Davlat va huquq. Huquqiy fanlar
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
How to teach Listening
How to Teach Listening provides a practical guide to the theory and the practice of teaching listening in the language classroom. This book discusses key topics such as authenticity, testing and technology. Key Features - An explanation of the main principles behind listening in the classroom - Practical ideas for conducting an effective listening lesson - Strategies to ensure the long term development of students’ listening skills - A task file of photocopiable training activities
An'anaviy o'zbek musiqasi asoslari
Ushbu darslik tarixan shakllangan an‟anaviy o„zbek musiqasi asoslarini tashkil etgan folklor va mumtoz musiqasi hamda ularning namunalarini umumiy ildizlariga mansub an‟anaviy madaniyat tizimi sifatida o„rganishiga qaratilgan bo„lib, unda tub masalalarni keng madaniy-tarixiy va ilmiy-amaliy jarayonlari bilan uzviy bog„langan holda ko„rib chiqishga asoslangan.
An'anaviy o'zbek musiqasi asoslari
Ushbu darslik tarixan shakllangan an’anaviy o'zbek musiqasi asoslarini tashkil etgan folklor va mumtoz musiqa hamda ularning namunalarini umumiy ildizlariga mansub an'anaviv madaniyat tizimi sifatida ohganishiga qaratilgan boTib, unda tub masalalami keng madaniytarixiy va ilmiy-amaliy jarayonlari bilan uzviy bog'langan holda ko‘rib chiqishga asoslangan.
Mastering Spring AI: The Java Developer's Guide for Large Language Models and Generative AI
Dive into the future of programming with this comprehensive guide for Java developers to integrate large language models (LLMs) and Generative AI using the Spring Framework. This book comes at a revolutionary time when AI technology is transforming how we implement solutions in various fields, including natural language processing, content generation, and predictive analytics. With its widespread use in the Java community, the Spring Framework is a logical choice for this integration. By focusing on integrating LLMs and GenAI with Spring, this book bridges a significant gap between cutting-edge AI technologies and traditional Java development practices. The author uses a hands-on approach, guiding you through practical implementation to effectively show how to apply theory in real-world situations. Basic introductions of topics—Spring AI, Spring Framework, and other related AI technologies—evolve into advanced integrations to ensure that you find valuable insights regardless of your starting level. Additionally, this book dedicates sections to security and ethical considerations, addressing the pressing issues associated with AI.
Mastering Blockchain. Unlocking the Power of Cryptocurrencies and Smart Contracts
The future will be increasingly distributed. As the publicity surrounding Bitcoin and blockchain has shown, distributed technology and business models are gaining popularity. Yet the disruptive potential of this technology is often obscured by hype and misconception. This detailed guide distills the complex, fastmoving ideas behind blockchain into an easily digestible reference manual, showing what's really going on under the hood. Finance and technology pros will learn how a blockchain works as they explore the evolution and current state of the technology, including the functions of cryptocurrencies and smart contracts. This book is for anyone evaluating whether to invest time in the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry.
Этюды для фортепиано
Серия ( Этюды для фортепиано на разные виды техники ) является первым опытом принципиально нового подхода к подбору и систематизации этюдного материала.
Machine Learning with Spark and Python: Essential Techniques for Predictive Analytics
Machine Learning with Spark and Python Essential Techniques for Predictive Analytics, Second Edition simplifies ML for practical uses by focusing on two key algorithms. This new second edition improves with the addition of Spark―a ML framework from the Apache foundation. By implementing Spark, machine learning students can easily process much large data sets and call the spark algorithms using ordinary Python code. Machine Learning with Spark and Python focuses on two algorithm families (linear methods and ensemble methods) that effectively predict outcomes. This type of problem covers many use cases such as what ad to place on a web page, predicting prices in securities markets, or detecting credit card fraud. The focus on two families gives enough room for full descriptions of the mechanisms at work in the algorithms. Then the code examples serve to illustrate the workings of the machinery with specific hackable code.
Зачет по социологии в кармане
Пособие, которое соответствует государственному образовательному стандарту высшего рофессионального образования, предназначено прежде всего для подготовки к экзаменам. В нем даны краткие конспекты лекций по веем темам курса, таблицы со «свернутой» информацией, материалы к докладам по ключевым темам, а также приведены основные сведения о классиках социологической пауки и специальные термины.
Konstituciyalıq huqıq
Bul sabaqlıq Qaraqalpaq mámleketlik universiteti Keńesi tárepinen tastıyıqlanǵan "Ózbekstan Respublikası Konstituciyalıq huqıq" páni tiykarında oqıw baǵdarlamasına muwapıq jazılǵan.
Общий менеджмент
Учибник представляет собой первое специализировнное пособие по общему менеджменту для практикующих руководителей и специалистов, обучающихся по программам МВА.
Узбек адабиёти тарихи. Биринчи китоб.
"Узбек адабиёти тарихи" дарслиги олий укув юртлари таълими ва амалиётидан мустахкам урин олди.
Узбек адабиёти тарихи.
Дарслик нашр этилгандан (1966) утган вактлар ичида адабиётшунослигимизда мухим ходисалар руй берди, катор янгиликлар майдонга келди.
Узбек адабиёти тарихи. Учинчи китоб.
Мазкур дарсликнинг иккинчи нашри (1975 й.) чиккандан буён утган давр мобайнида узбек адабиёти тарихини урганиш сохасида олимларимиз катор тадкикотлар олиб бордилар.