C++ Data Structures and Algorithms
In this book, we will begin by giving you a basic introduction to data structures and algorithms in C++. We will then move on to learn how to store data in linked lists, arrays, stacks, and so on. We will look at some interesting sorting algorithms such as insertion sort, heap sort, merge sort, which are algorithms every developer should be familiar with. We will also dive into searching algorithms, such as linear search, binary search, interpolation and much more.
Cassandra: The Definitive Guide (Revised Third Ed.)
This book is a technical guide. In many ways, Cassandra and other NoSQL databases represent a new way of thinking about data. Many developers who gained their professional chops in the last 15–20 years have become well versed in thinking about data in purely relational or object-oriented terms. Cassandra’s data model is different and can be difficult to wrap your mind around at first, especially for those of us with entrenched ideas about what a database is (and should be).
ChatGPT for Dummies
This book is written for anyone seeking to understand and use ChatGPT in their work and daily life as well as to prepare for inevitable changes that ChatGPT will introduce.
CockroachDB: The Definitive Guide
This book aims to help you, the reader, understand the architecture and capabilities of CockroachDB as well as suitable use cases for CockroachDB. By the end of this book, you will be able to get started with CockroachDB, build effective applications on it, and, ultimately, run a cluster in production.
Learning Spark
This book most developers who grapple with big data are data engineers, data scientists, or machine learning engineers. This book is aimed at those professionals who are look‐ ing to use Spark to scale their applications to handle massive amounts of data.
Consul: Up and Running
This book assumes general knowledge of application development and networking concepts such as load balancers. It contains instructions for installing Consul on Kubernetes or Linux VMs and so assumes that you will have some familiarity with one of those platforms. The exercises can be completed from Windows, MacOS, or Linux machines.
Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD)
This book is a practical guide to designing and developing pipelines. The ambition is geared toward CI/CD, but the scope is a bit broader. As explained, no team can switch to “pure” CI/CD in an instant, so to accommodate these teams, the book also discusses workflows that include traditional branching strategies, for example.
Data Visualization
This book is a hands-on introduction to the principles and practice of looking at and presenting data using R and ggplot. R is a powerful, widely used, and freely available programming language for data analysis. You may be interested in exploring ggplot after having used R before or be entirely new to both R and ggplot and just want to graph your data. I do not assume you have any prior knowledge of R.
Data Quality Fundamentals
This book is for everyone who has suffered from unreliable data, silently or with muf‐ fled screams, and wants to do something about it. We expect that these individuals will come from data engineers, data analytics, or data science backgrounds, and be actively involved in building, scaling, and managing their company’s data pipelines.
Data Structure and Algorithms Using C++
This book was designed to serve as a textbook for undergraduate engineering students across all disciplines and postgraduate level courses in computer applications. Young researchers working on efficient data storage and related applications will also find it to be a helpful reference source to guide them in the newly established techniques of this rapidly growing research field.
Dependency Injection in .NET Core 2.0
This book is an approach to the implementation of Dependency Injection techniques across the new .NET Core 2.0 version. The designers of .NET Core implemented plenty of functionalities related to good practices and have followed the principles stated by Robert C. Martin (the SOLID principles) in distinct areas of this version.
Design and Implementation of the MTX Operating System
This book is about the design and implementation of operating systems. An operating system (OS) is a set of programs and supporting files, which runs on a computer system to make the system convenient and easy to use. Without an operating system, a computer system is essentially useless. The study of operating systems involves a wide range of subject matters in computer science and computer engineering. These include computer architecture, computer programming and, most importantly, interface between computer software and hardware.
Learning the vi and Vim Editors
This book consists of 17 chapters and four appendixes, divided into four parts. Part I, “vi and Vim Fundamentals”, is designed to get you started using vi and Vim quickly, and to follow up with advanced skills that will let you use them effective.
Linux BIBLE (10th ed.)
The rest of this book provides you with hands-on activities to help you gain that expertise. Finally, I show you how to apply that expertise to cloud technologies, including automation tools, such as Ansible, and containerization orchestration technologies, such as Kubernetes and OpenShift.
Linux for Networking Professionals
This book is meant for anyone tasked with administering network infrastructure of almost any kind. If you are interested in the nuts and bolts of how things work in your network, this book is for you! You'll also find our discussion interesting if you are often left wondering how you will deliver the various services on your network that your organization needs, but might not have the budget to pay for commercial products. We'll cover how each of the Linux services we discuss works, as well as how you might configure them in a typical environment.
Graph-Powered Machine Learning
This book took more than three years to be released. It required a lot of work—definitely more than what I thought when this crazy idea hit my mind. At the same time, it has been the most exciting experience of my career up until now. (And, yes, I am planning a second book.) I enjoyed crafting this book, but it was a long journey. That’s why I’d like to thank quite a few people for helping me along the way