Xalq ta’limi. Pedagogika
A Introduction– sets out the key concepts for the area of study. The units of this section take you step-by-step through the foundational terms and ideas, carefully providing you with an initial toolkit for your own study. By the end of the section, you will have a good overview of the whole field
Упражнения для синхрониста. ЗЕЛЕНОЕ ЯБЛОКО
Для меня эта книга подобна распахнутому окну, в которое хлынул весенний воздух. Воздух завтрашнего дня. Ведь мы, люди, даже будучи профессионалами, способны засушить и «обнаучить» любой живой процесс, приколоть пеструю бабочку к серой бумаге, проявляя незауряд ное человеческое занудство... И что же? Тем самым мы делаем освое ние профессии чудовищно неэффективным.
Tourism, Public Transport and Sustainable Mobility,
ourism Essentials is a dynamic new book series of short accessible volumes focusing on a specific area of tourism studies. It aims to present cutting-edge research on significant and emerging topics in tourism, providing a concise overview of the field as well as examining the key issues and future research possibilities. This series aims to create a new generation of tourism authors by encouraging young researchers as well as more established academics. The books will provide insight into the latest perspectives in tourism studies and will be an essential resource for postgraduate students and researchers
Практикум по синхронному переводу с русского языка на английский (с аудиоприложением)
Практикум по синхронному переводу с русского языка на английский (с аудиоприложением). Издание третье, стереотипное. Рассчитанный на начинающих переводчиков с хорошим знанием английской грамматики, этот сборник представляет собой единую по содер жанию, но смешанную по форме — письменную и устную — композицию. Условно сборник может быть поделен на три раздела:
«Temur tuzuklari» podsholarning turish-turmushlari va odob- axloq normalarini belgilab beruvchi asar hisoblanadi. Asarda jahon gir Amir Temurning yetti yoshidan to hayotining so‘nggigacha kech gan ijtimoiy-siyosiy hayoti, harbiy yurishlari, taxt vorislariga vasiyat va pand-nasihatlari ixcham bayon etilgan.
Land Transport Benefits Framework measures manual
This publication is copyright © Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency. Material in it may be reproduced for personal or in-house use without formal permission or charge, provided suitable acknowledgement is made to this publication and Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency as the source. Requests and enquiries about the reproduction of material in this publication for any other purpose should be made to the Manager, Corporate Information and Records Management, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, Private Bag 6 995, Wellington 6141.
Intelligent Road Transport Systems
This book tries to break through the general discussion mode that regards the system as the core. The knowledge is introduced from four aspects: sense (perception and management of traffic information, Chaps.2and3), transmission (interaction of traffic information, Chap.4), cognition (prediction of traffic state, Chap.5), and use (intelligent transportation applications and systems, Chaps. 6–10). This book focuses on displaying common, necessary, and basic knowledge among subsystems in ITS, building a basic intelligent transportation technology knowledge system for the reader.
Korean Grammar
This book is the culmination of educational know-how and systematic grammar organization acquired by the three authors from their experience actually teaching Korean to foreigners in the classroom. In focusing strictly on Korean grammar, this series represents a departure from most current integrated teaching materials, allowing foreign learners to more easily concentrate on grammar in their study of Korean.
Academic Writing A Handbook for International Students Fourth edition
This book provides international students with a useful introduction to the basic practices in reading and writing for academic purposes. It includes topics such as the typical content of article abstracts, the mechanics of citation and referencing, and some uses of sources in writing – topics that will help international students, studying in an English medium university for the first time, to meet their tutors’ expectations in reading and writing assignments. The chapter on reading advises a critical attitude to internet resources, advice most relevant to students today.
English for Academic Research: Vocabulary Exercises,
This book contains almost 200 exercises designed to practice the non-technical vocabulary you will need when writing a research manuscript in English. It is aimed at students and researchers of any discipline whose fi rst language is not English. It is assumed that you have already reached a suf fi cient level of English to read and understand a research paper in your particular fi eld. You may fi nd some technical words in the exercises that you are not familiar with. You can simply ignore such words – they should not prevent you from being able to complete the exercise.
1000 English collections in 10 minutes a day
When you make mistakes with collocations, the other person will usually understand you – but your English won’t sound “natural” – because it’s different from the way a native speaker would say it. Although it’s possible to communicate successfully with incorrect collocations, using collocations correctly can help you speak more fluently.
There are two parts of the IELTS exam in which the test asks some questions and you must create independent responses: the Speaking Test and the Writing Test. Many people do not realise that the IELTS system uses a group of ten key topics to formulate all of these questions in Speaking and Writing. If you understand these ten topics, and above all if you know some advanced vocabulary on each topic to use in your Speaking and Writing answers, you can make a huge difference to your IELTS Band score, even if your English contains some mistakes
Korean Grammar Guidebook,
The Korean alphabet (called "Hangul" in Korean) was developed by a team of scholars under KingSe-jong(1397-1450) of the YiDynasty and is the most recently invented and most scientifically designed alphabet in the world. "Hangul" has only 21 vowel/vowel combinations and 19 consonants, 5 of which are the same symbol repeated twice and 5 of them are simply a consonant with the addition of an accent mark. That makes a total of only 30 basic character shapes to be learned,
IEL TS Writing Answer Key
IEL TS Writing Answer Key (MAXIMISER) is a must-read source designed to meet the needs of candidates preparing to take the IELTS test. It offers a full range of classified writing samples found in the actual exam.
English for Writing Research Papers
This book is intended both for inexperienced and experienced authors. In the Contents page, a (#) indicates that inexperienced writers should pay particular attention to this subsection. You can refer to the other points when you write more papers in the future.