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Davlat va huquq. Huquqiy fanlar
Ommaviy kommunikatsiya. Jurnalistika. Ommaviy axborot vositalari
Human Rights : Social Justice in the Age of the Market
Koen De Feyter, who has chaired Amnesty International's Working Group on economic, social and cultural rights, shows the many ways in which rampant market economics in today's world leads to violations of human rights. He questions how far the present-day international human rights system really provides effective protection against the adverse effects of globalization. This accessible and thought-provoking book shows both human rights activists and participants in the anti-globalization movement that there is a large, but hitherto untapped, overlap in their agendas, and real potential for a strategic alliance between them in joint campaigns around issues they share.
Грамматика немецкого языка в упражнениях.
Автор книги И. П. Тагиль, преподаватель, переводчик, являющийся также автором «Грамматики немецкого языка» и «Тематического справоч-ника», более восьми лет работал, учился и прошел стажировку как препо-даватель немецкого языка в Германии. Представленный сборник упраж-нений включает в себя все разделы немецкой грамматики. При подготовке данного пособия были использованы только аутен-тичные материалы при активной помощи преподавателей немецкого язы-ка из Германии. Данное издание значительно дополнено новыми интересными упраж-нениями на базе современного немецкого языка. Новое издание является отличным практическим пособием для закрепления теоретического мате-риала
Фалсафа, социология, маданиятшунослик фанлари ва уларни укитишдаги муаммоларимиз тугрисида.
Рисолада мамлакатимиз таълим тизимида фалсафа,
Human Rights : Between Idealism and Realism
Human Rights between Idealism and Realism presents human rights in action, focusing on their effectiveness as legal tools designed to benefit human beings. By combining conceptual analysis with an emphasis on procedures and mechanisms of implementation, this volume provides a multidimensional overview of human rights. After examining briefly the history of human rights, the author analyses the intellectual framework that forms the basis of their legitimacy. In particular, he covers the concept of universality and the widely used model that classifies human rights into clusters of different'generations'. The volume then moves on to analyse the activities of the political institutions of the United Nations, the expert bodies established by the relevant treaties, and the international tribunals specifically entrusted at the regional level with protecting human rights. The author explains how and why the classical array of politically inspired informal devices has been enriched by the addition of international criminal procedures and by endeavours to introduce civil suits against alleged individual violators of human rights. Finally, the volume is rounded off by a consideration of the importance of humanitarian law as an instrument for the protection of human life and dignity and an exploration of the future of human rights.
Advertising as a Creative Industry Regime of Paradoxes
At the crossroads of culture and commerce, the advertising industry is a regime of paradoxes. This book examines the place of advertising in today’s creative industries, exploring the major challenges advertisers confront as they engage with other creative sectors. Izabela Derda, author, media scholar, and industry expert, offers insights into how the industry keeps deconstructing its own creative processes and collaborative models as it attempts to stay relevant.
Globalizing the Soybean Fat, Feed, and Sometimes Food, c. 1900–1950
Globalizing the Soybean asks how the soybean conquered the West and ana- lyzes why and how the crop gained entry into agriculture and industry in regions beyond Asia in the first half of the twentieth century.
Globalizing the Soybean Fat, Feed, and Sometimes Food, c. 1900–1950
Globalizing the Soybean asks how the soybean conquered the West and ana- lyzes why and how the crop gained entry into agriculture and industry in regions beyond Asia in the first half of the twentieth century.
Industry-University Research Collaborations: Report of a Workshop
The prevalence and vitality of research partnerships between industrial organizations and universities have increased dramatically over the last two decades. Data from a comprehensive national survey cited by the National Science Foundation reveal that four times as many industry-university research centers—a total of 286 —were established in the 1980s than were created in the preceding ten years (see Cohen, Florida, and Goe,
Customer Competences and Innovation Capability
When I started thinking about a potential topic for my dissertation, I planned to connect this work somehow to my personal passion for video games. However, in the beginning I underestimated the complexity of finding a relevant topic for a dissertation and I realized that connecting a research topic to video games is not that simple.
Over the past 20 years, significant evidence has accumulated supporting the use of mass media campaigns in smoking cessation efforts. Studies have shown that smoke cessation campaigns can change beliefs and attitudes about quitting, increase motivation to quit and stimulate quit attempts. Also discussed in this book is the role of mass media in shaping and presenting certain forms of national identity; the prosocial messages in animated cartoons; the political use of fear and news reporting in Italy; media depiction of risky driving and adolescent driving behaviors; and the Axelrod Model of social phenomena and mass media.
Scholarship, Commerce, Religion THE LEARNED BOOK IN THE AGE OF CONFESSIONS , 1560–1630
This book is a revised and expanded version of the lectures I gave at the University of Oxford in May 2010 as the Lyell Reader in Bibliography. I should like here to express my gratitude to the Lyell electors and to the continued support I have received from the Lyell Fund.
Human Rights
Your guide to human rights in Scotland, looking at legislation and case law. How have human rights influenced Scots law? And how does the law protect Scottish citizens'rights? This guide introduces you to the interplay between human rights and Scots law. It covers fundamental rights, procedural rights, qualified rights and other rights. Summary sections of Essential Facts and Essential Cases will help you to learn and revise the core points of the subject.