Jismoniy tarbiya va sport
Xalq ta’limi. Pedagogika
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Oliy matematika
Darslikning har bir mavzusi ko`p sondagi misol va masalalar yechimlarida tushuntirilgan, ularni o`zlashtirishni mustahkamlashga yo`naltirilgan mashqlar bilan to`ldirilgan.
Ouyidagi darslik sport faoliyati ta 'lim yo 'nalishining yangi о ‘quv dasturiga muvofiq tuzilgan. Undo mualliflar kafedraning ish tajribalari, hamda oxirgi 10 yillik davrlarida futbol sohasida о ‘tkazilgan ilmiy tadqiqot ma ‘lumotlaridan samarali foydalanganlar. Darslikdan futbolda о ‘yin texnika va taktikasi, futbolchilarning jismoniy tayyorgarligi, ulaming musobaqa faoliyati jarayonini pedagogik nazoratini amalga oshirish, futbolchilarning tayyorgarligini rejalashtirish, ta ’lim va mashgulot uslubiyati, hamda tanlab olish savollari о ‘rin olgan. Har bir bob yakunida nazorat savollari, glossari va tavsiya qilingan adabiyotlar ro ‘yxati taqdim etilgan. Darslik O'zDJTl futbol mutaxassisligi yo'nalishida ta ’lim olayotgan talaba va magistrantlarga tavsiya qilingan, hamda pedagogika oliy о ‘quv yurtlarining jismoniy tarbiya fakultet talabalari va futbol bo ‘yicha murabbiylar maktabi tinglovchilariga mo ‘Ijallangan. Darslik 0 ‘zbekiston Davlat jismoniy tarbiya instituti qoshidagi oliy о ‘quv yurtlariaro ilmiy-uslubiy kengash tomonidan nashr etishga tavsiya etilgan.
Радости печали и мудрости
Публикуемая оратория во многих отношениях занимает особое место среди прочих кантатно- ораториальных произведений Генделя. Прежде всего она отличается от них характером сюжета.
Чет тил укитиш методикаси.
Тил урганиш кишилик жамиятида багоят мухим сохалардан хисобланади. Алока воситаси булмиш тилни табиий мухитда ( оилада, жамоатчилик орасида) ёки уюшган холда амалий эгаллаш мумкин.
Химия и технология элементоорганических мономеров и полимеров
В учебнике отражены новые научно-технические данные, появившиеся за последние годы.
Reading and Writing Practice in English
Mazkur darslik ingliz tili adabiyoti va filologiya fakultetlarining birinchi bosqich talabalari uchun mo‘ljallangan. "Reading and Writing Practice in English" darsligi talabalarning o‘qish va yozish ko‘nikmalarini oshirishda muhim ahamiyat kasb etib, o‘qish va yozish modullarini o‘z ichiga oladi
Deutsch. Немис тили дарслиги.
Мазкур дарслик чет тилидан ихтисос берадиган олий укув юртлари немис тили факультетларининг I ва II курс талабаларига мулжалланган.
Строительная механика
Изложены теории и методы расчета стержневых и тонкостенных пространственных систем от квазистатической нагрузки, включая основы теории упругости и пластичности.
Mаzkur o‘quv qo‘llаnmаdа “Pedagogika va psixologiya fanlarini o‘qitish metodikasi” fаni bo‘yichа tаlаbаlаr egаllаshi lozim bo‘lgаn nаzаriy vа аmаliy mа’lumotlаr o‘rin olgаn. Shuningdek, unda pedagogik fanlarni o‘qitish metodikasi fanining predmeti, maqsad va vazifalari, prinsiplari, ta’lim metodlarining tasnifi, pedagogik fanlarini o‘qitish jarayonida zamonaviy pedagogik va axborot texnologiyalardan foydalanish, o‘quvchilarni bilim, ko‘nikma va malakalarini tashxis etish masalalari yoritilgan.
O'simlikshilik awil xojalig'inm' tiykarg'i tarawlarimn' biri bolip, xaliq ushm aziq-awqat o'nimlerin, sharwashihq ushm ot- sho'p, ha'm jen'il sanaattm' ko'plegen tarawlari ushm shiyki zat jetistiriw maqsetinde egip o'siriletug'm ha'm tabiyatta jabayi halda o'setug'in o'simliklerden de paydalaniw ma'seleleri menen shug'illanatug'm pa'n. Bul tarawdm'da basqa tarawlar siyaqli o'zine ta'n qa'siyetleri bar. Ma'selen, o‘simIikshiliktin' ma'wsimligi yag'my tek jilh waqitta-o'simliktin' o'sip rawajlamwin ta'miyinlewshi temperatura bolg'anda g'ana olardi egiw, o'simlik ushm kerekli bolg'an agrotexnikahq ilajlardi belgilengen mu'ddetlerde o'tkeriw, sharayatti ha'r dayim o'zgertip turiw h.t.b. Son'g'i waqitlari awil xojalig'ma barhama jan'a sortlar, jan'asha texnologiyalardm' kirip keliwi, haqiyqattanda bul tarawdag' 1 qa'niygelerden teren' ha'm ha'r ta'repleme puxta bilimge iye boliwdi talap etedi.
Немис тили дарслиги.
Мазкур "Немис тили дарслиги" укишлар узбек тилида олиб бориладиган педагогика дорилфунунлари ва институтларининг табиий фанлар факультетлари талабалари учун мулжалланган.
Реконструкция городской застройки
В книге изложены особенности старогородской застройки и инженерных изысканий, проводимых при ее реконструкции. освещены принципы планировки и инженерного благоустройства территорий, санации и озеленения, организации движения и социально-бытового обслуживания.
Немис тили фонетикаси.
Мазкур кулланма республика университетлари, педагогика институтлари чет тиллар факультетларининг I - II курс талабаларига мулжалланган.
Elasticsearch: A Complete Guide. End-to-end Search and Analytics A course in three modules
Module 1, Elasticsearch Essentials, this module provides a complete coverage of working with Elasticsearch using Python and as well as Java APIs to perform CRUD operations, aggregation-based analytics, handling document relationships, working with geospatial data, and controlling search relevancy. Module 2, Mastering Elasticsearch, in this module we start with an introduction to the world of Lucene and Elasticsearch. We will discuss topics such as different scoring algorithms, choosing the right store mechanism, what the differences between them are, and why choosing the proper one matters. We touch the administration part of Elasticsearch by discussing discovery and recovery modules and the human-friendly Cat API.
Effective .NET Memory Management
In the dynamic world of software development, memory management is a critical yet often overlooked subject that significantly impacts the performance and reliability of applications. As developers, we are constantly seeking ways to optimize our code, reduce resource consumption, and enhance the efficiency of our applications. .NET, with its advanced garbage collection and memory allocation mechanisms, provides a robust environment for building high-performance applications. Still, it also requires a deep understanding of memory management to fully harness its potential.
Demystifying Deep Learning. An Introduction to the Mathematics of Neural Networks
Interest in deep learning (DL) is increasing every day. It has escaped from the research laboratories and become a daily fact of life. The achievements and potential of DL are reported in the lay news and form the subject of discussion at dinner tables, cafes, and pubs across the world. This is an astonishing change of fortune considering the technology upon which it is founded was pronounced a research dead end in 1969 (131) and largely abandoned. The universe of DL is a veritable alphabet soup of bewildering acronyms. There are artificial neural networks (ANN)s, RNNs, LSTMs, CNNs, Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)s, and more are introduced every day. The types and applications of DL are proliferating rapidly, and the acronyms grow in number with them. As DL is successfully applied to new problem domains this trend will continue. Since 2015 the number of artificial intelligence (AI) patents filed per annum has been growing at a rate of 76.6% and shows no signs of slowing down (169). The growth rate speaks to the increasing investment in DL and suggests that it is still accelerating.