tarix fanlari
Kimyoviy texnologiya. Kimyo sanoati
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Tilshunoslik haqida, Stilistika haqida
Darslikda ilg'or xorijiy tajribalardan foydalangan holda turizm sohasini rivojiantirishning nazariy va amaliy asosiari yoritilgan. Xorijiy turizm bozorini ri vojiantirish tendensiyalari, mamlakatimizda turizm sohasida amalga oshirilayotgan islohotlar va davlat siyosatining maqsadli vazifalari aniq misollar yordainida belgilab berilgan. DarsJikdan har bir mavzuni talaba tomonidan yaxshi o‘zlashtirish bo‘yicha tayanch so‘z va iboralar, mustaqil ishlash uchun savollar, amaliy mashg‘uIotlarga tayyorgarlik ko‘rish uchun topshiriqlar va test savollari o‘rin olgan. Darslik oliy o‘quv yurtlarining turizm (faoliyat yo‘nalishlari bo‘yicha), meh monxona xo‘jaligini tashkil etish va boshqarish, iqtisodiyot, kadrlar menejmenti, marketing va menejment (turizm) bakalavriat ta’lim yo‘nalishlarida tahsil olayot- gan talabalarga, magistrantlarga moijallangan. Undan turizm kasb-hunar koilejla- rining o‘qituvchilari va turizm sohasida faoliyat ko‘rsalayotgan mutaxassislar ham foydalanishlari mumkin.
Archaeometry’s Role in Cultural Heritage Sustainability and Development
Abstract: The interdisciplinary field of archaeometry covers a wide range of subject categories and disciplines in relation to science and humanities. It is a well-established academic field of study and accredited part of higher education. Since its inception, the nomenclature designation of archaeometry signifies the appropriate methodology applied to archaeological materials and questions emerging from this field, regarding monuments, artifacts, and the reconstruction and management of landscape bearing cultural assets.
The ready sale of a small and very imperfect work bearing tho same title as the preaeot, not only proves that an elementary treatise is much wanted, but it also encourages the hope that a volume in an improved foTm» and of systematic arrangement, will be still more acceptable to the numismatic student.
My chiefdebtofgratitudeistoIanStewart,notsimplyforhaving readthisbookindraftandgreatlyimproveditbutbecauseofthe contributionhehasmade,overmanyyearsoffriendshipand collaboration,tomyknowledgeandunderstandingofcoinage. Otherfriendshavebeenkindenoughtoreadeitherthewholeof thisbookorthosesectionswheretheyhavespecialknowledge: ChristopherBrooke(all),MichaelCrawfordandMartinPrice(the classicalperiod),NicholasLowick(MuslimandIndiancoins),and RoseChan-HoustonandMichaelLoewe(FarEasterncoins).
All Heritage is Intangible: Critical Heritage Studies and Museums
In 2008 the Reinwardt Academy decided to honour Caspar Reinwardt by organising a yearly Reinwardt Memorial Lecture to be held on or around his birthday, June 3. Caspar Reinwardt (1773-1854) was a well respected naturalist, professor at three universities (Harderwijk, Amsterdam, Leiden), director of four botanical gardens (Harderwijk, Amsterdam, Bogor, Leiden), and director of one natural history museum (Amsterdam).
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY A Chemist and Laboratory Technician’s Toolkit
This book is an analytical chemistry book that has two forms: a traditional hardcover book, and an electronic version contained within an analytical chemistry toolkit program. Today’s students, technicians, and chemist are all familiar with and daily use a computer. Many textbooks are being converted to online and electronic versions where students study the electronic books using computers or handheld electronics such as Kindles.
Analytical Instrumentation A Guide to Laboratory, Portable and Miniaturized Instruments,
This book has arisen from a series of lectures developed by Dr Gillan McMahon and delivered to students on the taught postgraduate module on instrumentation at Dublin City University. Gillian was previously herself a student in DCU and since graduating, she has developed her analytical background initially in industry in the pharmachem arena, and more recently, as a very successful academic teacher and researcher. She gained a wealth of experience over a broad range of analytical techniques in the pharmachem industry, working with the Geotest Chemical Company (USA), Newport Pharmaceuticals (Ireland), Bristol-Myers Squibb (Ireland) and Zeneca Pharmaceuticals (UK). This experience applied not just to the use of techniques and methods, but also to data tracking and compliance, which is a critical aspect for this sector. While with BMS, she was engaged in training of staff in advanced analytical techniques and compliance at other sites in Italy and Puerto Rico prior to production campaigns
THE HISTORY OF CENTRAL ASIA The Age of the Silk Roads,
The period from the Xiongnu steppe empires (before 244 bce–93 ce) to that of the Uyghurs (744–840 ce) was marked by the extraordin arily dynamic and multifaceted relationships between the peoples of Central Asia and the states of sedentary cultures at the peripheries, such as those of China, north India and Iran, and the Roman and Byzantine empires. These contacts involved both active trading and political and military conflicts, the migration of peoples and the diffu sion of religions and artistic styles.
Fifteen years ago, when I first considered mounting undergraduate courses in ‘historiography’, most students and not a few colleagues possessed barely more than a blurred notion of what the word meant. Secretaries pronounced it ‘historygraphy’. Professors, some of them major figures in their fields, advised thatone could not teach the subject at all, either because it was too difficult and would ‘confuse’ the students, or, more radically, because the subject had no existence outside the particular historical problem one might be considering.
Historiography: An Introductory Guide,
“What is historiography?” asked the American historian Carl Becker in 1938. Readers may well ask that question since professional historians have themselves differed over the meaning of the term, defining it variously to mean the writing of history, the study of historical methodology, the analysis of the different schools of interpretation on a particular historical topic, or the history of historical writing. It is not surprising that many readers are either unfamiliar with the concept of historiography altogether, or at best view it as a dry and esoteric subject, of interest only to specialists, when even historians have often treated historiography in this way. The English historian G. R
Introductory Chemistry Introductory AN ATOMS FIRST APPROACH
Introductory Chemistry: An Atoms First Approach by Julia Burdge and Michelle Driessen has been developed and written using an atoms-first approach specific to introductory chemistry. It is a carefully crafted text, designed and written with the introductory chemistry student in mind.
0 ‘zbek xalqining o‘tmishi uzoq tarixga borib taqaladi. Bu davr ichida xalqning ham moddiy, ham ma'naviy madaniyati jahon sivilizatsiyasining o‘lmas namunalariga aylandi. Xususan, o‘zbek xalqining nomoddiy madaniy merosi asrlar osha ajdodlar tomonidan sayqallanib, xalqning bebaho mulki bo‘lish bilan bir qatorda demokratik islohotlami yanada chuqurlashtirish va fuqorolik jamiyatini rivojlantirishning muhim sub'ektisifatida baholandi. Zero, nomoddiy madani meros insonni tarbiyalaydi, ulug’laydi. Tabiat va xayot go’zalligini ochib beradi. Unga mehr - muxabbat munosabatini oshiradi. Shu bilan birga nomoddiy madaniy meros muhim aqliy vazifani ham bajaradi. «Biz har qanday qobiliyatda yozilgan asarni», - deb yozadi Gyote - Ona xayotimizdagi faktlami o’rganishga ko’maklashganligi uchun qadrlaymiz va e'zozlaymiz.”
УТГАН КУНЛАР Тарихий роман
1264 хижрия, далв ' ойининг ун еттинчиси, кишки кунларнинг бири, к,уёш ботган, теваракдан шом азони зшитиладир... Дарвозаси шарк,и-жанубга к,аратиб к,урилган бу донгдор саройни Тошкент, Самарк;анд ва Бухоро сав- догарлари эгаллаганлар, саройдаги бир-икки хужрани истисно К.ИЛИШ билан бошк,алари мусофирлар ила гула. Сарой ахАИ кундузга иш-кучларидан бушаб хужрала- рига к,айтганлар, куп хужралар кечлик ош пишириш пла машгул, шунинг учун кундузгига к,араганда сарой жонлик: кишиларнинг шак,иллашиб сузлашиш- лари, хахолаб кулишларн саройни кукка кутар- гудек.
Spiritus Animalis, или Как человеческая псих ология управляет экономикой и почему это важно для мирового капитализма,
та книга открывает новую серию совместных изданий Российск ой эк ономическ ой школы и издательства «Альпина Бизнес Букс». Цель серии — познак омить массового российск ого читателя с последними достижениями эк ономическ ой на уки, изложенными доступным язык ом. Именно поэтому в ка честве первой книги мы выбрали именно Spiritus Animalis. Эта книга как нельзя лучше соответств ует идее серии. С одной стороны, в ней излагаются недавние достижения эк ономическ ой на уки. С другой — в ней нет формул и таблиц (без к оторых не об х одится ни одна современная на учная работа по эк ономике); при этом изложение основных идей — не тольк о доступное, но и интересное.