Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Рост монокристаллов
В книге рассматриваются основы теории роста кристаллов и важнейшие методы выращивания монокристаллов, применяемых в науке и технике, в частности в полупроводниковой электронике и лазерной технике. Книга рассчитана на специалистов по выращиванию кристаллов, а также на студентов старших курсов и аспирантов физических, физико-технических, химических и геологических специальностей.
Fundamentals of Wireless Communication
The writing of this book was prompted by two main developments in wireless communications in the past decade. First is the huge surge of research activities in physical-layer wireless communication theory. While this has been a subject of study since the 60's, recent developments in the field, such as opportunistic and multi-input multi-output (MIMO) communication techniques, have brought completely new perspectives on how to communicate over wireless channels. Second is the rapid evolution of wireless systems, particularly cellular networks, which embody communication concepts of increasing sophistication. This evolution started with second-generation digital standards, particularly the IS-95 Code Division Multiple Access standard, and continuing onto more recent third-generation systems focusing on data applications. This book aims to present the modern wireless communication concepts in a coherent and unified manner and to illustrate the concepts in the broader context of the wireless systems on which they have been applied.
Digital Communication Systems
Offers the most complete, up-to-date coverage available on the principles of digital communications. Focuses on basic issues, relating theory to practice wherever possible. Numerous examples, worked out in detail, have been included to help the reader develop an intuitive grasp of the theory.
Simulation of Digital Communication Systems Using Matlab
This ebook is meant for students and instructors who are interested in simulation of signal processing and digital communication with Matlab. You should have a fair understanding of Matlab programming to begin with. Essential topics in digital communication are introduced to foster understanding of simulation methodologies. References are given in square brackets with in the text. Please refer the last section on references to get more details. The following manuscript is a result of five years of author's work and you are welcome to give feedback to make it better. Please check author's page (given at the end of this book) for contact info.
Fundamentals of Wireless Communication
The writing of this book was prompted by two main developments in wireless communications in the past decade. First is the huge surge of research activities in physical-layer wireless communication theory. While this has been a subject of study since the 60's, recent developments in the field, such as opportunistic and multi-input multi-output (MIMO) communication techniques, have brought completely new perspectives on how to communicate over wireless channels. Second is the rapid evolution of wireless systems, particularly cellular networks, which embody communication concepts of increasing sophistication. This evolution started with second-generation digital standards, particularly the IS-95 Code Division Multiple Access standard, and continuing onto more recent third-generation systems focusing on data applications. This book aims to present the modern wireless communication concepts in a coherent and unified manner and to illustrate the concepts in the broader context of the wireless systems on which they have been applied.
Simulation of Digital Communication Systems Using Matlab
This ebook is meant for students and instructors who are interested in simulation of signal processing and digital communication with Matlab. You should have a fair understanding of Matlab programming to begin with. Essential topics in digital communication are introduced to foster understanding of simulation methodologies. References are given in square brackets with in the text. Please refer the last section on references to get more details. The following manuscript is a result of five years of author's work and you are welcome to give feedback to make it better. Please check author's page (given at the end of this book) for contact info.
Paleopathology is designed to help bone specialists with diagnosis of diseases in skeletal assemblages. It suggests an innovative method of arriving at a diagnosis in the skeleton by applying ‘operational definitions’. The aim is to ensure that all those who study bones will use the same criteria for diagnosing disease, which will enable valid comparisons to be madeetweenstudies.
Математик физика тенгламалари.
Мазкур дарслик университетларининг математика, механика-математика факультетлари учун "математик физика тенгламалари" курси дастурига мослаб ёзилган.
“Urologiya” fanidan taqdim etilayotgan mazkur darslik urologik kasalliklar, ularning kelib chiqish sabablari, davolash usullari sohasidagi ilmiy manbalar va ahamiyatga molik to’plangan amaliy tajribalar asosida yaratildi. Darslik tibbiyot institutlari talabalari uchun “Urologiya” fanidan amaliyotda foydalanish uchun taqdim etiladi.
Олий математикадан масалалар ечиш.
Дарслик Олий техника университети ва техника институтлари талабалари учун мулжалланган булиб, ундан сиртки булим талабалари хам фойдаланишлари мумкин.
Gospital Pediatriya»
Qo'llanma tuzuvchilari «Gospital Pediatriya fanidan o'zbek tilida darslik yaratishni o'z oldilariga maqsad qilganlar. Darslik to'rtta asosiy bo'lim: klinik pulmonologiya, kardiorevmatologiya, gastroenterologiya, nefrologiyadan iborat. Uni tuzishda taniqli Rossiya olimlari oxirgi 5 yil ichida taxrir etgan o'quv qo'llanmalari, shuningdek kafedra xodimlarining boy amaliy tajribasi, O'zbekiston Respublikasining mintaqaviy xususiyati inobatga olingan. Darslikda bolalar yoshida ko'p uchraydigan kasalliklarni zamonaviy tashxislash, qiyosiy tashxislash, davolash standartlari va reabilitatsiya rejalari o'z aksini topgan.
Biokimyo va molekulyar biologiya
Mazkur darslik Oliy o‘quv yurtlarining 5140100-biologiya ta’lim yo‘nalishida tahsil olayotgan talabalarga, o‘qituvchilariga mo‘ljallangan.
Хакикий узгарувчининг функциялари назарияси.
Мазкур китобни ёзишда Тошкент Давлат университетининг физика-математика (кейинрок эса механика-математика) факультетларида бир неча йиллар давомида укилган лекциялардан фойдаланилган.
Qattiq yog'lar va yuvuvchi vositalar ishlab chiqarish texnologiyasi.
Darslikda qattiq yog‘lar va yuvuvchi vositalar ishlab chiqarish texnologiyasini, xom ashyo, oraliq, hamda tayyor mahsulotlami tahlil qilish usullarini qo'llashga oid ma’lumotlar keng yoritilgan. Qattiq yog'lar va yuvuvchi vositalar ishlab chiqarish, yog‘larni qayta ishlash sanoatinmg nvojlanish istiqbollari, xalq xo‘jaligida qattiq yogTarga bo'lgan talab va ulaming qo Uanilishi, olib borilgan ilmiy tadqiqot ishlaridan sharxlar bilan bir qatorda margarin mahsulotlari va yuvuvchi vositalar ishlab chiqarish jarayonlarining istiqbollari haqida ma’lumotlar keltirilgan.
Функционал анализ курси.
Функционал анализ хозирги замон математикасининг мухим сохаларидан биридир.
Для преподавателей студентов музыкальных образовательных учреждений и всех кто интересуется историей философией и эстетикой Западной Европы и Центральной Азии.