Xalq ta’limi. Pedagogika
Menejment, tashkilot va boshqaruv
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Advances in Cereal Crops Breeding
Cereals are the main food and feed crops on our planet, with wheat, rice, and maize occupying three-quarters of the total acreage. The vast majority of plant breeders and plant geneticists around the world are engaged in cereal breeding. The genetic resources for crop genepools, including breeding and research materials, landraces, and wild crop relatives, which collectively are the pillars of modern plant breeding, are maintained ex situ in gene banks. The main challenges or bottlenecks in the advanced breeding techniques currently used in cereals are connected with concerns related to climate change, with breeding programs aiming to increase yield and tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses (e.g., yield potential and resistance to main diseases and pets, as well as increased drought, heat tolerance, and nutrient efficiency). In the last few years, a trend has occurred in cereal crop breeding aimed at combining high agronomic and biochemical parameters in a single cultivar. Currently, traditional genetic and innovative molecular genetic methods are widely used in the breeding of grain crops.
Biological Approaches to Sustainable Soil Systems
Global agriculture is now at the crossroads. The Green Revolution of the last century is losing momentum. Rates of growth in food production are now declining, with land and water resources becoming scarcer, while world population continues to grow. We need to continue to identify and share the knowledge that will support successful and sustainable agriculture systems. These depend crucially on soil.
Introduction to Soil Science
Soil science is the study of soil, including its formulation, classification and mapping. It examines the physical, biological, chemical and fertility properties of different types of soils available on the earth's surface. Soil science studies such properties concerning the use and management of soils. The two main branches of soil science are pedology and edaphology. Pedology deals with the formation, morphology, chemistry and classification of soil. Edaphology is concerned with the interaction of soil with living things, particularly plants. Some of the areas of study under this discipline include soil genesis, soil morphology, soil microbiology, soil mechanics and agricultural soil science. This textbook explores all the important aspects of soil science in the present day scenario. It elucidates new techniques and their applications in a multidisciplinary approach. The coherent flow of topics, student-friendly language and extensive use of examples make this book an invaluable source of knowledge.
Общая педагогика (Педагогическое мастерство)
В учебнике даны рекомендации по овладению профессиональными педагогическими навыками и их непрерывному совершенствованию для учителей, воспитателей, осуществляющих педагогическую деятельность в образовательных учреждениях и студентам, готовящимся к педагогической деятельности.
Cadastr.: Geo-Information Innovations in Land Administration
These notes have been prepared as background material for a presentation scheduled for The World Cadastre Summit in Istanbul. They are built on an earlier presentation given to the FIG International Congress in Sydney (McLaughlin 2010). The Sydney presentation provided a simple framework for reviewing the postwar history of property reform and the concomitant history of developments in the field of land management. That history was divided up into three overlapping chapters, or waves, and built upon a narrative of emerging interests in the importance of property to development, the subsequent investments in major initiatives, some early and important success stories, followed by a growing awareness of the challenges and limits to this aspect of development. Along the way, an unfortunate side effect has been that the rich elite have too often high-jacked the administration services to secure land assets at the expense of the poor and the most vulnerable in society.
Introduction to Remote Sensing
Remote sensing is the science of obtaining and interpreting information from a distance, using sensors that are not in physical contact with the object being observed. Though you may not realize it, you are familiar with many examples. Biological evolution has exploited many natural phenomena and forms of energy to enable animals (including people) to sense their environment. Your eyes detect electromagnetic energy in the form of visible light. Your ears detect acoustic (sound) energy, while your nose contains sensitive chemical receptors that respond to minute amounts of airborne chemicals given off by the materials in our surroundings. Some research suggests that migrating birds can sense variations in Earth’s magnetic field, which helps explain their remarkable navigational ability.
Ushbu qayta ishlanib, to'ldirilgan darslikda kartografiya tarixi, (ayniqsa O'rta Osiyo allomalarining bu fanning rivojlanishiga qwshgan xissalari) kartalar mazmuni va ularni tuzishda ishlatiladigan proektsiyalar, kartografik usullar, generalizatsiya jarayoni, karta va atlaslarning tasnifi, kartografiyada aerokosmik usullardan foydalanish, tadqiqotning kartografik usuli h’amda kartografiyadagi yangi soh’alar, yani geoinformatsion kartografiya, kartografiyada kompyuterlashtirishning bazi masalalari bayon qilingan.
Axborot texnologiyalari va tizimlari
Ushbu darslikda axborotlashgan jamiyatni shakllantirishda axborot tizimlariga zamonaviy axborot texnologiyalarini tadbiq etishning nazariy, ham amaliy asoslari, ya’ni texnologiya, axborot texnologiyasi, rivojlanish bosqichlari, axborot, axborot resurslari — iqtisodiy kategoriya sifatida, tizim, boshqaruv tizimi, axborot tizimi, avtomatlashtirilgan axborot tizimlarining tasnifi, evolutsiyasi, ularning axborot, dasturiy, texnologik ta’minot'’ MB va MBBT, masofaviy ta’Iim, multimediya vositalari, elektron tijorat, axborot xavfsizligi, avtomatlashtirilgan ish joylari va kompyuter tarmoqlari to'liq yoritilgan.
Audit asoslari
Darslikda auditorlik faoliyatining tarixiy va zamonaviy rivojlanish asoslarini mustahkamlashga yo`naltirilgan islohotlarni chuqurlashtirish sharoitida bank-moliya tizimining barqarorligini ta`minlovchi audit xizmati muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi.
Настоящий учебник (первое издание вышло в 1991 г. ) представляет собой краткое изложение и анализ основных проблем современной антропологической науки, систематизированных но трем главным разделам: эволюционная антропология, возрастная и конституционная антропология, популяционная антропология.
Современные деньги и банковское дело
Один из самых популярных учебников по курсу теории банковского дела и финансовых рынков, выдержал уже три издания. Среди основных тем учебника — роль денег, финансовые рынки, управление коммерческим банком, операции центрального банка, денежно-кредитная политика, международные валютно-финансовые отношения, современные теории денег. В книге приведены обзоры банковской и сберегательной отраслей США и международных финансовых рынков, любопытные исторические экскурсы, обзоры современных экономических дискуссий. Даны многочисленные графики, схемы и диаграммы, экономические тесты и задачи, облегчающие усвоение материала книги. Помещен обширный словарь основных финансово-экономических терминов, используемых в тексте. Рекомендуется студентам вузов, изучающим дисциплины: «Финансы, денежное обращение и кредит», «Финансы», «Банковское дело», «Деньги, кредит, банки», « Экономическая теория ».
Neft va gazni qayta ishlash texnologiyasi
Respublikamizning kimyo, neft va gazni qayta ishlash sanoati korxonalari oxirgi yillarda eng zamonaviy texnologik qurilmalar hamda uskunalar bilan jadal sur’atlarda qayta jihozlanib, yangilari bilan to'liq ta’minlanmoqda. Hozirgi kunda suyuq yoqilg'i ishlab chiqarish va xalq xo'jaligining bu mahsulotlarga bo'lgan ehtiyojini to'liq qondirish borasida mamlakatimiz alohida muvaffaqiyatlarga erishdi.
Algorithms notes for Professionals
An algorithmic problem is specified by describing the complete set of instances it must work on and of its output after running on one of these instances. This distinction, between a problem and an instance of a problem, is fundamental.
Introduction to Mineral Exploration
This new, up dated edition of Introduction to Mineral Exploration provides a comprehensive overview of all aspects of mineral exploration. Covers not only the nature of mineral exploration but also considers other factors essential to successful exploration, from target evaluation to feasibility studies for extraction and production. Includes six detailed case studies, selected for the range of different problems and considerations they present to the mineral explorationist. Features new chapters on handling mineral exploration data and a new case study on the exploration for diamonds. Essential reading for upper level undergraduates studying ore geology, mineral exploration, mining geology, coal exploration, and industrial minerals, as well as professional geologists.
Альгология и микология
Дидактические материалы подготовлены с целью помочь студентам ориентироваться среди различных систем водорослей, грибов и грибоподобных организмов. В издании разъясняется значение наиболее часто используемых терминов, дана сравнительная характеристика наиболее актуальных систематик, приводятся подробные схемы жизненных циклов ключевых представителей, изучаемых в курсе «Альгология и микология».
Современная генетика. 1-том
Одна из характернейших черт современной науки все углубляющаяся дифференциация и специализация знаний. Этот процесс достиг такого предела, за которым уже ощущается реальная угроза утраты взаимопонимания даже между представителями одной и той же научной дисциплины.