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Шайх Муҳаммад Содиқ Муҳаммад Юсуф ҳазратларининг ушбу асари Ислом тарихининг мухтасар баёни бўлиб, муаллифнинг сўнгги китобларидан биридир.
This book presents the most significant scientific information available in the study of plant achaeogenetics. A detailed examination is provided herein of plant achaeogenetics in order of the ages from ca. 30,000 years BP to the Middle ages. All fields of archaeogenetics are included from seed morphogenetics to aDNA extraction and analysis with molecular probes.
Ислом тарихи
Шайх Муҳаммад Содиқ Муҳаммад Юсуф ҳазратларининг ушбу асари Ислом тарихининг мухтасар баёни бўлиб, муаллифнинг сўнгги китобларидан биридир.
Geopolitics in Health : Confronting Obesity, AIDS, and Tuberculosis in the Emerging BRICS Economies
An in-depth analysis of why leaders from the BRICS respond to public health emergencies the way they do.In recent years, political leaders in Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, collectively known as the BRICS, have worked to reformulate international discussions and policies on issues ranging from fair and free trade to human rights. When it comes to health epidemics, however, the BRICS have differed greatly in terms of how—and when—they respond, highlighting important differences in their political commitment to meeting healthcare needs.In Geopolitics in Health, Eduardo J. Gómez takes a critical look at how the emerging BRICS economies dealt with the obesity, AIDS, and tuberculosis epidemics. Despite the countries having similar international political and economic ambitions, Gómez finds that domestic policy responses were driven mainly by international, as opposed to domestic, pressures and interests. Using a theoretical framework called geopolitical positioning, Gómez explores how nations respond to international pressures and policy criticisms, as well as offers of financial and technical assistance; countries then utilize domestic policy innovations and ultimately engage in global health diplomacy in order to bolster their international reputation.Gómez draws on extensive data and case studies and argues that leaders aspiring to build their reputations among elite nations have a ready way to demonstrate their status through quick and effective public health responses; those who scorn the international community tend to react slowly and ineffectively to the same type of crises. The first book of its kind to conduct an in-depth comparative historical analysis of how the BRICS deal with public health threats, this pathbreaking text demonstrates the value of positive geopolitical positioning and strong partnerships with other governments, nongovernmental organizations, and social health movements.
Software Architect's Handbook
The book progress to covering non-technical topics such as the importance of understanding your organization's business, working in the context of an organization, and gathering requirements for software systems. It then takes a deep dive into technical topics such as software quality attributes, software architecture design, software development best practices, architecture patterns, how to improve performance, and security considerations.
Mastering GitLab 12 Implement DevOps culture and repository management solutions
This book is for developers and DevOps professionals who want to master the software development workflow in GitLab and boost their productivity by putting their teams to work on GitLab via an on-premise installation or cloud-based infrastructure.
Қадимги цивилизациялар
Китоб тарихчи, талабалар, магистрантлар, тадқиқотчилар ва инсонаятнинг қадим тарихи билан қизиқувчи барча китобхонларга мўлжалланган.
Формирование и патология плаценты
В книге рассмотрены вопросы формирования и функции плаценты, пуповины и органов эмбриона в I триместре беременности.
The Plant Detective's Manual: a research-led approach for teaching plant science
These were the motivations behind our redesign of a second-year undergraduate plant science course at The Australian National University in 2007. ‘Plants: Genes to Environment’ ran successfully for many years, but we wanted to do more to inspire students and instill a meaningful involvement in the practical classes.
Uses of Plants by the Hidatsas of the Northern Plains
Gilbert Livingston Wilson (1869– 1930) was, in many respects, an anthropologist well ahead of his time. Anthropology in the first few decades of the twentieth century was highly focused on collecting any cultural information that could be salvaged from American Indians who had lived in and survived the nineteenth century.
Unity 2018 Shaders and Effects Cookbook Third Edition
Unity 2018 Shaders and Effects Cookbook is your guide to becoming familiar with the creation of shaders and post-processing effects in Unity 2018. You will start your journey at the beginning, exploring the Post Processing Stack to see some of the possible ways you can use shaders to affect what you see without having to write scripts at all.
Evaluation of drying processes for biomass co-firing in coal fired steam power plants
A higher share of renewable energies in power generation is being striven for in many countries, especially in Europe
Practical Test-Driven Development using C# 7
This book is for software developers who have cursory knowledge of TDD and are looking to gain a thorough understanding of how TDD can benefit them and the applications they produce. Software developers with an intermediate understanding of C# and the
Unreal Engine Virtual Reality Quick Start Guide
This book is written for the intermediate to advanced user of Unreal Engine 4 with an interest in working with VR technology. These users are familiar with the game engine, but have not yet explored how to create games and applications in VR.
Plants, Health and Healing On the Interface of Ethnobotany and Medical Anthropology
This volume takes up the challenge, 1 not least by formulating questions that may encourage future research at the interface between medical anthropology and medicinal ethnobotany.
The restless plant
This book is the product of two of my father’s passions. The fi rst was his passion, as a researcher, for understanding the miracle of plant movement, a topic that was the focus of his research for over 25 years. The second was his passion for teaching— for reaching out to people and conveying the beauty found in science and nature.