Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Veterinariya va chorvachilik
Тўплам Ў.И. Исломовнинг ҳаёт йўли ва илмий фаолиятига бағишланган бош мақола билан очилиб, сўнгра, соҳа мутахассисларининг Ўзбекистоннинг тош даврига оид Кўлбулоқ, Додикатим, Зирабулоқ, Тепақул-3, Калтаминор ёдгорликларидан топилган моддий маданият ашёлари ва уларнинг илмий таҳлилига бағишланган мақолалари билан давом этган.
Bank hisobi, tahlil va audit. 1-qism
Darslikda asosan bank hisobi, tahlil va audit yo'nalishiga oid mavzular berilgan bo'lib, ularning umumiy xususiyatlari bank amaliyotiga doir ma'lumot, materiallar asosida yoritilgan.
Тўплам Ўзбекистон Республикаси Фанлар академияси академиги А.А. Аскаровнинг80 йиллик юбилейи-га бағишланган бўлиб, тадқиқотлар палеолит давридан ўрта асрларгача бўлган кенг хронологик даврни қамраб олади. Унда тош даври объектларига оид тош қуроллар тўпламларининг классификациясидан тортиб, то турлича манзилгоҳлар ва устахоналар флораларигача бўлган жуда кўплаб масалалар қараб чиқилган. Металлургия манбаларининг кимёвий хусусиятлари, қадимий мудофаа тизимлари, тарихий топография, бронза даврининг антропологик материаллари, антик шаҳарлар ва қишлоқлар қолдиқлари ҳам тадқиқ этилган.
Gidrotexnika inshootlari.
Mаzkur dаrslik suv dimlоvchi vа suv о‘tkаzuvchi inshооtlаr, gidrоtexnikа inshооtlаrining zаtvоrlаri, mexаnik jihоzlаri, tо‘g‘оnlаr, suv оmbоrlаri vа gidrоuzellаrdа inshооtlаrning jоylаshuvi hаqidа bаtаfsil mа’lumоtlаr berаdi.
Yoqilg'i yonish va yoqish qurilmalari. 1-qism.
Darslik issiqlik elektr stansiyalarida yoqiladidan yoqilg‘ini tayyorlash jarayonlarini chuqur о‘rganish umumiy tushunchalar, ularda kechadigan issiqlik jarayonlari, yoqilg‘i tarkibi va stansiya о‘txonalari qozon qurilmalari sxemalari yoqilg‘ini yonishdagi fizik –kimyoviy bog‘lanish reaksiyalari ulardan ajraladigan issiqlik jarayonlari asosiy xususiyatlari bayon qilingan.
Turizm iqtisodi
Darslik turizm iqtisodiyotini ]o'rganish tahlil qilish va uning shakillanishida asosiy jarayonlarni hamda rivojlanish bosqichlarini aniqshga bag'ishlangan
Мировая экономика
Мировая экономика - сложная, динамичная, постоянно меняющаяся системы. Учебник построен на основе логического и исторического изложения основных вопросов развития и состояния мирового хозяйства. Новое издание существенно и актуализировано.
Mathematical Foundations of Information Theory
The first comprehensive introduction to information theory, this book places the work begun by Shannon and continued by McMillan, Feinstein, and Khinchin on a rigorous mathematical basis. For the first time, mathematicians, statisticians, physicists, cyberneticists, and communications engineers are offered a lucid, comprehensive introduction to this rapidly growing field. In his first paper, Dr. Khinchin develops the concept of entropy in probability theory as a measure of uncertainty of a finite “scheme,” and discusses a simple application to coding theory. The second paper investigates the restrictions previously placed on the study of sources, channels, and codes and attempts “to give a complete, detailed proof of both … Shannon theorems, assuming any ergodic source and any stationary channel with a finite memory.” Partial Contents: I. The Entropy Concept in Probability Theory — Entropy of Finite Schemes. The Uniqueness Theorem. Entropy of Markov chains. Application to Coding Theory. II. On the Fundamental Theorems of Information Theory — Two generalizations of Shannon’s inequality. Three inequalities of Feinstein. Concept of a source. Stationarity. Entropy. Ergodic sources. The E property. The martingale concept. Noise. Anticipation and memory. Connection of the channel to the source. Feinstein’s Fundamental Lemma. Coding.
Signal Processing & Linear Systems
This text presents a comprehensive treatment of signal processing and linear systems suitable for juniors and seniors in electrical engineering. It is based on Lathi's widely used book, Linear Systems and Signals, with additional applications to communications, controls, and filtering as well as new chapters on analog and digital filters and digital signal processing. This volume's organization is different from the earlier book. Here, the Laplace transform follows Fourier, rather than the reverse; continuous-time and discrete-time systems are treated sequentially, rather than interwoven. Additionally, the text contains enough material in discrete-time systems to be used not only for a traditional course in signals and systems but also for an introductory course in digital signal processing. In Signal Processing and Linear Systems, as in all his books, Lathi emphasizes the physical appreciation of concepts rather than the mere mathematical manipulation of symbols. Avoiding the tendency to treat engineering as a branch of applied mathematics, he uses mathematics not so much to prove anaxiomatic theory as to enhance physical and intuitive understanding of concepts. Wherever possible, theoretical results are supported by carefully chosen examples and analogies, allowing students to intuitively discover meaning for themselves.
The Early History of Radio. From Faraday to Marconi
Radio was as much the culmination of the work of a series of scientists in the 19th Century, starting with Faraday, as it was an invention by Marconi. This book aims to illustrate the contributions made by these scientists and show how each was dependent upon the work and ideas of his predecessors; Faraday, Henry, Maxwell, Hughes, Fitzgerald, Hertz, Lodge and Marconi. The book represents the result of a long period of study by a man who knew the story well and researched it thoroughly; although Gerald Garratt died in 1989 the manuscript has been completed by his daughter. Gerald Garratt had a special interest in what might be termed the 'pre-history' of radio. His book therefore outlines the sequence of development from Faraday's first prediction and concept of the electromagnetic field, the mathematical definition of the conditions for propagation of waves by Maxwell, the demonstration of their physical existence by Hertz, identification of the need for resonance between transmitter and receiver by Lodge and finally Marconi's successful practical application and 'invention'.Also available:Vintage Telephones of the World - ISBN 9780863411403Wireless: the crucial decade 1924-34 - ISBN 9780863411885The Institution of Engineering and Technology is one of the world's leading professional societies for the engineering and technology community. The IET publishes more than 100 new titles every year; a rich mix of books, journals and magazines with a back catalogue of more than 350 books in 18 different subject areas including: -Power & Energy -Renewable Energy -Radar, Sonar & Navigation -Electromagnetics -Electrical Measurement -History of Technology -Technology Management.
6G Enabling Technologies. New Dimensions to Wireless Communication
The sixth generation of wireless communication (6G), succeeding 5G cellular technology, opens up several possibilities in terms of technology and its offered services. 6G is expected to allow usage of available higher frequency spectrums to cater to increased capacity, throughput, and low latency ( To make this book a fundamental resource, we have invited world-renowned experts in 6G from the industry and academia to pen down their ideas on different aspects of 6G research. The chapters in this book cover a broader scope and various related and unrelated verticals. Specifically, this book covers the following topics: 6G use cases, requirements, and enabling technologies new spectrums and their challenges for 6G privacy preservation in 6G networks aerial infrastructure for 6G networks economic challenges associated with 6G wireless networks. The encompassing intent of this book is to explore the evolution from current 5G networks towards the future 6G networks from a service, air interface, and network perspective, thereby laying out a vision for 6G networks.
Antenna Design for Cognitive Radio
This book introduces the topic of cognitive radio from an antenna design perspective. The book is the first of its kind on the design of antennas and RF front ends for cognitive radio. It targets antenna, RF design engineers and researchers, university professors, academics, and graduate and undergraduate students in the area of applied electromagnetism and communication systems. This book first introduces the concept of cognitive radio as a protocol that is designed to benefit from underutilized regions of the spectrum. The purpose of this new protocol, built on software-defined radio, is to achieve a dynamic spectrum access, thus allowing a more balanced and efficient communication. The cognitive radio protocol is based on sharing the spectrum with primary users whether by monitoring the channel for an idle opportunity or by broadcasting throughout a wide bandwidth at a low-power level. Therefore, antenna researchers aim at designing intelligent antenna systems that are aware of their surroundings, are reconfigurable, and are able to react and adjust to sudden changes.
Shaxs psixologiyasi
Ushbu darslik hozirgi kunda psixologiyaning alohida sohasi sifatida shaxs psixologiyasini to'liq tushunishga yordam berar ekan.
Инвестиционное право
Для студентов высших учебных заведений юридического профиля, обучающихся по программам академического бакалавриата и магистратуры, аспирантов, преподавателей, а также всех интересующихся вопросами инвестиционного права.
Antennas and Wave Propagation
Antennas are a key component of all types of wireless communication—be it the television sets in our homes, the FM radios in our automobiles, or the mobile phones which have become an almost integral part of most people's daily lives. All these devices require an antenna to function. In fact, it was an antenna which led Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson to their Nobel Prize winning discovery of cosmic background radiation. The study of antennas and their field patterns is an important aspect of understanding many applications of wireless transmission technology. Antennas vary widely in their shapes, sizes, and radiation characteristics. Depending on the usage requirements, an antenna can be a single piece of wire, a huge reflective disc, or a complex array of electrical and electronic components. The analysis of antennas is almost invariably concomitant with the study of the basic concepts of the propagation of electromagnetic waves through various propagation media and the discontinuities encountered in the path of propagation.
Hozirgi kunda respublikamizda chorvachilikni xususiy mulkchilik asosida jadal taraqqiy ettirish va rentabelli sohalardan biriga aylantirish orqali aholi turmush darajasini oshirish hamda ichki bozorni sifatli va xavfsiz chorvachilik oziq-ovqat mahsulotlari bilan barqaror to’ldirishning muhim omili sifatida rivojlantirishga katta e’tihor qaratilmoqda.Qishloq xo'jaligi O’zbekiston iqtisodiyotining muxim tarmoqlaridan biri hisoblanadi. Bu tarmoq mamlakatimiz aholisining oziq-ovqat mahsulotlariga, qayta ishlash sanoati tarmoqlarining esa xom ashyoga bo’lgan talabini qondirish bilan birga, eksport salohiyatini istiqbolli manbalaridan biri sanaladi.