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Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
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Oxford Textbook of Medicine. Volume 3
The Oxford Textbook of Medicine is a large undertaking: this edition, the most substantial so far, comprises 647 chapters and covers 6654 printed pages, and its production has required an extraordinary coordination of effort from many quarters. In darker moments the editors feared that the process would never end, but as we have read and edited the chapters along the way, we have experienced the joy of learning a huge amount of medicine, often in fields far removed from our own. For this we are very grateful to our contributors, including those whose submissions were delayed.
Интеллектуальное право. Защита интеллектуальной собственности
Для студентов уровней профессионального образования бакалавриат и магистратура образовательных организаций высшего образования юридические и экономического профилей, а также аспирантов, преподавателей, практические работников правоохранительных и финансово-кредитных органов.
Экономические и финансовые риски: оценка, управление, портфель инвестиций
В книге излагается сущность экономического риска, рассматриваются факторы, влияющие на уровень риска, даются методы количественной оценки экономического риска,приводятся практические примеры принятия эффективных решений в условиях риска для конкретных экономических ситуаций. Для специалистов, изучающих и использующих экономико - математические методы в управлении экономическими рисками, специалистов банковских и финансовых структур, работников пенсионных, страховых и инвестиционных фондов, а также студентов экономических вузов.
Oxford Textbook of Medicine. Volume 2
The Oxford Textbook of Medicine is published online and has been regularly updated for many years, but the production of a new and very substantially updated edition provides a moment when it is natural and proper to reflect on what has changed in medicine and what has not in recent years. In the context of burgeoning social changes and inequality across the world, we have cause to weigh and consider exactly what modern medicine has to offer patients and their doctors. Here we reflect on aspects of Medicine that are changing rapidly and set out a vision for this in the sixth edition of the Oxford Textbook of Medicine.
Jahоn iqtisоdiyotining glоballashuvi jarayoni amalga оshayotgan bir davrda jahоn mоliyaviy–iqtisоdiy inqirоzi yuz bеrdi. Bu inqirоzning rеspublikamiz iqtisоdiyotiga kеltiradigan zararlarining оldini оlish uchun Prеzidеntimiz I. Karimоv o‘z asrlarida to‘хtalib –«Barchamiz bir haqiqatni anglab еtishimiz lоzim –O‘zbеkistоn хalqarо hamjamiyatning va glоbal mоliyaviy-iqtisоdiy bоzоrning ajralmas tarkibiy qismi hisоblanadi.
Курс ориентирован на студентов образовательных организаций высших образования юридического профиля, аспирантов, преподавателей и иных лиц, интересующихся проблемами борьбы с преступностью.
Oxford Textbook of Medicine. Volume 1
The Oxford Textbook of Medicine is the foremost international textbook of medicine. Unrivalled in its coverage of the scientific aspects and clinical practice of internal medicine and its subspecialties, it is a fixture in the offices and wards of physicians around the world , as well as being a key resource for medico legal practitioners. Accessible digitally with regular updates, as well as in print, readers are provided with multiple avenues of access depending on their need and preference. More comprehensive, more authoritative, and more international than any other textbook; Oxford Textbook of Medicine focuses on offering both perspective and practical guidance on clinical management and prevention of disease. Introductory sections focus on the patient experience, medical ethics and clinical decision making, outlining a philosophy which has always characterized the Oxford Textbook of Medicine. It is humane, thought provoking, and aims to instill in readers an understanding of the role of medicine in society and the contribution it can make to the health of populations, and it does not shy away from discussion of controversial aspects of modern medicine.
Международное право
В курсе освещаются основные проблемы современного международного права. Для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по юридическим направлениям.
Introduction to Forestry and Natural Resources
Introduction to Forestry and Natural Resources, Second Edition, presents a broad, completely updated overview of the profession of forestry. The book details several key fields within forestry, including forest management, economics, policy, utilization and forestry careers. Chapters deal specifically with forest regions of the world, landowners, forest products, wildlife habitats, tree anatomy and physiology, and forest disturbances and health. These topics are ideal for undergraduate introductory courses and include numerous examples and questions for students to ponder. There is also a section dedicated to forestry careers. Unlike other introductory forestry texts, which focus largely on forest ecology rather than practical forestry concepts, this book encompasses the economic, ecological and social aspects, thus providing a uniquely balanced text. The wide range of experience of the contributing authors equips them especially well to identify missing content from other texts in the area and address topics currently covered in corresponding college course
Hydrology. An Introduction
Water in its different forms has always been a source of wonder, curiosity and practical concern for humans everywhere. Hydrology: An Introduction presents a coherent introduction to the fundamental principles of hydrology, based on the course that Wilfried Brutsaert has taught at Cornell University for the last thirty years. Hydrologic phenomena are dealt with at spatial and temporal scales at which they occur in nature. The physics and mathematics necessary to describe these phenomena are introduced and developed, and readers will require a working knowledge of calculus and basic fluid mechanics. The book will be invaluable as a textbook for entry-level courses in hydrology directed at advanced seniors and graduate students in physical science and engineering.
The Project Gutenberg eBook of Pumps and Hydraulics
"Pumps and Hydraulics, Part 1" by N. Hawkins is a scientific publication written in the early 20th century. The work delves into the principles and applications of hydraulic systems and various types of pumps. The author aims to provide an educational resource for understanding the laws of hydraulics and their practical implications in engineering. The opening of the book introduces the subject matter with an emphasis on the importance of a scientific grounding in understanding mechanical work and hydraulics. It outlines the author's intent to create a comprehensive guide that encompasses topics such as different kinds of pumps (including hand and power pumps), hydraulic apparatus, and the fundamental laws governing fluid mechanics. The introduction includes a glossary of pump terms, setting a solid foundation for the detailed discussions that will follow throughout the work, indicating the book's educational focus. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Introduction to Water Engineering Hydrology and Irrigation
Water engineering, hydrology, and irrigation comprise a wide range of different majors that are developing and changing rapidly, so students and specialists of these majors need to use the most up-to-date texts and papers. This can be achieved through reading the original texts. This book is designed as a text for undergraduate water engineering, hydrology, and irrigation courses and as preliminary reading for postgraduate courses in water engineering, hydrology, and irrigation. It is hoped that it will also be of value to specialists, experts, and engineers already in the field and to students preparing for the M.Sc. and PhD examinations. The texts and exercises are based on my lecture courses to undergraduate water and environmental engineers augmented by material prepared for extramural short courses. Wherever possible, illustrations have been used to clarify the texts. The book is divided into 16 chapters and is intended for students, researchers, and professionals working on various aspects of water engineering, hydrology, and irrigation.
Viticulture. An introduction to commercial grape growing for wine production
Grapevines are all members of the same genus (or family) of plants called Vitis and, in their natural habitat, are woodland plants that like to climb and clamber up convenient trees, putting out tendrils to attach themselves to branches, searching for the light. Their only aim is to produce grapes sweet enough to attract birds and animals who then eat the fruit and distribute the seeds. The seeds then fall to the ground where they eventually germinate, creating new vines. In this way, the future of a vine is assured. Because it often has to climb some distance and compete with trees for light, it has a natural propensity to grow fast and furious until it reaches its goal. It also has to compete, both at ground level and below ground level, with dense woodland for water and nutrients and thus it needs to have an extensive and deep root system if it is to survive. The natural tendency of many plants is to produce fruit which contain seeds. If the plant is not threatened, it will grow in a balanced manner, producing just enough fruit to ensure survival, and will expand its physical size to the limitations of its environment.
The Mulberry Genome
This book is the first comprehensive compilation of current knowledge on mulberry (Morus L.) covering botany, cytogenetics, biodiversity, genetics and breeding, tissue culture and genetic transformation, biotic and abiotic stresses, molecular mapping, QTL identification, whole genome sequencing and elucidation on functional genomics. As mulberry is one of the most economically important trees in Asian countries, it has attracted the attention of both academicians as well as industrialists. Being highly heterozygous due to long juvenile life coupled cross pollination among species, the genetics of this important crop species is yet to be unravelled. Nonetheless, the recent success of sequencing the genomes of haploid and diploid domesticated species has ushered in an era of intense molecular and genetic research to understand this crop well for its better utilization for mankind.
Food Packaging. Principles and Practice
Food Packaging: Principles and Practice, Third Edition presents a comprehensive and accessible discussion of food packaging principles and their applications. Integrating concepts from chemistry, microbiology, and engineering, it continues in the tradition of its bestselling predecessors and has been completely revised to include new, updated, and expanded content and provide a detailed overview of contemporary food packaging technologies. Features: Covers the packaging requirements of all major food groups Includes new chapters on food packaging closures and sealing systems, as well as optical, mechanical, and barrier properties of thermoplastic polymers Provides the latest information on new and active packaging technologies
Umumiy pedagogika. Pedagogik mahorat
Mazkur darslik umumiy pedagogika fani mazmuniga bag`ishlangan bo`lib, oliy o`quv yurtlarining umumiy pedagogika dasturida ko`zda tutilgan talablar asosida tuzilgan.Ushbu darslik umumly pedagogikaning ikkinchi qismi hisoblanib, mualliflar hozirgi kunda "Pedagogik mahorat fanida erishilgan eng so'nggi yutuqlar nuqtai nazaridan yondashgan. Unda "Pedagogik mahorat" fanining nazariy va metodologik asoslariga, mazmuni funksiyasi, tarkibiy qismlariga, ularning vazifalariga jiddiy e'tibor berilgan. Shu bilan birga o'quv tarbiyaviy jarayonni boshqarishda o'qituvchilar va tarbiyachilarning o'z kasbiga milly-ma'naviy jihatdan munosabati qanday bo'lishi kerakligi yoritilgan