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Menejment, tashkilot va boshqaruv
The Challenges of Catastrophe Risk Management: Empirical Analyses in the CAT Bond Market
Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich den Herausforderungen, die bei der Absicherung gegen beziehungsweise dem Risikomanagement von Naturkatastrophen mittels Katastro- phenanleihen entstehen
Соя навларининг ҳосилдорлигига экиш муддатининг таъсири
Тажрибанинг мақсади ва вазифалари. Ғалладан бўшаган ерларга такрорий экилган соя навларининг амал даврида ривожланишини, хосил шаклланишини тадқикот килиб, юкори дон хосилини таъминлайдиган мақбул экиш муддатини аниқлаш.
Тут кўчатларининг фузариоз касалликларига қарши кураш чораларининг тахлили
Тадқиқотларнинг асосий мақсади Сирдарё вилояти шароитида этиштириладиган тут навларининг фузариоз касаллигига чидамли навларни аниқлаш ва уларга қарши кураш чораларини ишлаб чиқаришдир.
What Is Mental Illness?
The NCSR surveyors interviewed adults, not children. But they did ask subjects when their problems began. They found that half of those who had suffered from mental illness developed their disorder before the age of fourteen, and three-quarters of them had fallen ill by the age of twenty-four.3 Mental disorders, then, strike much earlier in people’s lives than many would have guessed.
Visual Alterity Seeing Difference in Cinema
Major research for this book was conducted while I was a Fulbright Scholar. I benefited greatly from the generosity of that grant and the time it afforded. As always, the Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies, and especially Karin Goihl, have helped make Berlin a place where I am at home to think freely
Este monográfico nº 16 de la Colección “Psicología y ley” de la Serie de Publicaciones de la Sociedad Española de Psicología Jurídica y Forense, refrenda la pujanza y valor de las aportaciones de la Psicología Jurídica y Forense a las necesidades y demandas que nos retan.
The Publisher has taken reasonable care in the preparation of this book, but makes no expressed or implied warranty of any kind and assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of information contained in this book.
This chapter reviews the dimensional conceptualization of persecutory delusion in the attempt to elucidate the transition from suspicious thinking to clinically relevant paranoia. For a better understanding of psychosis, a study of non-clinical population would prove useful: to this aim this chapter reviews some research works and proposed ideas.
Melancholy, Love, and Time
In this book, as I have stated, I argue that there took place in the first and second centuries of our era (and to a lesser extent during the Hellenistic period) a shift in the presentation of the self in a number of key works of antiquity. This claim raises the issue of the recurrent problem, for historians of psychology and psychiatry, of whether an emotional state or sentiment is more prominently mentioned and discussed and defined in a particular era and whether this emotional state or sentiment is in fact more prevalent in that era.
Extreme Heritage Management The Practices and Policies of Densely Populated Islands
Bodily, geographic, and architectural sites are embedded with cultural knowledge and social value. Th e Anthropology of Space and Place series provides ethnographically rich analyses of the cultural organization and meanings of these sites of space, architecture, landscape, and places of the body.
Neighborhood Tokyo
This book provides an in-depth look at the social and cultural dynamics of life in a Tokyo neighborhood. Through detailed ethnographic research, Theodore C. Bestor explores the intricate relationships and traditions that define this vibrant urban environment. His work sheds light on the complexities of Japanese urban life and the resilience of community ties.
Danger to Self on the Front Line With an er Psychiatrist
I especially thank the gracious writers, readers, and editors who vetted various drafts of the manuscript and spent precious hours helping me to conceptualize, contextualize, and process not only a whole lot of technical information but also emotionally laden material, of which there was no shortage.
Miti and the Japanese miracle: the growth of industrial policy, 1925–1975
This book examines the role of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) in Japan's post-war economic growth. Chalmers Johnson analyzes how MITI guided market forces, shaped industrial policy, and contributed to the Japanese economic miracle. The author provides an in-depth study of the collaboration between the government and private businesses, highlighting the significance of this relationship in Japan's rapid industrial development. He explores the historical evolution of MITI and its impact on Japan's economy from 1925 to 1975, offering insights into the political and economic factors that influenced its strategies.
Family Life in Adolescence
In this book, we focus on a number of family types, although we also acknowledge that we have omitted a discussion of the large body of research on adoptive and foster families. We believe that these are huge and complex areas that need a specific focus rather than just being part of a more general treatment of families with adolescents. Of course, the issues discussed in this book are also relevant for these types of families.
Reputation Management and Family Business
The book presents the review, systematization and synthesis of views on the notion of reputation and its role in building company value, the determinants of reputation; the identification of the characteristics and distinguishing factors of family businesses, areas of reputation building and resources involved in family business reputation building processes; and the description of determinants, components and processes in the field of corporate reputation management, and the identification of key links between them.
Applying Knowledge Management to Build-to-Order Processes in Manufacturing and Service Companies
Supply chain management in a global world is challenged by new technologies. Therefore, the high speed with which changes take place at the Distributed Order Management (DOM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) forces many companies to assume sales strategies for contract manufacturing and mass customization.