Xalq ta’limi. Pedagogika
Xalq ta’limi. Pedagogika
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Ichki savdo. Turistik va ekskursiya xizmati
Ichki savdo. Turistik va ekskursiya xizmati
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Fundamental Pedagogy
Fundamental Pedagogy is a discipline which is set to provide an introduction to and prepare the student for the academic study of education. Its aim is to explain the basic terms and contribute to an understanding of processes in education and to guide the student toward thinking about these processes.
Social Pedagogy and its links to Holding the Space
Social pedagogy is an area of growing interest in the UK, where there are clear concerns about the poor outcomes for children and young people who are looked after and accommodated. At an intuitive level, there seems to be similarities between what is explored during the HTS training and the principles behind social pedagogy. This review will seek to explore these similarities and differences.
English Literature Its History and Its Significance for the Life of the English Speaking World
THIS BOOK, WHICH presents the whole splendid history of English literature from Anglo-Saxon times to the close of the Victorian Era, has three specific aims. The first is to create or to encourage in every student the desire to read the best books, and to know literature itself rather than what has been written about literature. The second is to interpret literature both personally and historically, that is, to show how a great book generally reflects not only the author’s life and thought but also the spirit of the age and the ideals of the nation’s history. The third aim is to show, by a study of each successive period, how our literature has steadily developed from its first simple songs and stories to its present complexity in prose and poetry.
Translation: The Basics
Translation: The Basics is an accessible and comprehensive introduction to the study of translation. Combining traditional text-based views with the context of translation in its widest sense, it presents an integrated approach to methodology in order to critically address influences such as power and gender, as well as cultural, ethical, political and ideological issues.
Revenue management for the hospitality industry
Revenue Management for the Hospitality Industry is a book that we were particularly privileged and challenged to create. This is the fi rst textbook that has been developed specifically to examine what revenue managers in the hospitality industry must know and do to be successful. Revenue Management is an emerging fi eld of study. Because that is true, there are honest differences of opinion about what revenue management actually is today—and what it will become in the future. Despite some philosophical differences among revenue management experts, we believe all of them would agree that a good way to describe the goal of revenue management is to say that it is “to charge the right price, to the right customer, for the right product, through the right channel, at the right time.” Doing that well is not as easy as it looks—and as experienced revenue managers will attest, it doesn’t look all that easy. This book was developed to teach its readers exactly how it is done.
Je m'appelle Marina. Je suis née le 10 novembre 1985 au Moscou. Il y a deux ans que notre famille a déménagé à Donetsk où nous habitons maintenant. Notre famille n'est pas très nombreuse. C'est moi, mon père, ma mère, ma sœur cadette et mes grands-parents. Mon père est médecin, ma mère est employée. Ma sœur s'appelle Natacha.
Kompyuter multiplikatsiyasi
Mazkur o'quv qo'llanmada multiplikatsiya tarixi, kompyuter texnologiyasida animatsiya asoslari va bosqichlari, animatsiyada harakat tushunchasi, hozirgi davrda keng qo'llanilayotgan va ommabop bo'lgan dasturlar to'g'risida keng ma'lumotlar berilgan.
Настоящий учебник выдержал 20 изданий и является стабильным учебником для начинающих. Его цель — привить навыки правильного произношения, дать прочные знания основ грамматики, выработать языковые компетенции: научить писать и говорить, используя лексику и грамматические формы и конструкции французского языка в преде лах пройденной тематики; подвести к чтению французской литературы в оригинале.
Mazkur o`quv qo`llanma “5A420104-biotexnologiya” mutaxassisligi magistrantlariga o`tiladigan “Biologik faol va dorivor moddalar biotexnologiyasi” fani bo`yicha davlat ta`lim standartlari (DTS) ga va o`quv dasturiga muvofiq tarzda yaratilgan. Ushbu o`quv qo`llanmada biofaol moddalarning tuzilishi, umumiy xossalari, tasniflanishi, aminokislotalarni biosintezlash texnologiyasi va sanoat miqyosida ajratib olish istiqbollari, antibiotiklar, bakterial dori-darmonlar, fermentlarni ajratib olish hamda organik moddalarni mikrobiologik transformatsiyalash va ularni qaytarilishini amalga oshirish yo`li bilan biofaol moddalarni ajratib olishga qaratilgan biotexnologik uslublarga oid ma`lumotlar keltirilgan. Unda materiallarni o`zlashtirilishini samaradorligini oshirish maqsadida jadvallar, grafiklar, rasmlar va biokimyoviy formulalar hamda tenglamalar keltirilgan bo`lib, ular mavzular matnlari bayoni bilan uyg`unlashtirilgan
Crisis COMMUNICATION practical PR strategies for reputation management and company survival
Every possible effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this book is accurate at the time of going to press, and the publishers and authors cannot accept respon sibility for any errors or omissions, however caused. No responsibility for loss or damage occasioned to any person acting, or refraining from action, as a result of the material in this publication can be accepted by the editor, the publisher or any of the authors.
Аn'anaviy xonandalik
Ushbu o'quv qo'llanmada Xorazm musiqiy san'atining poydevori vazifasini bajargan xonandalar yaratgan musiqiy asarlar,muallifning o'zi yaratgan ashulalarining bayoni hamda nota keltirilgan matni.
Mazkur o‘quv qo‘llanma oily ta’lim muassasalarini 5140100 –Biologiya va 5320500 –Biotexnologiyayo‘nalishlarida tahsil olayotgan talabalar uchun mo‘ljallangan bo‘lib, Biokimyo va molekulyar biologiya fanini amaliy jihatdan o‘zlashtirishda bilogik materiallar tarkibidagi oqsillar, karbonsuvlar, lipidlar, nuklyein kislotalr, fermentlar, vitaminlar, gormonlar, mikro- va makroelementlarni sifatiy va miqdoriy tahlil qilishdafoydalaniladigan usullar yoritib berilgan. Har bir bo‘limda talaba va foydalanuvchiga qisqatarzda nazariyma’lumotlar ham yoritib berilgan. Qo‘llanmaning so‘ngida funksional biokimyoga oid materiallarqon va siydiktahlilito‘g‘risidagi ma’lumotlartarzida keltirilgan.
Биофизика – тирик материянинг турли хил ташкилланиш даражаларида (молекуляр, ҳужайра, орган, бир бутун организм, популяция) амалга ошувчи биологик жараёнлар асосини ташкил қилувчи ўзаро алоқадорликнинг физик ва физик–кимёвий механизмлари ҳақидаги фан ҳисобланади. Шунингдек, фалсафий нуқтаи назардан, «Биофизика» – ҳар қандай тирик тизимларнинг фундаментал асосини ташкил қилувчи физик–кимёвий жараёнларни биологик экспериментларда махсус физик тадқиқот услублари ёрдамида ўрганиш асосида, табиий–илмий дунёқараш шаклланишида муҳим ўрин тутади. «Biophysics» атамаси биринчи марта 1892–йилда Karl Pearson томонидан ёзилган «Фан грамматикаси» (Grammar of Science) китобида келтирилган1