Menejment, tashkilot va boshqaruv
Atrof muhitni muhofaza qilish. Ekologiya
Qurilish. Arxitektura
Qurilish. Arxitektura
Qurilish. Arxitektura
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Atrof muhitni muhofaza qilish. Ekologiya
Atrof muhitni muhofaza qilish. Ekologiya
This book presents current research in the study of sport psychology including such topics as the social and environmental influences on athletic motivation; superstitious beliefs on athlete's cognitive and affective responses; sociopsychological risk among at-risk student athletes; and mental toughness in sports.
Human Resource Management in 15 Lessons
This goes without saying that human resource is the most important asset of any Organisation and unlike other resources the human resources could be developed and increased to a limitless extent. Human resources mean the energies, skills, knowledge and physical strength of the people at work. Human resources comprise the value of the productive capacity of entire work force of any Organisation.
Decolonial Ecologies The Reinvention of Natural History in Latin American Art
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Remote Sensing Applications in Archaeology, Geography, and the Earth Sciences
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Planetary remote sensing and mapping
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Topographic laser ranging and scanning
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Introducing Geographic Information Systems with ArcGIS
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Geodemographics, GIS and Neighbourhood Targeting
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Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps, Compressors and Systems
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Albit stimulyatorining paxta hosili va tola sifatiga ta'siri
Tadqiqotning maqsadi va vazifalari. Namangan viloyati qir adirli toshloq tuproqlari sharoitida ALBIT stimulyatorini qo'llab, ertagi va sog‘lom ko‘chat undirib olish, g‘o'zaning o‘sishi, rivojlanishi, barg yuzasi, quruq vazni va hosildorligiga ta'sirini aniqlash, yuqori va sifatli paxta hosili yetishtirish bo‘yicha tavsiyalar ishlab chiqish.
On Span and Space
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Нуқсонли пиллаларни турлари ва уларни морфологик белгиларини пилла навдорлигига таъсири
Ипак қурти уруғини ишлаб чиқариш, пиллани қайта ишлаш ҳамда ипак газламалар ва тайёр маҳсулотлар ишлаб чиқариш бўйича ташкилотлар ташкил этилиши таъкидланган.
Ecology of Angola Terrestrial Biomes and Ecoregions.
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