Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Jismoniy tarbiya va sport
Ichki savdo. Turistik va ekskursiya xizmati
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Dinamik makroiqtisodiyot
Ushbu darslikda uy xo'jaliklari, firmalar va hukumat kabi iqtisodiy agentlar tomonidan vaqtlararo optimlashtirishga asoslangan dinamik umumiy muvozanat modellari ketma-ketligidan foydalangan holda zamonaviy mikroiqtisodiyotning ilg'or muolajasi aks ettirilgan.
Gandbol nazariyasi va uslubiyati
Gandbol nazariyasi va uslubiyati lam gandbol spoit tuii bo'yicha pedagog-murabbiylari tayyorlashda yetakchi va asosiy ixlisoslik fani sifatida o'rgatiladi. Ushbii darslikda gandbol o'yinining kelib chiqishi, vositaiari, uslubiyati, tamoyillari, mashig`ulot va musobaqalarni tashkil qilish hamda o`tkazish, gandbol o'yinining texnikasi va taktikasini o ‘rgatish, gandbol sport mashg‘uloti asoslari bo'yicha bilimlar, amaliy harakal hamda ko‘nikma va malakalari batafsil yoritilgan.
Излагаются принципы работы автотормозных устройств, электронных и механических скоростемеров. Описаны порядок и организация расшиф ровки информационных данных, зафиксированных на различных носителях информации. Даются рекомендации по организации работы, направленной на укрепление безопасности движения поездов, эффективного контроля за работой локомотивных бригад. Учебник предназначен для учащихся дорожно-технических школ, а также для подготовки кадров локомотивных бригад и техников-расшифров щиков скоростемерных лент. Может быть полезен руководителям локомо тивных хозяйств и ревизорам по безопасности движения
Адабиётшуносликка кириш
Ушбу китоб "Адабиётшуносликка кириш" фани буйича узбек тилида яратилган энг янги дарсликлардан биридир.
Адабиёт назарияси.
"Адабиёт назарияси" китобини яратишда унинг, даставвал, олий укув юртларида дарслик булиб хизмат этиши лозимлиги кузда тутилди.
Учебное пособие составлено в соответствии с требованиями Типовой программы Русский язык для всех направленый бакалавриата, утвержденной Минвузом Республики Узбекистан. Оно включает 30 лексико- грамматических тем, презентационный материал. глоссарий, для каждой темы представлен В основу учебного пособия положен последовательно реализуемый коммуникативно-деятельностный принцип, подача материала основана на работе с текстом, освоенни новых слов и терминов. Использование в процессе обучения инновационных технологий ИКТ и интерактивных методов представляют современный стиль обучения, который способствует развитию творческой активности и креативного мышления обучающихся. Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов 1 курса бакалавриата для направления "Туризм" с узбекским языком обучения. Учебное пособие рекомендовано к изданию Советом Министерства Высшего образования, науки и инноваций Республики Узбекистан по приказу № 333 от 6 сентября 2024 года
商业沟通 (Commercial communication)
Natural Language Processing with Python Cookbook. Over 60 Recipes to Implement Text Analytics Solutions Using Deep Learning Principles
To solve any real-world Natural Language Processing (NLP) problems, you need to work with huge amounts of data. This data is generally available in the form of a corpus out there in the open diaspora and as an add-on of the NLTK package. For example, if you want to create a spell checker, you need a huge corpus of words to match against. The goal of this chapter is to cover the following: Introducing various useful textual corpora available with NLTK, How to access these in-built corpora from Python, Working with frequency distributions, An introduction to WordNet and its lexical features.
Microservices Design Patterns with Java. 70+ Patterns for Designing, Building, and Deploying Microservices
Microservices, a popular software architecture style, breaks down applications into small, independent services built with Java, a versatile and widely used programming language. This book serves as a roadmap for mastering design patterns that solve common problems encountered during microservices development in Java. Start with microservices setup for team success. Discover various architectural styles and communication approaches for seamless service interaction. Learn effective data management within microservices. Acquire skills for handling unforeseen scenarios in transactions and crafting secure APIs for user service access. Lastly, grasp crucial monitoring, testing, and deployment practices to identify and address issues, ensuring smooth production deployment. "Microservices Design Patterns with Java" positions itself as an indispensable tool in the arsenal of today’s software professionals. It not only aids in navigating the complexities of microservices architecture but also enhances the reader's ability to deliver robust, high-quality software solutions efficiently.
Мemory as a Programming Concept in C and C++
Assuming readers have a basic familiarity with C or C++, Frantisek Franek describes the techniques, methods and tools available to develop effective memory usage. The overwhelming majority of "bugs" and crashes in computer programming stem from problems of memory access, allocation, or deallocation. Such memory related errors are notoriously difficult to resolve. Moreover, the role that memory plays in C and C++ programming is a subject often overlooked in courses and in books. Most professional programmers learn about it entirely through actual experience of the problems it causes.
Mathematics of Game Development A Collection of Applied Lessons
This introductory textbook introduces students to mathematical concepts and helps them to understand how they apply to the field of game development. This book covers the mathematical concepts commonly used in game development while providing opportunities to apply these concepts in the industry-standard Unity game engine. Most chapters cover mathematical concepts commonly used in game development, a downloadable game project that will provide a context to apply the math concepts learned, exercises for readers to practice the math concepts covered, and challenges for readers to further practice applying those concepts. This book will be ideal for any game development student looking to gain a grounding in the most relevant mathematical concepts to support their trade. It will also be useful as a stepping stone to digesting more advanced mathematical concepts for game development.
Mathematical Analysis for Machine Learning and Data Mining
This compendium provides a self-contained introduction to mathematical analysis in the field of machine learning and data mining. The mathematical analysis component of the typical mathematical curriculum for computer science students omits these very important ideas and techniques which are indispensable for approaching specialized area of machine learning centered around optimization such as support vector machines, neural networks, various types of regression, feature selection, and clustering. The book is of special interest to researchers and graduate students who will benefit from these application areas discussed in the book.
Детская ультразвуковая диагностика. Том 1
Коллектив кафедры лучевой диагностики детского возраста ГБОУ ДПО РМАПО Минздрава России подготовил учебник «Детская ультразвуковая диагностика». В работе принимали участие основные сотрудники кафедры, а также авторы из Москвы, Хабаровска, Твери, Перми.
Mastering Visual Studio 2022. Develop apps like a pro with advanced Visual Studio techniques using C# and .NET
Mastering Visual Studio, one of the fastest and most comprehensive integrated development environments (IDEs), is crucial for building efficient, scalable, and modern apps. Written by a seasoned technical expert in .NET with over a decade of experience, Mastering Visual Studio 2022 helps you leverage the full capabilities of this powerful IDE. Packed with step-by-step guidance and self-assessment tools, this book adopts a practical approach to helping you advance your Visual Studio expertise. You’ll explore complex topics such as debugging, testing, extension development, and CI/CD, and gain practical insights to enhance your skills. The book covers advanced coding analysis and refactoring techniques that will help improve code quality and maintainability. You’ll also get to grips with Visual Studio’s capabilities for multi-platform development; integrating machine learning models; and cloud development with Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud. You’ll master Git workflows, conflict resolution, and DevOps practices with GitHub Actions and Azure DevOps, ensuring seamless team collaboration and efficient deployment pipelines.