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Atrof muhitni muhofaza qilish. Ekologiya
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Menejment, tashkilot va boshqaruv
Atrof muhitni muhofaza qilish. Ekologiya
Menejment, tashkilot va boshqaruv
The Political Economy of Distributism : Property, Liberty, and the Common Good
In recent years, prominent scholars, public intellectuals, and politicians have advocated reforming America's economic model to embrace “common-good capitalism.” Catholic social teaching is a major influence on this movement. Is common-good capitalism compatible with the historical American commitments to private property rights and ordered liberty? What resources from Catholic social teaching can help orient free enterprise towards the common good? This book is the first scholarly inquiry into these exciting new questions. We can better understand common-good capitalism by exploring the political economy of distributism. Formulated in the early 20th century by prominent Catholic intellectuals such as Hilaire Belloc and G.K. Chesterton, distributism emphasizes the importance of widely dispersed property ownership for human flourishing. Distributist thinkers, opposed both to capitalism and socialism, sought a humane approach to politics and economics that reflected the truths of Catholic social teaching. Some of the distributists'claims about markets and government must be revised in light of contemporary social science. Nevertheless, their political-economic vision contains profound truths about the human condition, which social scientists would be unwise to ignore. Distributism's insights about the nature of liberty and the social foundations of human dignity can improve ongoing conversations among economists, political scientists, and philosophers. The Political Economy of Distributism explores distributism both as a research program and a blueprint for political-economic reform. As many are reconsidering the relationship between markets and government, this timely book demonstrates the perennial relevance of the Catholic intellectual tradition to public affairs. Academics, public servants, policy experts, and concerned citizens can all benefit from this timely study of common-good capitalism's prospects
Макроэкономическая сбалансированность и комплексное социально-экономическое развитие
В настоящий сборник включены научные статьи молодых исследователей, ученых-экономистов, стажеров-исследователей и магистрантов, представленные на II Форуме молодых ученых-экономистов. Статья посвящены проблемам макроэкономического моделирования, структурных преобразований и модернизации отраслей экономики, комплексного социально-экономического развития территорий.
Trusts Law Text and Materials Fourth edition
With its unique contextual emphasis and authoritative commentary, Trusts Law: Text and Materials is a book that no serious undergraduate on trust courses can afford to be without. The book is divided into four main parts: trusts and the preservation of family wealth; trusts and family breakdown; trusts and commerce; and trusts and nonprofit activity. Within each of these parts, leading cases, statutes, and historical and research materials are placed alongside the narrative of the author’s text to give emphasis both to general theories of trust concepts and to the practical operation of trusts. Attention is also given to important themes such as the developing relationship between trusts law and other areas of private law, particularly the law of restitution, and the trend towards greater integration between Equity and the common law.
The Psychology of Information Security Resolving conflicts between security compliance and human behaviour
In his book How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie tells a story about George B. Johnston of Enid, Oklahoma. Mr Johnston was responsible for safety at an engineering company. Among other duties he had to ensure that employees were wearing their hard hats while on the job.
Law, Ecology, and the Management of Complex Systems
This book addresses the role of law in the adaptive management of socio-ecological systems. Recent years have witnessed a rise in discussion over the relation between adaptivity and law, as if after decades of insouciance, legal scholars have finally started to understand the impacts of the scientific paradigm called ‘adaptive management’ on the legal sphere.
Милк-агро мчж хўжалигида немис голштин турли коституция типидаги сигирларни ривожланиши ва экстетрер хусусиятлари..
Битирув малакавий ишида молларни енгил типли биноларда сақлаш ва бир хил типли озиқлантириш технологик шароитлари ва бошқа маълумотлар берилган.
Contours of Feminist Political Ecology.
The Gender, Development and Social Change series brings together path- breaking writing from gender scholars and activist researchers who are engaged in development as a process of transformation and change. The series pinpoints where gender and development analysis and practice are creating major ‘change moments’. Multidisciplinary in scope, it features some of the most important and innovative gender perspectives on devel-opment knowledge, policy and social change. The distinctive feature of the series is its dual nature: to publish both scholarly research on key issues informing the gender and development agenda as well as featuring young scholars and activists’ accounts of how gender analysis and prac-tice is shaping political and social development processes. The authors aim to capture innovative thinking on a range of hot spot gender and development debates from women’s lives on the margins to high level global politics. Each book pivots around a key ‘social change’ moment or process conceptually envisaged from an intersectional, gender and rights based approach to development.
Тошкент вилояти шароитида ерёнғоқнинг “Саломат” навини экиш муддатини ҳосилдорликка таъсири
Мақсад ва вазифалари. Битирув малакавий ишини бажаришдан асосий мақсад - Тошкент вилоятининг тупроқ-иқлим шароитида такрорий экин сифатида маҳаллий ерёнғоқ навларидан юқори ҳосил етиштиришда мақбул экиш муддатини аниқлашдан иборат.
Дўст бўлиш ёхуд олти қоида
Дўст орттириш йўлларини билиш учун нимага айнан ушбу китобни ўқимоқ лозим? Балки дунёдаги энг машҳур дўст орттиришга устакор бўлганнинг тутган йўллари
Ziziphora туркумига мансуб доривор ўсимликлар биоэкологияси
Битирув малакавий ишида Ziziphora туркумига мансуб вакилларнинг ботаник тавсифи, кимёвий таркиби ва дориворлик хусусиятлари ва бошқа маълумотлар берилган.
The Psychology of Family Law
The NYU Press Psychology of Law book series addresses an intriguing state of affairs in legal scholarship. Although law and legal process are inherently psychological in nature, traditionally, relatively few law professors, judges, or legal practitioners have drawn on empirical psychological research to inform their perspectives and decisions
Risk Management Maturity A Multidimensional Model
The book surveys existing risk management maturity models and proposes a new model appropriate for assessing the risk management processes in enterprises during times of crisis. Its key advantages include the correlation of its attributes with crisis situations and an innovative methodological approach to model development.
Тут ипак қуртининг янги тизимларида айрим репродуктив белгилар ўртасидаги ўзаро боғлиқлик
Тадқиқот мақсади - тут ипак қуртининг янги истиқболли Линия 27 ва Линия 28 тизимларининг пуштдорлик белгилари ўртасидаги фенотипик корреляция коэффициентларини аниқлаш тадқиқотларимизнинг мақсади ҳисобланади.
Do`stimga maktub
Bularni yozayotgan inson do‘stlik haqida gapirishga yetarli tajribaga ega emas. U do‘stlari tomonidan qilingan xiyonatga uchrab yillarcha siqilgan, keyin sodiq do‘st topib birodarlik lazzatini qaytadan totgan inson ham emas. Shu sabab hozirda o‘qiydiganlaringiz iboralar sizga, hatto vaqt o‘tishi bilan uning o‘ziga ham erish tuyilishi mumkin. To‘g‘risi, uning hayotini tubdan o‘zgartirib yuborgan do‘sti yo‘q. Ammo «ne’mat» deyishga loyiq birodarlari bor.
The effect of anthropogenic activities relating to industrial and economic development has had a significant impact on the land resources. Concerns about land-use/cover changes, land resources service quality, land fertility; land degradation etc. emerged in the research agenda at global scale during last two to three decades with the realization that land quality influences all sectors of economic and social developments.