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Психология. Философия. Образование
В данную книгу избранных трудов выдающегося ученого вошли его работы, раскрывающие фактические связи психологии, философии и образования. Книга предназначена для психологов, педагогов и студентов, готовящихся к психолого-педагогической деятельности.
Словообразование и морфемика современного русского языка
Пособие представляет собой краткое изложение основ теоретического курса «Словообразование и морфемика современного русского языка», осуществлённое с позиций системного подхода. В его составе содержатся теоретический материал, методологический и методические подходы к решению проблем морфемики и словообразования русского языка
"The team making the fewest mistakes wins." Many years ago, I made my way through college on a football scholarship. Before each game our coach would go over "game axioms," of which this was always the first and the most important. Since that time I have learned that it is equally applicable to the conduct of a lawsuit. Lawsuits, like battles, are won by avoiding mistakes and by capitalizing on the mistakes of one's opponents. As all experienced trial lawyers know, thorough trial preparation, that is, a complete knowledge of the entire body of evidence as well as the identification of the legal issues likely to surface during trial, is the first step toward avoiding mistakes. But thor- ough preparation is not enough. Throughout the course of a lawsuit, a trial lawyer also must continually evaluate the opposing lawyer and anticipate that lawyer's tactics and strategy.
Adobe Photoshop CS5 ning Plugin, filtr va effektlar bilan ishlashni o'rgatuvchi interaktiv trenajor yaratish
Ushbu uslubiy qo’llanmalarda Photoshop grafik muharriri haqida yozilgan bo’lib, undan oliy o’quv yurtlari, professor-o’qituvchilari, o’rta maxsus kasb-hunar ta’limi o’quv yurtlari, akademik litsey, kasb-hunar kollej o’qituvchi va o’quvchilari hamda shu grafik muharrirni mustaqil o’rganuvchilar foydalanishlari mumkin.
Amaliy mashg`ulot darslari
Tuzuvchilar tomonidan qo‘llanmada keltirilgan har bir Amaliy mashg`ulotning maqsad va vazifalari, kerakli vosita va tushunchalari berilganidan so`ng bajaruvchiga muayyan (konkret) topshiriq hamda foydalanish uchun adabiyotlar ko‘rsatilgan.
COLLABORATING TO COMPETE Using Strategic Alliances and Acquisitions in the Global Marketplace
JOEL BLEEKE and DAVID ERNST are consultants at McKinsey & Co. For the past several years, they have worked extensively on issues of interna- tional management for McKinsey's clients in the United States, Europe. and Japan. The issues have included organization, operations, strategy, mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, and alliances. Bleeke and Ernst have also led McKinsey's efforts to learn from its international consulting experience. In addition to editing this book, they have authored six of the chapters.
In the classroom
Because students today are expected to spend a fair amount of time observing in classrooms, each copy of our book is accompanied by A Guide to Participation and Observation hi the Classroom, second edition. This guide is designed to help education students objectively observe teachers, students, and student/teacher interaction, using a variety of field-tested materials. In addition, tools to augment the beginning teacher’s technique in tutoring and small group work are included.
Understanding Ideas / Advanced reading skills
This advanced level reading skills and comprehension course teaches in a systematic and progressive way the reading techniques all students of English need to master. It covers subjects such as how to read a text, guessing unknown words, special forms of English (telegrams and newspaper headlines) and also provides practice in summary writing. Texts cover a wide range of topics, chosen for their intrinsic interest and as useful material for comprehension practice and the development of reading skills. Special texts are included for use as progress tests or for examination practice. This book was written with teachers and material developers in mind
Qishloq xo`jaligi mashinalari konstruksiyalariI
Uslubiy qоʻllanmada «Qishloq xоʻjaligi mashinalari konstruksiyalari» fani bоʻyicha laboratoriya ishlarining tavsifi va mavzu bоʻyicha nazariy ma’lumotlar, ularni bajarishga oid tavsiyalar hamda rioya qilinishi zarur bоʻlgan xavfsizlik choralari keltirilgan. Uslubiy qоʻllanma 5310600 «Yer usti transport tizimlari va ularning ekspluatatsiyasi (Traktorlar, qishloq xоʻjaligi mashinalari va jihozlar)», 5111000 «Kasb ta’limi (Yer usti transport tizimlari va ularning ekspluatatsiyasi)», 5610600 «Xizmat kоʻrsatish texnikasi va texnologiyasi (tarmoqlar bоʻyicha)» bakalavriat yоʻnalishlari bоʻyicha ta’lim olayotgan talabalar uchun «Qishloq xоʻjaligi mashinalari konstruksiyalari» fanidan namunaviy оʻquv dasturi asosida tayyorlandi.
Qishloq xo`jaligi ekinlarini yetishtirish texnologiyalari va mashinalariI
Ushbu uslubiy koʻrsatma qishloq xoʻjaligida keng ishlatiladigan tuproqqa asosiy ishlov berish mashinalari, ekin qator oralarini chopiq qiluvchi kultivator, don va chigit ekish seyalkalar, dori purkagichni sinash yuzasidan laboratoriya ishlarini oʻtkazish, tajriba natijalarini EXM da mustaqil ishlashga bagʻishlangan. Shuningdek, mazkur mashinalarni oʻrganishga oid tekshiruv savollari keltirilgan
Using WordPerfect 6.0 for DOS
Using WordPerfect 6.0 utilizes the same sound pedagogy and comprehensive coverage demonstrated in the author's previous WordPerfect texts, Using WordPerfect for Windows, Using WordPerfect 5.1, and Using WordPerfect 5.0. It presents the word processing concepts and WordPerfect commands in a step-by-step format so that this book can be used in a self-paced or lecture environment and later as a reference tool. Using WordPerfect 6.0 assumes no prior knowledge. The first lesson intro- duces the student to the IBM PC and DOS.
I n the spring of 1983, the National Endowment for the Humanities funded a grant proposal for the reorganization of Introductory Sociology at Vastar College. The proposal called for recasting the course by basing it on the major texts of the classic tradition in social theory. No text conveniently organized original source ma- terial or provided the range of coverage I was seeking, and the idea for an anthology to meet this need was sparked. Moreover, the critical issues surround ing the university and its future required that students become aware of the intellectual sources of these contemporary debates in order to be able to follow them and make intelligent judgments about their own education and the degree to which it fosters free and critical inquiry.
The Legal Environment of Business Regulatory Law and Contracts
He was appointed as School of Business Alumni Faculty Scholar at the University of Kansas from 1984-1986. Since joining the KU faculty in 1978, he has received eight awards for excellence in teaching. Gergacz received his B.S. from the School of Business, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, and his J.D. from the School of Law, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, where he was an editor of the law review. He is currently senior articles editor for the American Business Law Journal, for which he previously served as staff editor and articles editor. He has also served as editor-in-chief of the Corporate Information and Privacy Reporter. He has written numerous scholarly articles in such journals as The Business Lawyer, Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review, New Mexico Law Review, Wake Forest Law Review, Real Estate Law Journal, and the American Business Law Journal.
Taking SIDES Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in World Politics
The format of this edition is the same as the last. There are 20 issues on a wide range of topics in international relations. Each issue has two readings: one pro and one con. Each is also accompanied by an issue introduction, which sets the stage for the debate, provides some background information on each author, and generally puts the issue into its political context. Each issue concludes with a postscript that summarizes the debate, gives the reader paths for further investigation, and suggests additional readings that might be helpful.
Умумий физика курсидан лаборатория машғулотлари учун методик қўлланма (Электр ва магнетизм)
Умумий физика курси "Электр ва магнетизм" бўлимидан лаборатория машғулотлари учун ушбу методик қўлланмани қайта ёзишда олдинги нашрда йўл қўйилган айрим хато ва камчиликлар ҳисобга олинди.Қўлланмага киритилган лаборатория ишлари сони биттага, машқлар сони 6 тага кўпайтирилди.
Мазкур китобда олий ўқув юртларига кираётган абитуриентлар физикадан ёзма ёки оғзаки имтиҳонларга тайёрланишлари учун зарур ва етарли материаллар келтирилган.