Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Qurilish. Arxitektura
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Menejment, tashkilot va boshqaruv
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Tarix. Tarix fanlari
Clean Code in Python Second Edition
This book is suitable for all software engineering practitioners who are interested in software design or learning more about Python. It is assumed that the reader is already familiar with the principles of object-oriented software design and has experience writing code.
Electrochemical Hydrogen Production from Water Splitting
All rights are solely and exclusively licensed by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed
Security Automation with Ansible 2
This book is about security automation. We apply our knowledge of Ansible to different scenarios and workloads that revolve around security, hence the title. When boring and mundane tasks are automated, people doing those tasks can focus on solving the security problems they are dealing with
Электрическая активность умирающего и оживающего мозга
В книге описаны типы изменений электрической активности головного мозга при умирании и оживлении.
Вычислительные методы распознавания патологических процессов
Книга является одной из первых монографий по применению в медицине вычислительных методов распознавания.
Групповая психо-терапия
В монографии представлены основные формы групповой психотерапии, техника и методы ее проведения.
Automated Testing in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
This book is an introduction to test automation for Dynamics 365 Business Central. On one hand, various concepts and terminology are discussed, and on the other hand, we will also practice them by coding tests. To get the most out of this book, you might want to practice what is preached by implementing the code examples discussed.
In this book, the authors gather and present topical research in the study of the classification, characteristics and breeding of flowering plants. Topics discussed include the response of flower and boll development to climatic factors in Egyptian cotton; risk assessment of inorganic and organic pollutants in flowering plants; seed germination and secondary metabolites and plant hormones; apomixis in plant breeding; source/sink relations in fruiting cuttings of grapevine during inflorescence development; controlling the architecture and flowering in ornamental azalea plants and the evolution of carnivory in flowering plants.
Boiler Plant and Distribution System Optimization Manual
This book evolved from the Association of Energy Engineer’s Boiler Optimization course and similar courses which I have been presenting for more than 25 years. It was compiled over the years in response to the need to manage energy as efficiently as possible and to reduce pollution from combustion sources.
Редкие хирургические заболевания пищеварительного тракта у детей
Книга посвящена редким заболеваниям пищеварительного канала у детей.
Plant and Animal Endemism in California
Ecologists and evolutionists usually focus on broad, theory-driven questions. Isn’t it small-minded to focus on a place, let alone a place defined by human-drawn boundaries? And what about endemism, which the dictionary defines as “the condition of being native or restricted to a certain place”?
Green Logistics : Improving the Environmental Sustainability of Logistics
Leading the way in current thinking on environmental logistics, Green Logistics provides a unique insight on the environmental impacts of logistics and the actions that companies and governments can take to deal with them. It is written by leading researchers in the field and provides a comprehensive view of the subject for students, managers and policy-makers. Fully updated, the 3rd edition of Green Logistics has a more global perspective than previous editions. It introduces new contributors and international case studies that illustrate the impact of green logistics in practice. There is a new chapter on the links between green logistics and corporate social responsibility and a series of postscripts examining the effects of new developments, such as 3D printing, distribution by drone, the physical internet and the concept of peak freight.Other key topics examined include: carbon auditing of supply chains; transferring freight to greener transport modes; reducing the environmental impact of warehousing; improving the energy efficiency of freight transport; making city logistics more environmentally sustainable; reverse logistics for the management of waste; role of government in promoting sustainable logistics.The 3rd edition of Green Logistics includes indispensable online supporting materials, including graphics, tables, chapter summaries, and guidelines for lecturers.
Ғўзадан мўл ҳосил етиштириш омиллари
Тўпламда асосий эътибор дастлабки селекция ишларининг услубларини ишлаб чиқишга ва такомиллаштиришга қаратилган
TALLEYRAND. Diplomat - Günstling - Opportunist
»Er war ein seltsamer Mann«, schrieb Victor Hugo, »gleichermaßen gefürchtet und respektiert. Sein Name war Charles-Maurice de Pe-rigord. Er war ein Edelmann wie Macchiavelli, ein Priester wie Gondi, wie Fouche, als er das Priestergewand auszog, und durch sein Hinken ähnelte er dem Leibhaftigen.« Bedeutendere Männer als Hugo äußerten sich noch weniger freundlich: »Ein Haufen Mist in seidenen Strümpfen« lautete Napoleons Kommentar. Und Mira-beau meinte, daß »er für Geld seine Seele verkaufen würde und Gold für Mist einhandelte«. Sogar seine Eltern hielten ihn »zu nichts tauglich«. Und doch sollte sein Leben dazu beitragen, die Welt in einer Weise zu verändern und zu beherrschen, wie man sich das vor seiner Geburt nicht einmal hätte träumen lassen. Er machte aus Bonaparte einen zweiten Karl . den Großen, führte ihn dann nach Waterloo und ließ ihn schließlich in St. Helena im Exil sterben. Er machte Könige und Fürsten und ließ sie dann mit gleicher Leichtigkeit wieder fallen. Zweimal verhalf er den Bourbonen zur französischen Krone und einmal vertrieb er sie wieder vom Thron. Er war Priester, Bischof, Aristokrat, ein überzeugter Freigeist, Schwätzer, Spieler und Revolutionär.