Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
От амебы до робота: модели поведения
Есть ли общее в поведении животных и человека? Каковы основные процедуры, которые организуют то, что мы называем целесообразным поведением и разумным поведением?
Современные технологии в автомобильно- дорожном комплексе
Харакат микдори ва уларнинг таркибини аникланг- хилма хил усуллари мавжуд. Хозирги кунда бизнинг республикамизда кенг таркалган усул бу кузатиш усулидир.
Современные технологии в автомобильно-дорожном комплексе
Махсус фанларни урганишда ишбилармонлик уйинлари мухим ахамиятга эга, чунки у укув машгулоти шароитини аник амалий касбий фаолият билан максимал якинлаштиришни кузда тутади
Материаллар қаршилигидан қисқа курс
Ҳар қандай машина ёки иншоотларга нисбатан турлича талаблар қўйилади. Машина ва иншоотлар қўйилган юклар таъсирига чидамли бўлиши яъни ишлатилиш даврининг бошидан охиригача хавф-хатарсиз ишлаши керак.
Fundamentals of physics
You are about to begin your first college level physics course. You may have heard from friends and fellow students that physics is a difficult course, especially if you don't plan to go on in a career in the hard sciences. But that doesn't mean it has to be difficult for you The key to success in this course is in have a good understanding of cach chapter before maving on to the next. When learned a little hit at a time, physics is straightforward and simple. Here are some ideas that can make this text and this class work for you
Organic chemistry a modern perspective
This book has taken half a decade to write, and during this time my wife, Debbie, and my children, Graeme (now 8) and Veronica (now 6), have had to forego almost every evening with their husband and father. To them, more than anyone else, go my thanks for their love, patience, and support throughout this time of writing. Without their understanding this task may well have been abandoned years ago. To them I dedicate this book, with all my love.
Organizational Behavior
This third edition of Organizational Behavior is intended for similarly named courses at the undergraduate level. It is the culmination of our 36 years of teaching and researching organizational behavior in the United States and other countries. Thanks to detailed feedback from students, professors, and practicing managers, this edition is slimmer, more disciplined, and more tightly organized. Lots of changes have been made in this edition reflecting new research evidence, new management techniques, and the fruits of our own learning process.
The McGraw-Hill Introduction to Literature, now in its second edition, is a dynamic and diversified anthology for college students enrolled in literature and composition courses. It contains fiction, poetry, and drama of American and international appeal. Designed with an eye to both the uniqueness and the universality of outstanding literature, this text offers a unified, multicultural approach to meaning, form, technique, and values in fiction, poetry, and drama. If literature, as Paul Valéry declared, is "the art of playing on the minds of others," then what we have attempted to create in this anthology is an appreciation of the strategies and themes by which first-rate authors capture and engage the imagination, intellect, and emotions of a broad range of readers.
Extending Place values no decimals By using a decimal point, we can include digits to the right of the ones place. These digits have place values that are less than one. A decimal point separates the part of the number that is less than one from the whole-number part.
Mazkur o'quv qo'llanmada zamonaviy keng qo'llaniladigan biologik materiallarda o'tkaziladigan laboratoriya tadqiqotlarining biokimyoviy va molekulyar biologiya uslublar yoritilgan.
Инсоннинг умумий маданиятининг қирраларидан бири бўлиб, ахборот маданияти ўз моҳиятига кўра интегратив бўлади, у амалда, замонавий инсон фаолиятининг барча соҳаларида: ўқишда, ишда, дам олишда ва ҳоказоларда намоён бўлади.
Biokimyo (amaliy mashg'ulotlar)
Ushbu o'quv qo'llanma pedagogika universiteti va pedagogika institutlarining biologiya, kimyo yo'nalishi talabalariga mo'ljallab yozilgan.
Klinik biokimyo
Mazkur qo'llanmada zamonaviy keng qo'llaniladigan qon, siydik va boshqa biologik materialda o'tkaziladigan testni klinik diagnostik ahamiyati keltirilgan.
Методика обучения биологии
В данном пособии отражены основные вопросы теоретического курса «Методика обученна биологии». Цель пособия - оказание помощи студентам при изучении теоретических основ курса, самостоятельной подготовке к практическим и лабораторным работам, сдаче зачетов и экзамена по методике обучения биологии. Пособие предназначено для студентов бакалавриата, очной и заочной форм обучения по направлению.
Maktabgacha ta'limda inklyuziv ta'lim
Ushbu oʼquv qoʼllanmada muallif hozirgi kunda 60111900 – Maktabgacha taʼlim yoʼnalishi 1- bosqich talabalari uchun “Maktabgacha ta’limda inkluziv ta’lim” fanida erishilgan eng soʼnggi yutuqlar nuqtai nazaridan yondashgan. Inklyuziv ta’lim alohida ta’lim ehtiyojlari va individual imkoniyatlarning xilma-xilligini hisobga olgan holda barcha ta’lim oluvchilar uchun ta’lim tashkilotlarida ta’lim olishga bo‘lgan teng imkoniyatlarni ta’minlashga qaratilgan.
Ilmiy izertlew metodologiyasi
Oqıw qollanbada házirgi dáwirdegi ilimiy izertlewdiń jobalastırıw texnologiyalıq túriniń logikalıq táreplerin sistemalı analizi tiykarı kózqarasında qaralgan. Ilimiy izertlewdiń metodologiyasınıń tiykarları, ilimiy izertlewdiń metodları, ilimiy iskerlik metodikası, ilimiy izertlewdiń teoriyalıq hám emprikalıqalıq dárejeleri bunda qollanatuğın metodları usınılģana Oqiw