Object-Oriented Analysis and Design for Information Systems
diagrams by using a syntactical approach, such as Miles and Hamilton (2006). There are also a significant number of books about development processes and management activities, such as Satzinger et al. (2011). However, there are relatively few books that go deep into the presentation of best practices that allow the effective application of object-oriented techniques in software development in the real world, especially if we consider the new generation of agile methods. This means that despite the vast literature in this area, many questions faced by developers are still left unanswered.
Modern Data Mining Algorithms in C++ and CUDA C
Serious data miners are often faced with thousands of candidate features for their prediction or classification application, with most of the features being of little or no value. Worse still, many of these features may be useful only in combination with certain other features while being practically worthless alone or in combination with most others. Some features may have enormous predictive power, but only within a small, specialized area of the feature space. The problems that plague modern data miners are endless.
More Exceptional C++
The Greek philosopher Socrates taught by asking his students questions—questions designed to guide them and help them draw conclusions from what they already knew, and to show them how the things they were learning related to each other and to their existing knowledge. This method has become so famous that we now call it the “Socratic method.” From our point of view as students, Socrates’ approach involves us, makes us think, and helps us relate and apply what we already know to new information.
Go Faster
This is a Leanpub book. Leanpub empowers authors and publishers with the Lean Publishing process. Lean Publishing is the act of publishing an in-progress ebook using lightweight tools and many iterations to get reader feedback, pivot until you have the right book and build traction once you do.
.NET MAUI Cross-Platform Application Development
.NET MAUI is a cross-platform technology developed by Microsoft. The inaugural edition of this book was authored using .NET 6. However, this second edition coincides with the diverse improvements initiated with the release of .NET 8. The latest .NET MAUI release predominantly seeks to enhance code quality. Simultaneously, updates have been made to the development environment that supports iOS and Android, upgrading to Xcode 15 and Android API 34 respectively.
Algorithmic thinking
For the novice tennis player, keeping the ball in the court is hard enough (especially from the backhand side). Only after months of practice, once the basic rallying skills have been mastered, does the sport and its addictive nature begin to reveal itself. You add to your repertoire more advanced tools—a slice backhand, a kick serve, a drop volley.
Go Design Patterns
This book is a comprehensive explanation and implementation of the most common design patterns from the Gang of Four and today's patterns plus some of the most idiomatic concurrency patterns in Go.
Good Code, Bad Code. Think like a software engineer
About this book. Good Code, Bad Code is a clear, practical introduction to writing code that’s a snap to read, apply, and remember. With dozens of instantly-useful techniques, you’ll find coding insights that normally take years of experience to master. In this fast-paced guide, Google software engineer Tom Long teaches you a host of rules to apply, along with advice on when to break them. Software development is a team sport. For an application to succeed, your code needs to be robust and easy for others to understand, maintain, and adapt. Whether you’re working on an enterprise team, contributing to an open source project, or bootstrapping a startup, it pays to know the difference between good code and bad code.
Hands-On Spring Security 5 for Reactive Applications
This book expects readers to be conversant with Spring Framework (any version) and Spring Security (any version). This is an ice-breaker chapter that introduces the reader to some of the most important concepts; we will expand on them in subsequent chapters.
Hands-on Scala Programming
This book aims to introduce the Scala programming experience of today. You will learn how to use Scala in real-world applications like building websites, concurrent data pipelines, or programming language interpreters. Through these projects, you will see how Scala is the easiest way to tackle complex and difficult problems in an elegant and straightforward manner.
Linux Programming: Building and Debugging
The book is particularly useful for those who have programmed in other environments and operating systems before (Windows, for example) and now want to understand how to develop programs in Linux.
Linux Sound Programming
This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed.
Linux Kernel Programming
This book, now in its second edition, has been explicitly written with a view to helping you learn Linux kernel development in a practical, hands-on fashion, along with the necessary theoretical background to give you a well-rounded view of this vast and interesting topic. It deliberately focuses on kernel development via the powerful Loadable Kernel Module (LKM) framework. This is because many, if not most, real-world/industry projects and products that involve kernel feature and/or device driver development, are done in this manner.
Machine Learning in Healthcare and Security Advances, Obstacles, and Solutions
This book brings together a blend of different areas of machine learning and recent advances in the area. From the use of ML in healthcare to security, this book encompasses several areas related to ML while keeping a check on traditional ML algorithms. Machine Learning in Healthcare and Security: Advances, Obstacles, and Solutions describes the predictive analysis and forecasting techniques in different emerging and classical areas using the approaches of ML and AI. It discusses the application of ML and AI in medical diagnostic systems and deals with the security prevention aspects of ML and how it can be used to tackle various emerging security issues. This book also focuses on NLP and understanding the techniques, obstacles, and possible solutions. This is a valuable reference resource for researchers and postgraduate students in healthcare systems engineering, computer science, cyber-security, information technology, and applied mathematics.
Practical Probabilistic Programming
This book takes the reader gently through these ideas using the Figaro language to illustrate the concepts and their applications. It avoids unnecessary mathematics and concentrates on real-world examples, which are laid out in detail and carefully explained. It is suitable for someone with a typical programming background. As a byproduct of working through the book, the reader will, with less effort than usual, acquire a strong grasp of the principles and techniques of Bayesian inference and statistical learning. Perhaps most importantly, the reader will learn the skill of modeling, which is among the most critical skills any scientist or engineer can have. Figaro and other PPLs allow one to express that skill directly, rapidly, and precisely.
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