Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Ғўза селекциясида сув танқислигига бардошлилик тахлили
Битирув малакавий ишида Ўзбекистонда ғўза селекциясининг асосий йўналишлари ва натижалари ва бошқа маълумотлар берилган.
Experiencing art and architecture
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Малое предпринимательство
Цель настоящей брошюры —дать тем, кто организовал свое собственное дело определенные знания о том, как работает малый бизнес как создать жизнеспособное и успешно действующее предприятие, где можно получить средства для этого, как на деле творчески профинансировать свою компанию, как завоевать рынок.
Сув тансиқлиги шароитида ғўзани сув тежовчи суғориш технологияларидан фойдаланиш истиқболлари
Ушбу битирув малакавий ишида "Сув тансиқлиги шароитида ғўзани сув тежовчи суғориш технологияларидан фойдаланиш истиқболлари" мавзусида иш олиб борилган.
Learning Data Mining with Python
The second revision builds upon the first. Many of chapters and exercises are similar, although new concepts are introduced and exercises are expanded in scope. Those that had read the first revision should be able to move quickly through the book and pick up new knowledge along the way and engage with the extra activities proposed.
Positive Psychology Arts Activities
This book presents action-oriented and reflective arts activities that creatively and playfully bring positive psychology concepts such as character strengths, flow, goals, meaning, and spirituality to life. The positive psychology arts activities described in this book can be administered by mental health professionals for their clients who are physically, psychologically, and socially prepared to creatively and metaphorically identify their character strengths, awaken positive emotions within themselves, nurture meaningful relationships, undergo forward movement along their life journey, and shine light on some of the positives in their lives.
Paxtachilik tarmog‘i raqobatdoshligini oshirishda mahsulot tannarxini pasaytirish yo‘llari
Bitiruv malakaviy ishida fermer xo‘jaligida tannarxi darajasi dinamikasi va tannnarxni o‘zgarishiga ta’sir etuvchi omillar tahlili va boshqa ma'lumotlar berilgan
Основы экономики и предпринимательства
Автор этой книги по образованию инженер-кораблестроитель, многие годы проработал на заводах, в конструкторских и научных организациях. Защитив кандидатскую диссертацию по экономике, он перешел на руко-водящую экономическую работу в государственные и коммерческие предприятия. Большой практический опыт работы в технике и экономике позволил ему написать эту книгу в краткой, наглядной и доступной фор-ме. В ней автор изложил основные понятия и закономерности комплек-сной науки - экономики и применение их в сфере предпринимательства.
This dissertation is the result of 4 years at Utrecht University as a Ph.D-student at the Department of Information and Computing Sci- ences. The work presented in this thesis is mainly based on the research published in various papers during that time.
Тошкент воҳаси шароитида виргин арчаси кўчатини етиштириш технологияси
Битирув малакавий ишида Виргин арчаси кӯчатларини етиштириш учун жой танлаш, уруғкӯчат етиштириш технологияси ва бошқа маълумотлар берилган.
Java for Data Science Examine the techniques and Java tools supporting the growing field of data science
This book takes an expansive yet cursory approach to various aspects of data science. A brief introduction to the field is presented in the first chapter. Subsequent chapters cover significant aspects of data science, such as data cleaning and the application of neural networks. The last chapter combines topics discussed throughout the book to create a comprehensive data science application.
Positive Psychology 101
This book is not just about gratitude, of course, but about all the exciting aspects that have been investigated in the science of positive psychology. So much has happened in this field over the last 15 years that a book of this length cannot hope to cover it exhaustively, but I believe that I have captured the significant themes of this movement. This text is primarily aimed at college students interested in psychology; however, I believe it will also be helpful for graduate students and doctoral-level psychologists who would like an introduction into positive psychology
Тоғли лалмикор ерларда ўтмишдош нўхат навларининг буғдой ҳосилдорлиги ва тупроқ унумдорлигига таъсирини ўрганиш
Битирув малакавий ишида тоғли лалмикор ерларда нўхат навларини етиштириш, уларнинг биометрик кўрсаткичлари ва дон ҳосилдорлиги ва бошқа маълумотлар берилган.
Кўчат усулида экиш меъёрларини шоли ҳосилдорлигига таъсирини ўрганиш
Ишнинг мақсади ва вазифалари. Тошкент вилояти шароитида шолини кўчат усулида такрорий экин сифатида етиштиришда экиш меъёрлари ва қалинлигини аниқлаб беришдан иборат.
Natural Language Processing with Java Second Edition
You'll start by understanding how NLP and its various concepts work. Having got to grips with the basics, you'll explore important tools and libraries in Java for NLP, such as CoreNLP, OpenNLP, Neuroph, Mallet, and more. You'll then start performing NLP on different inputs and tasks, such as tokenization, model training, parts of speech, parsing trees, and more. You'll learn about statistical machine translation, summarization, dialog systems, complex searches, supervised and unsupervised NLP, and other things.
This book presents new research results in the field of psychology. Topics discussed include cultural variation in nightmare; health-related internet discussion groups as a source of social support; impact of gender on perception of workplace safety; direct and indirect impact of extraversion and perceived energy on stress and health; the effect of gender on job satisfaction and organisational commitment; the impact of emtoional intelligence on nursing and the role of dispositional optimism in health-related quality of life among health care professionals with musculoskeletal pain.