Veterinariya va chorvachilik
Hindiy tili 3-qism
Ushbu darslik "Asosiy sharq tili (hindiy tili)" o'quv dasturi asosida hindiy tilini o'rganayotgan 3-kurs talabalari uchun mo'ljallangan. Darslikdan filologiya, tarix, falsafa,antropologiya, jahon iqtisodiyoti va xalqaro iqtisodiy munosabatlar, siyosatshunoslik,turizm, gid hamrohligi va tarjimonlik faoliyati yo'nalishlarida ta'lim olayotgan 3-kurs hindiy tili guruhlarining talabalari foydalanishi mumkin.
C# Programming
The introduction of the Microsoft .NET framework at the Professional Developers Conference in July 2000 also saw Microsoft introduce a new programming language called C# (pronounced “see-sharp”). The name was inspired by musical notation where a # sharp symbol indicates that a written note should be a semitone higher in pitch. This notion is similar to the naming of the C++ programming language where the ++ symbol indicates that a written value should be incremented by 1.
Building Modern SaaS Applications with C# and .NET. Build, deploy, and maintain professional SaaS applications
Book Description. There are several concepts that must be mastered to deliver functional and efficient SaaS applications. This book is perfect for developers and teams with experience in traditional application development looking to switch to SaaS and deliver slick and modern applications. You'll start with a general overview of SaaS as a concept and learn with the help of an example throughout the book to bring life to the technical descriptions. You'll use the Microsoft .NET tech stack for development and C# as the programming language to develop your desired SaaS application. Delivering SaaS requires a deep understanding of all layers in the application stack. As you progress, you'll learn how to approach the database layer, the API, and the UI to confidently approach application development using the SaaS model. Additionally, you'll explore how to test, deploy, maintain, and upgrade each component of the application. By the end of this book, you will be well equipped to approach all aspects of delivering software using the SaaS paradigm.
Механизм ва машиналар назарияси
Дарслик икки бўлимдан иборат. Бўлимлардан олдин мазкур фан олдидаги муаммоларга бағишланган 1-боб берилган.
Building Evolutionary Architectures. Support Constant Change
The software development ecosystem is constantly changing, providing a constant stream of new tools, frameworks, techniques, and paradigms. Over the past few years, incremental developments in core engineering practices for software development have created the foundations for rethinking how architecture changes over time, along with ways to protect important architectural characteristics as it evolves. This practical guide ties those parts together with a new way to think about architecture and time.
Механизм ва машиналар назарияси.
"Механизм ва машиналар назарияси" дарслиги педагогика институтларининг "Умумтехника фанлари ва мехнат", "Умумтехника фанлари ва физика", "Чизмачилик, расм ва мехнат", "Математика ва чизмачилик" ихтисосликлари программаси асосида ёзилган.
Raqamli tarix
Mazkur darslikda Raqamli tarix fanining mohiyati manbalar asosida yoritib berilgan. Fan axborot texnologiyalari bilan bo‘g’liq bo‘lib, tarixni o‘rganishda raqamli texnologiyalarining o‘rni, fan sohasidagi xalqaro tajribalar, zamonaviy yondashuvlar, tarixiy voqyeliklarni, faktlarni o‘rganishda, tarixiy tadqiqotda kompyuter manbashunosligi hamda internetning ilmiy va amaliy ahamiyati haqida so‘z yuritiladi.
Build a Blockchain from Scratch in Go
Because like blockchain, it’s a fantastic technology for your overall programming career. Go is a trendy language and better paid than an average Java/PHP position. Go is optimized for multi-core CPU architecture. You can spawn thousands of light-weight threads (Go-routines) without problems. It’s extremely practical for highly parallel and concurrent software such as blockchain networks. By writing your software in Go, you achieve nearly C++ level of performance out of the box without killing yourself for that one time you forgot to free-up memory. Go also compiles to binary which makes it very portable.
Электромеханик курилмалар ва мажмуаларнинг элементлари.
Ишлаб чикаришдаги машина ва механизмларнинг мехнат унумдорлиги ва сифатли махсулот яратиши ушбу саноат курилмаларининг автоматлашганлик даражасига бевосита богликдир.
Buxgalteriya hisobi nazariyasi
Mazkur darslik davlat ta'lim standartlari talabalari buxgalteriya hisobi va audit mutaxassisligi bo'yicha ta'lim olayotgan talabalar uchun mo'ljallangan.
Основы социологии
В учебнике представлено системное изложение основ социологии, с учё том новейших теоретико-методологических подходов. Структура учебника включает в себя социологию культуры, социологию личности, социологию этноса, социологию права, социологию девиантного поведения, социологию гендера и семьи, социологию международных от ношений, социолошю будущего, разделы, связанные с социальными ин ститутами, организациями и общностями, методами социологического ис следования. Излагается история мировой социологии, а также социально философская мысль на территории Центральной Азии и Ближнего Востока. В разделах даётся материал по Узбекистану. Учебник снабжён вопросами для самоконтроля с рекомендуемой лите ратурой для каждого раздела. Рассчитан на студентов высших учебных заведений и всех тех, кто интересуется социологией.
Психология и педагогика
Для студентов, преподавателей высших учебных заведений и всех интересующихся вопросами психолого-педагогической практики.
Информатика, информацион технологиялар.
Ушбу дарслик Информатика информацион технологиялар фанида анъанавий равишда берилган мавзулар билан бирга, хозирги даврда долзарб булган янги мавзулар:
Chorvachilik qishloq xo'jaligining muhim tarmoqlaridan biri bo‘Iib, mazkur sohani rivojlantirish shu soha mutaxassislari oldiga muhim vazifalar qo‘yadi. Chorvachilik sohasi aholini yuqori kaloriyali oziq-ovqat mahsuloti (go‘sht, sut, yog‘, tuxum), ycngil va oziq-ovqat sanoatini xomashyo bilan ta’minlaydi hamda dchqonchilikda tuproq unumdorligini oshiradi. Bundan ko'rinadiki, chorvachilikni rivojlantirish uchun ozuqa bazasini mustahkamlash zarur. Yem-xashak bazasini yaratishda oz.uqalarni qayta ishlash, har xil ozuqalarni tayyorlash hamda ulardan oqilona foydalanish katta ahamiyatga egadir.
Материаллар каршилиги.
"Материаллар каршилиги" дарслиги педагогика институтларининг "Умумтехника фанлари ва мехнат", "Умумтехника фанлари ва физика", "Чизмачилик, расм ва мехнат" ихтисосликларига укийдиган студентлари учун кискартирилди.