Elektronika. Radiotexnika
Цифровая схемотехника и архитектура компьютера
Эта книга уникальна тем, что описывает процесс проектирования цифровых систем с точки зрения компьютерной архитектуры, начиная от единиц и нулей и заканчивая разработкой микропроцессора. Мы считаем, что построение микропроцессора – это особый обряд посвящения для студентов инженерных и компьютерных специальностей. Внутренняя работа процессора кажется почти волшебной для непосвященных, но после подробного объяснения оказывается простой для понимания. Проектирование цифровых си- стем – само по себе мощный и захватывающий предмет. Программирование на языке ассемблера позволяет увидеть внутренний язык, на котором говорит про- цессор. Микроархитектура является тем самым звеном, которое связывает эти части воедино.
Электрорадиоизмерения. Средства контроля
Приводятся тестовые и контрольные задания по основным темам учебной дисциплины, ориентированные на закрепление, обобщение и систематизацию знаний, организацию тематического и итогового контроля знаний учащихся. В ответах на задания анализируется порядок расчетов и вычислений. Рекомендуется учащимся учреждений профессионально-технического и среднего специального образования по специальностям направлений образования «Радиоэлектронная техника», «Вычислительная техника», «Компоненты оборудования».
Functional Design Principles, Patterns, and Practices
This is a book for programmers in the trenches who want to learn how to use functional programming languages to get real things done. As such, I will not spend any appreciable time on the more theoretical aspects of functional programming such as Monads, Monoids, Functors, Categories, and so on. Not that these ideas aren’t valid, valuable, or relevant; rather, they do not often impact the day-to-day world of the programmer. This is because they have already been “baked into the cake” of the common languages, libraries, and frameworks. If you are interested in functional theory, I recommend the writings of Mark Seemann.
Go Fundamentals
Over the years, we have been fortunate to have trained thousands of developers in Go. It has been an incredible experience for us. We are developers who care about developers, so to be able to help developers grow is a great honor for us. This book is a culmination of that experience. With nearly a half-century of experience between us, we both love Go. Go is fast, efficient, and fairly straightforward. We both believe that Go is a great first language to learn
Automate Testing for Power Apps
Creating digital things to solve challenges is rewarding, but often, we lack the skills and find that the learning curve feels steep. Low-code platforms are changing this by making software development more accessible.These tools are evolving to close the gap between a person’s ideas and the code that brings them to life. However, there are essential techniques to understand, such as the life cycle of an app and the required testing to validate the expectations of your users. This book aims to equip you with these skills, especially in the context of Microsoft Power Apps, preparing you for the development of your next impactful app.
Beginning C++ Game Programming
Always dreamed of creating your own games? With the third edition of Beginning C++ Game Programming, you can turn that dream into reality! This beginner-friendly guide is updated and improved to include the latest features of VS 2022, SFML, and modern C++20 programming techniques. You will get a fun introduction to game programming by building four fully playable games of increasing complexity. You’ll build clones of popular games such as Timberman, Pong, a Zombie survival shooter, and an endless runner.
Build Your Own Programming Language
This second edition was begun primarily at the suggestion of a first edition reader, who called me one day and explained that they were using the book for a programming language project. The project was not generating code for a bytecode interpreter or a native instruction set as covered in the first edition. Instead, they were creating a transpiler from a classic legacy programming language to a modern mainstream language. There are many such projects, because there is a lot of old code out there that is still heavily used. The Unicon translator itself started as a preprocessor and then was extended until it became in some sense, a transpiler. So, when Packt asked for a second edition, it was natural to propose a new chapter on that topic; this edition has a new Chapter 11 and all chapters (starting from what was Chapter 11 in the previous edition) have seen their number incremented by one. A second major facet of this second edition was requested by Packt and not my idea at all. They requested that the IDE syntax coloring chapter be extended to deal with the topic of adding syntax coloring to mainstream IDEs that I did not write and do not use, instead of its previous content on syntax coloring in the Unicon IDEs.
Building an API Product
Building an API Product is a comprehensive guide that ranges from the fundamentals of APIs and their inner workings to mastering the steps involved in building successful API products. With this book, you will be able to confidently and effectively create cutting-edge API products that excel in today’s competitive market.
Building Microservices with Node.js
Microservices are a popular architectural style for building scalable, resilient, and adaptable applications. They allow developers to decompose a complex system into smaller, independent, and loosely coupled services that communicate through well-defined interfaces. Microservices enable faster delivery, easier testing, and greater flexibility in choosing the right technologies for each service.Node.js is a powerful and versatile platform for building microservices. It offers a fast and lightweight runtime environment, a rich set of libraries and frameworks, and a vibrant and supportive community. Node.js enables developers to write microservices in JavaScript, a ubiquitous and expressive language that runs on any platform. Node.js also supports asynchronous and event-driven programming, which is essential for handling concurrent requests and building reactive systems.
Building Real-World Web Applications with Vue.js 3
Welcome to the Vue.js community, which is one of the most friendly frontend communities. Vue.js is a frontend framework that allows you to build performant interactive web applications with ease. Vue.js has a shallow learning curve – getting started is easy! This book guides you on your first steps to creating Vue.js applications with increasing complexity and size.Apart from showing you the technology and teaching you the best practices with Vue.js, the chapters of this book are set up to teach you about general development practices as well. The book lets you experience different approaches when dealing with new technology, implementing third-party solutions, or orchestrating more complex application structures.
Building Statistical Models in Python
Statistics is a discipline of study used for applying analytical methods to answer questions and solve problems using data, in both academic and industry settings. Many methods have been around for centuries, while others are much more recent. Statistical analysis and results are fairly straightforward for presenting to both technical and non-technical audiences. Furthermore, producing results with statistical analysis does not necessarily require large amounts of data or compute resources and can be done fairly quickly, especially when using programming languages such as Python, which is moderately easy to work with and implement.
Beginning Spring Data
In the past, developers saved information in a relational database using conventional methods like JDBC. It worked for a time—when systems were small or not overly complex to maintain. Gradually, new technologies like Ibatis and Hibernate emerged to reduce the complexity of queries and facilitated access to different relational databases, allowing developers to focus on creating great applications instead of spending a lot of time figuring out how to connect to a database or reduce the number of connections.
Blazor WebAssembly By Example
Blazor WebAssembly is a framework that enables you to build single-page web applications that use C# on the client instead of JavaScript. It is built on the popular and robust ASP.NET framework. Blazor WebAssembly does not rely on plugins or add-ons for you to use C# in the browser. It only requires that the browser support WebAssembly, which all modern browsers do.
Bootstrapping Microservices
I first tried building applications with microservices around 2013. That was the year Docker was initially released, but back then, I hadn’t heard about it. At that time, we built an application with each microservice running on a separate virtual machine. As you might expect, that was an expensive way to run microservices.
Сам себе тестировщик. Пошаговое руководство по тестированию ПО
Чтобы стать успешным тестировщиком ПО, необходимы глубокие знания основ и опыт тестирования, который можно получить, поработав над реальным проектом. Эта книга научит вас и тому и другому. Сначала вы познакомитесь с основами тестирования ПО, а затем перейдете к пошаговой работе над реальным проектом. Это необходимо, чтобы понимать, как ведется разработка реального ПО и как тестирование вписывается в общую картину жизненного цикла проекта. Вы познакомитесь со всеми этапами тестирования, чтобы разобраться, как планируются, выполняются и контролируются задачи тестирования на практике. Эта книга не только поможет новичку стать тестировщиком, но и послужит хорошим подспорьем в повседневной работе.
Руководство для начинающих по HTML и CSS: пошаговое руководство с примерами и упражнениями
Данная работа защищена авторским правом. Все права сохраняются за Издателем, независимо от того, касается ли материала целиком или его части, в частности, права на перевод, перепечатку, повторное использование иллюстраций, декламацию, трансляцию, воспроизведение на микрофильмах или любым другим физическим способом, а также передачу или хранение информации. и поиск, электронная адаптация, компьютерное программное обеспечение или с помощью аналогичной или отличающейся методологии, известной в настоящее время или разработанной в будущем. В этой книге могут присутствовать торговые марки, логотипы и изображения. Вместо того, чтобы использовать символ товарного знака при каждом появлении имени, логотипа или изображения, являющегося товарным знаком, мы используем названия, логотипы и изображения только в редакционных целях и в интересах владельца товарного знака, без намерения нарушения прав на товарный знак.