Qurilish. Arxitektura
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Ommaviy kommunikatsiya. Jurnalistika. Ommaviy axborot vositalari
Ichki savdo. Turistik va ekskursiya xizmati
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
San’at. San’atshunoslik
Entre reconstruction et mutations : Les industries de la chimie entre les deux guerres Gérard Emptoz, Danielle Fauque, Jacques Breysse
L'après Première guerre mondiale a favorisé le déclenchement de la professionnalisation de la chimie en France, tandis que l'industrie chimique se recomposait dans un cadre économique profondément modifié par le conflit.
Буровые геологоразведочные насосы
В книге описаны буровые насосы, применяемые при бурении геологоразведочных скважин, изложены методики расчета по эксплуатации и проекти-рованию буровых насосов. Большое внимание уделено параметрам режима промывки скважин.
Economic Effects of Product Liability and Other Litigation Involving the Safety and Effectiveness of Pharmaceuticals
In theory, product liability can increase product safety by strengthening incentives for manufacturers or other product sellers to increase their levels of precaution (or “care”) in designing, manufacturing, labeling, and promoting their products.
Асосини М ГУ профессорлари М. И. Голенкин ва JI. И. Курсанов яратган ботаника дарслиги биринчи марта бундан уттиз йил илгари нашр килинган. Дарслик Москва уииверситетининг талабалари ва укитувчилари коллективи томонидан яратилган. Дарсликнинг дастлабки турт' нашридан ^ар бири беш кисмдан иборат булиб, ботаниканинг хамма булимларини уз ичига олган эди. Усимликлар физиологияси, экологияси ва географиясига оид махсус кулланмалар пайдо булгандан кейин ботаника дарслигининг кейинги нашрларига усимликларнинг, одатда, дастлабки икки йил мобайнида укиладиган анатомияси, морфологияси (I том) ва систематикаси (II том)гина киритилди.
Southeast Asia on Screen From Independence to Financial Crisis (1945-1998)
Throughout the last two decades, there has been a substantial increase in scholarly publications addressing Southeast Asian films and filmmaking The ending of authoritarianism in Indonesia and the radical spirit of reform infected young filmmakers in Malaysia and Indonesia who, with the added help of new technology
O`simlik hujayrasining fiziologiyasi
Respublika birinchi prezidenti I. A. Karimov ta’kidlaganidek, «Bizning vazifamiz, kerak bo‘lsa, oliy burchimiz – farzandlarimizning ham jismoniy, ham ma’naviy jihatdan uyg‘un rivojlangan, zamonaviy bilim va tajribalarni puxta egallagan, Vatanimiz va xalqimiz kelajagi uchun mas’uliyatni o‘z zimmasiga olishga qodir bo‘lgan barkamol insonlar bo‘lib voyaga etishi uchun qo‘limizdan kelgan barcha-barcha ishlarni amalga oshirishdan iboratdir»1 .
Schriftenreihe Bauwirtschaft I Forschung 27
Die Bedeutung des Bauens im Bestand nimmt deutschland- und europaweit zu. Eine besonders große Bedeutung hat das Bauen im Bestand im Wohnungsbau, der vom finanziellen Volumen her in Deutschland seit Jahren mit Abstand wichtigsten Bauspar- te. Betrachtet man die konventionellen, von ihren Grundprinzipien her eher auf Neu-bauten ausgerichteten Modelle des Bauprojektmanagements, ist festzustellen, dass diese beim Bauen im Bestand oftmals Anpassungen bzw.
Мaqolada O'rta osiyoda uchraydigan molyuskalarning turlari, tarqalishi, hayot sikli, ularning foydali va zararli tomonlari, marvarid olish jarayoni hamda ularni O'zbekistonda yashaydigan turlari haqidama 'lumotlar keltirilgan Калит сўзлар: molyuska, flora, o'simlik, efemer o'simliklar, endemik o'simliklar, geofitik o'simliklar, fitotsenozlar, antropogen omillar, texnogen omillar, rekreatsion omillar
Government Industry Forum on Capital Facilities and Core Competencies SUMMARY REPORT
Private corporations and the federal government have invested hundreds of billions of dollars in the capital facilities and infrastructure needed to support their lines of business or missions. Until the 1980s, owners with large inventories of facilities maintained in-house facilities engineering programs staffed by hundreds, sometimes thousands, of architects and engineers responsible for designing, constructing, operating, and managing buildings, manufacturing and industrial plants, and other capital projects.
Ўзбекистондаги мевали дарахтлар орасида олма етакчи ўринда туради. Уни парваришлаш агротехникасини яхши йўлга қўйилиб, боғ барпо этиш учун жой тўғри танланилса мўл ҳосил олинади. Йилнинг турли даврларида пишиб етиладиган навлар мавжудлиги туфайли олмани янгилигида истеъмол қилинади, қайта ишланиладиганларини эса йил мобайнида олиш мумкин
Competition in the Electric Industry: Emerging Issues, Opportunities, and Risks for Facility Operators Conference Summary
Significant and rapid changes are taking place in the electric industry as a result of efforts to introduce competition. These changes will ultimately effect those who generate, market, and purchase electricity.
Climate Change and Journalism Negotiating Rifts of Time
Across the world people are experiencing unprecedented climate phenomena: hottest springs, summers and/or winters, accompanied by the ‘worst’ droughts, floods, wildfires and storms as well as longest periods of extremes of any of the above.
Tourism, Knowledge and Learning
This is a book about tourism which, in different ways and forms, is based on knowledge mediation and learning activities. The idea of writing this book came from a perceived gap in the available literature touching upon this subject and also as a way of summarizing a two-year research project called “Knowledge tourism as attraction and resource”
Wider die Geschichtsvergessenheit Inszenierte Geschichte – historische Differenz – kritisches Bewusstsein
Auf den ersten Blick ist zwar ein Nachlassen von (Schul-)Bildung, historischem Faktenwissen und kulturgeschichtlicher Kompetenz zu beklagen, aber Mittelaltermärkte und Schauturniere boomen auch ohne konkrete Vorstellungen, wie Handel und Kampf im Mittelalter aussahen
Ink-Stained Hollywood The Triumph of American Cinema’s Trade Press
This book developed over many years, with the help of many people, organiza - tions, and institutions. I will never be able to adequately thank them all. What follows represents my best attempt.