Xalq ta’limi. Pedagogika
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Davlat va huquq. Huquqiy fanlar
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Ichki savdo. Turistik va ekskursiya xizmati
Pedagogika (pedagogika nazariyasi va tarixi)
Darslik Oliy va o'rta maxsus ta’lim vazirligi tasdiqlagan namunaviy dastur talablariga muvofiq yaratildi.
Banklarda buxgalteriya hisobi
Darslikda banklarda buxgalteriya hisobining nazariy asoslari, banklarda pul aylanmalarining hisobi, banklarning aktiv va hisobi, banklarning aktiv va passiv operatsiyalarining buxgalteriya hisob, banklarning mulklari, moliyaviy natijalarining hisobi va hisobotlari aks ettirilgan. Darslik bank va moliya yo'nalishida ta'lim olayotgan talabalar, o'qituvchilar va mutaxassislar uchun mo'ljallangan.
Pedagogika (pedagogika nazariyasi va tarixi).
О ‘zbekiston Respublikasi oliy va о ‘rtq maxsus ta lim vazirligi tomonidan o‘qituvchilar tayyorlash ta'lim yo‘nalishi talabalari uchun darslik sifatida tavsiya etilgan.
Military Medicine and the Hidden Costs of War
Decisions to go to war are often framed in cost-benefit terms, and typically such assessments do not factor in longer term costs. However, recent dramatic improvements in American military medicine have had an unanticipated effect: saving more soldiers' lives has vastly increased long-term, downstream costs of war with profound consequences for global politics in an era of heightened great power competition. In Military Medicine and the Hidden Costs of War, Tanisha M. Fazal traces the modern history of medical treatment and casualty rates in American conflicts from the Civil War to the more recent counterinsurgency wars. As she shows, wars became increasingly survivable for wounded troops, to the point now where a large majority of wounded soldiers survive. Yet the human and financial implications of this steep increase in the wounded-to-killed ratio are dramatic, and her powerful analysis of this shift provides a necessary corrective to how we understand the costs of war.
Bank va moliyaviy texnologiya
“Bank va moliyaviy texnologiya” nomli darslik mazkur fan bo‘yicha tasdiqlangan o'quv dasturi asosida tayyorlangan. Darslikda banklar faoliyati va ular tomonidan foydalaniladigan moliyaviy texnologiyalaming paydo bo'lish mohiyati, ulaming sabablari, rivojlangan xorijiy mamlakatlar bank tizimi faoliyati da moliyaviy texnologiyalardan foydalanish va ulaming o‘ziga xos xususiyatlari hamda xalqaro bank sektori faoliyatini boshqarishdagi amaliyotidan O ‘zbekiston bank tizimiga moliyaviy texnologiyalarni samarali joriy qilishda foydalanislini takomillashtirish yo‘llari kabilar o‘z ifodasini topgan.
Дарсликда халқаро валюта операциялари ва халқаро ҳисобкитобларнинг асосий назарий ва амалий масалалари ўз аксини топган. Хусусан, валюта операцияларини амалга ошириш асослари, банклараро вакиллик муносабатларини ўрнатиш тартиби, тижорат банкларининг спот операциялари, муддатли ва своп операциялари,
Экономика Туризма
Переход к рыночной экономике в России обусловил необходимость подготовки новых специалистов менеджеров производства и сферы услуг
Oxford Textbook of Medicine. Volume 4
Advances in biomedical sciences. We seek to embody advances in understanding and practice that have arisen through scientific research. In the ten years since publication of the last edition of this book there has been spectacular progress in the application of science in medicine, especially the understanding of genomics and molecular cell biology. These include: in diagnostics, non invasive prenatal diagnosis of chromosome abnormalities and monogenic disease by sampling maternal plasma for cell-free fetal DNA, a technique which also holds promise for screening and monitoring of cancers; in metabolic disease, the introduction of molecular therapies that address the defective chloride transport in cystic fibrosis; in oncology, increased understanding of cancer immunity leading to the development of immunotherapies for cancers.
Экономика Туризма
В стратегии социально экономического развития Республики Узбекистан туризм обозначен в числе приоритетных направлений экономики его развитию и повышению статуса в экономики придается все большее значение
Oxford Textbook of Medicine. Volume 3
The Oxford Textbook of Medicine is a large undertaking: this edition, the most substantial so far, comprises 647 chapters and covers 6654 printed pages, and its production has required an extraordinary coordination of effort from many quarters. In darker moments the editors feared that the process would never end, but as we have read and edited the chapters along the way, we have experienced the joy of learning a huge amount of medicine, often in fields far removed from our own. For this we are very grateful to our contributors, including those whose submissions were delayed.
Интеллектуальное право. Защита интеллектуальной собственности
Для студентов уровней профессионального образования бакалавриат и магистратура образовательных организаций высшего образования юридические и экономического профилей, а также аспирантов, преподавателей, практические работников правоохранительных и финансово-кредитных органов.
Экономические и финансовые риски: оценка, управление, портфель инвестиций
В книге излагается сущность экономического риска, рассматриваются факторы, влияющие на уровень риска, даются методы количественной оценки экономического риска,приводятся практические примеры принятия эффективных решений в условиях риска для конкретных экономических ситуаций. Для специалистов, изучающих и использующих экономико - математические методы в управлении экономическими рисками, специалистов банковских и финансовых структур, работников пенсионных, страховых и инвестиционных фондов, а также студентов экономических вузов.
Oxford Textbook of Medicine. Volume 2
The Oxford Textbook of Medicine is published online and has been regularly updated for many years, but the production of a new and very substantially updated edition provides a moment when it is natural and proper to reflect on what has changed in medicine and what has not in recent years. In the context of burgeoning social changes and inequality across the world, we have cause to weigh and consider exactly what modern medicine has to offer patients and their doctors. Here we reflect on aspects of Medicine that are changing rapidly and set out a vision for this in the sixth edition of the Oxford Textbook of Medicine.
Jahоn iqtisоdiyotining glоballashuvi jarayoni amalga оshayotgan bir davrda jahоn mоliyaviy–iqtisоdiy inqirоzi yuz bеrdi. Bu inqirоzning rеspublikamiz iqtisоdiyotiga kеltiradigan zararlarining оldini оlish uchun Prеzidеntimiz I. Karimоv o‘z asrlarida to‘хtalib –«Barchamiz bir haqiqatni anglab еtishimiz lоzim –O‘zbеkistоn хalqarо hamjamiyatning va glоbal mоliyaviy-iqtisоdiy bоzоrning ajralmas tarkibiy qismi hisоblanadi.
Курс ориентирован на студентов образовательных организаций высших образования юридического профиля, аспирантов, преподавателей и иных лиц, интересующихся проблемами борьбы с преступностью.